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(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

Agh having a very negative day today. After 7 months trying and 1 ectopic I'm losing faith. Cycle day 18 and still no sign of ovulation. Gonna give myself a stern talking to and stop feeling sorry for myself. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday sending lots of baby dust to all xxxx
Agh having a very negative day today. After 7 months trying and 1 ectopic I'm losing faith. Cycle day 18 and still no sign of ovulation. Gonna give myself a stern talking to and stop feeling sorry for myself. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday sending lots of baby dust to all xxxx

:hugs: Don't give up! I know it's been a long road, but hopefully your journey will end with a BFP soon. It's always frustrating when ovulation takes its sweet time and you expect one day and it turns up five days later. But, ov will happen. Try not to stress out about it because sometimes stress delays ovulation... I hope it comes for you soon. :hugs:
Agh having a very negative day today. After 7 months trying and 1 ectopic I'm losing faith. Cycle day 18 and still no sign of ovulation. Gonna give myself a stern talking to and stop feeling sorry for myself. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday sending lots of baby dust to all xxxx

:hugs: Don't give up! I know it's been a long road, but hopefully your journey will end with a BFP soon. It's always frustrating when ovulation takes its sweet time and you expect one day and it turns up five days later. But, ov will happen. Try not to stress out about it because sometimes stress delays ovulation... I hope it comes for you soon. :hugs:[/QUOTE

Thank you so much for your kind words. Really helps to have such wonderful ladies to give you a boost when a tough day hits. X
Hello again MrsMM :flower:

Can i please be put down for the 15th please? Thank you :)

Sharn!! I'm sad to see you here! I think March is gonna hold something really great for us!! FX for us both!

How's everyone doing this weekend? Anything new going on?

Afm, still awaiting my positive opk! I started at 8dpo bc i was eager. Lol so far they have all looked the exact same... Just waiting for that test line to start getting darker!! Still BD'ing at least every other day. Pls oh pls let this be the month!!!
Yes March is going to give us great hope! :D
Hello if all goes according to plan will be testing around march 8, feeling really good about this cycle, my s.o. does shift work but has been home every other night for the last few weeks :)
So I was talking to my friend today and venting about my struggles to have another baby. She asked if I was on birth control. I informed that I was on b/c for 2 yrs. Could this be the reason? I've been off of b/c since August and still no BFP.......Hopefully we get it right this month.
:yipee: :yipee: :yipee:



Those opks by the way lol still testing march 1st :)
haj624- Are you feeling bloated at all?? I'm like SUPER bloated.....just wondering if you were feeling the same :)

Omg yes!! My pants felt like the were going to bust today!

Me too!! I'm super crampy too and there is tons of pressure. Almost gas like, but its not gas....sorry, Tmi lol

My body has been achy too, I don't know if its related or if I may be coming down with something :(

Oooh...I'm not the only one feeling this way after ovulation? Because I am really bloated at the moment. DH asked me why I was so bloated and I don't have an answer. Lots of pressure too. And my back has been killing today. Hmm... I wonder why. I'm hoping this is a good sign for all of us. :)

ive been bloated before after o. but i think its too early to tell anything
haj624- Are you feeling bloated at all?? I'm like SUPER bloated.....just wondering if you were feeling the same :)

Omg yes!! My pants felt like the were going to bust today!

Me too!! I'm super crampy too and there is tons of pressure. Almost gas like, but its not gas....sorry, Tmi lol

My body has been achy too, I don't know if its related or if I may be coming down with something :(

ok were like twins right now lol. i keep getting cramp like feelings on and off and ive had diherrea (sp) alot sorry tmi. :dohh:

i work for a media company but on the weekends i waitress/bartend for some extra money. i was sooooo achey last night. i felt like an old woman. my feet, legs, and back were KILLING me. my feet actually still hurt. i would love to think this all means something but at 4 dpiui i would think its too early :nope:

fingers crossed that im wrong!!

Good I'm glad I'm not alone!! Yea I think 4dpiui would be a little too soon, but who knows, anything is possible :) we will know soon enough! I went to a bachelorette party last night and choked down 2 drinks but it was NOT sounding good or settling well. So I'm hoping this us a good sign too!

i know i dont want to get my hopes up though :( i had a killer headache like all day today and i was on the phone with dh before and i was telling him i was tired and started crying bc i was tired. wtf?? im such a weirdo. i dont think any of this is symptoms yet though, bc i wouldnt have even implanted yet:shrug:
ive been bloated before after o. but i think its too early to tell anything

Definitely too early...just different. I think I was hoping that my body was just getting over a really strong ov or something. But apparently, I didn't even ov yet, so there goes that. Temps rose way up yesterday but are back down to pre-ov temps today...geared up and didn't go through with it it seems. I was so happy to be back in the TWW....sigh. I guess I'll just have to sit tight and see what happens...
Hoping for lots of Bfp in this thread!

My AF finished yesterday so should o at the weekend... Dd and DH bday so Will have to fit bd in!
Hi ladies :hi: I'm moving over from the February thread as AF caught me over night :(

MrsMM24 can you please put me down for testing on 31st March? :flower:

GL to everyone :dust:
Hi there im new to this tww i cant test march 3rd
Can you put me down for the 21st March please.

I'm hoping that I'll have a double celebration just in time for my birthday on the 26th :)

Well I woke up this morning in complete agony and found that I'm clotting, so took my self to the medical centre and was told it looks like I'm having another chemical pregnancy. I thought my symptoms had been really strong last cycle and this now proves it.
I seem to be able to fall pregnant but none of my babies have survived past 4/5 weeks. Hopefully they'll be able to find out what's going on when I go to the fertility specialist in Apr.
Still going to keep my original test date of 17th Mar for this cycle, don't think anything'll change that.
Hey There Ladies,
Let the TWW begin........I got a + OPK on Friday, and I am pretty positive I Oed on Saturday. So I am happy, excited, stressed, hopeful, anxious, everything all at one time. I am hoping March brings US all our much awaited BFP's!!!
Good Luck to all you ladies & Baby Dust!!!
Today is 2 dpo if anyone wants to buddy up?????

:hi: boxxy and all the other ladies im also new to the tww wait, i have pcos and this is my 1st cyle in nearly 3 yrs that i've had a pos ov and will be testing on the 3rd mar:)
Those opks by the way lol still testing march 1st :)

Congrats on the positive OPK! I'm right behind you by a few days or so I think. Pretty sure I am gonna get a BFP soon on the OPK. I STILL can't try yet but I need to keep myself busy :)

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