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(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

Welcome tugawug, to the best group of women you will ever 'meet'. Lol wishing you your bfp this month!! :)

Afm, nothing new! Opks started to get 2 lines! Hooray for LH!! Can't wait for my positive to get here! We are still BD'ing every other say until then anyway so hopefully we have all bases covered!!

MrsMM, really hoping for a st. Patty's BFP!! I can just feel it, we are going to get these bfps soon!!!
Hello, can I join too? I'm not optimistic this month - bd'd lots till cd11 but then went out of town for work and I don't think I ov'd till cd13, but you never know...
I'll be testing on the 1st if I make it that long - that would make a 30 day cycle and I haven't got past 27 since coming off the pill, but they're getting longer!
Helloooo MARCH Maddness!!!!

Sending a warm welcome to all the new joiners AL335003 and LAU_316 hoping this is OUR month! I am so sorry that some of you are here from January/February thread!! GL FXD!:dust:

CRYSTAL5483 You are right, I definitely use BnB as an outside of DW support system.... :dust:

ABBY75 Thanks for your kind words, you're right, AF is due in 2 days so I could technically still be in this:dust:

ANNIE77 Thank you so much for your words and thoughts, and don't uncross those fingers, I'm less hopeful, but I know that sometimes someone else's FXD can make the difference:dust:

KARRY1412 Thank you so much for your kind words, it has meant a lot
and helped me quite a bit!:dust:

BBEAR690 that sounds like old blood, and that is common at this stage and some women get spotting during OV so hang in there Hun!:dust:

LIZLOVELUST that OPK isn't super dark actually, not positive at all, HOWEVER, that HPT below has a hint of a line, I would say, wait about 2 days and test again.:dust:

ELLIS0498 Thank you so very much for your kind words yesterday
:flower: I totally needed them yesterday. Was a hard day and having the supporting words you wrote helped me tremendously, more than you realize I am sure. Thanks sooo much Hun!:dust:

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

AFM... CD29/14DPO: After a very hard and difficult day, I am back with a new goal. Our Angel's date has now passed, we conceived in May, so we are hoping now to have a dark pink sticky BFP by May! I am feeling AF symptoms, including the achy bbs but more cramping, AF is due in 2 days, there is still a chance for a late BFP, however, I am doubtful of that today. Just hoping not to have a cycle like the last which was well over 40 days. I am still a little sad, but my dedication is holding me higher than I was yesterday. I am now working towards a new TTC focus. Thank you ladies that said a prayer, had me in your thoughts, and left me kind words:flower::dust:

Oh, my last post yesterday was #3000!!!!:thumbup:

*First Page Updated*

No thank you needed. I honestly think all the ladies on here have their fingers crossed tighter for you than they do themselves! Wishing you lots of luck, you deserve it! Thanks for being there for all of us.
al335003 - That's great news about the doc but bad news about the insurance. Can you afford the appointment without the insurance or are you going to give it a miss?

christielee83 - That's great news!! I've my fingers crossed for you :thumbup:

echo - Sorry to hear AF got you but good luck for Paddys Day! :flower:

Blu_Butterfly - Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you get your BFP before the anniversary :hugs:

tugAwug - Welcome & good luck! :wave:

taurusmom05 - That's exciting news about the OPKs!! I'm still getting empty circles myself but BD'ing every second day too. Hope this tactic will work for us both!

averitable - Welcome & good luck! It only takes one of those little guys so you never know!

AFM - CD13 today & I'm hoping my OPKs will turn positive soon but I'm not expecting it for a couple of days yet. We're BD'ing every other day just in case! Hope everyone is keeping well & has a great weekend! Good luck to everyone testing this weekend :flower:
So I have a question. Do you ladies think I should do OPKs in March and possibly temping even though we can't try until April?
So I have a question. Do you ladies think I should do OPKs in March and possibly temping even though we can't try until April?

I would. I think it's good to have an idea of how things work, so in April, you'll be ready and you won't have as many questions. You'll know around when you ov, what's a positive on an OPK for you, if you temp, you'll know how long your luteal phase is and when to expect AF (which also means you'll know when she's late). I think it's good to be prepared. :) And it'll make getting that BFP just a little bit easier for you...
So I have a question. Do you ladies think I should do OPKs in March and possibly temping even though we can't try until April?

I think it couldnt hurt! Also knowing when you OV can only help to plan out the month.
I found temping helped me understand my body better. I only used both BBT and OPK's to know when I was meant to start BDing. BBT alone only tells you abotu 3 days after OV occurs and that is a bit late in my books. SO OPK tells me when to start BDing and BBT confirms OV.

al335003 - That's great news about the doc but bad news about the insurance. Can you afford the appointment without the insurance or are you going to give it a miss?

The appointment itself is covered, so I'm definitely going to go...it just the testing/blood work/meds that will not be covered. DH and I have talked and we are going to at least pay for some blood work, clomid (if the doc prescribes it) and a sperm analysts. After that we'll have to see.

Happy Friday everyone!!
click this

Ladies please click that and read it, i need advice,i dont think im PG but im confused.
So I just got home from the doc to check my follicles and I'm trying not to get my hopes up but everything looks good! I have 3 follicles. They are measuring 22, 25, and 30. I got a trigger shot today and I am having an IUI tomorrow!! Fingers Crossed!!

How long is it btwn your trigger and your IUI?

24 Hours. I saw from your previous post you were doing 2 IUIs this cycle. Have you done them both yet? When you had your follicle check what were the sizes for you?

Mine was 24 hours as well and i was/am so nervous that is too early since they say you usually ovulate 36 hrs after your trigger. I was supposed to have my second one this morning but of course on all days by dh got called into work early:dohh:. are you doing 1 IUI or a double?

I'm just doing one. I don't think 24 he's is too early. My doc said its better to do it at 24 hours to ensure you don't miss it encase the egg releases earlier. I'm super excited/ nervous too. Bummer your dh got called in. At least you got one Iui in :) how did you feel after it? I will keep my fingers crossed for you! How many follies did you have?

I am suchhhh a worrier lol. so i always think of a million things. i look up things on google wayyyy too much lol. i was just concerned bc i read washed sperm only last 12-24 hrs so if dh's sperm last 12 and i o'd 36 hrs after trigger we would have missed it. like i said im a crazy lady. this is my 2 iui. how many have you done? yeah im nervous and excited too!!! Yeah that is definitely a positive!! I was a tiny crampy afterward and today a little bit too. I had 5 good follies!! We can go through the tww together!! How long have you been ttc??

I understand. I'm such a worrier too :) Yay for 5 follicles for you!! That sounds super promising! This will be my 2nd IUI too. I was pretty crampy after the 1st one I had. My doc said she is going to do it a little different this time and it may be a little more painful so keep your fingers crossed for me. Yay for tww buddies! When will you be testing?
Well my hubby and didn't take any precaution for a year but weren't really "trying". So we had all the testing done and everything is normal for both of us so you would think we wouldn't have any issues. I'm on my 5th round of clomid right now. Total we have been trying for 20 months or so :( I'm so hoping for my BFP soon! How long have you guys been trying?

I hope one of those 5 follies met a little guy. What was your doctor doing different? Is your IUI today?? Good luck!! Right now I'm set to test on the 1st. My dh has sperm issues. He has poor morphology. I have PCOS but my doctor said it isnt effect our fertility. I'm on my 5th round of clomid as well. Were on our 6 cycle of trying. We've been trying since Sept 2011. I hope you get your BFP soon too!!
ladies i am CD5 today..my last cycle was 40 days..i will be using O test this cycle.. my cycle were 28 to 30 days till october...when we started TTC my cycle got messed up sometimes it is 32 days and sometimes it is 35 days and now last was 40 days...i think i may have hormonal imbalance..

I just read somewhere on google that Chasteberry, also known as Vitex Agnus Cactus, is a powerful herb that can help u achieve pregnancy by balancing your hormones....Does any one know about this chasteberry..
I hope one of those 5 follies met a little guy. What was your doctor doing different? Is your IUI today?? Good luck!! Right now I'm set to test on the 1st. My dh has sperm issues. He has poor morphology. I have PCOS but my doctor said it isnt effect our fertility. I'm on my 5th round of clomid as well. Were on our 6 cycle of trying. We've been trying since Sept 2011. I hope you get your BFP soon too!![/QUOTE]

My fingers are crossed for you! At least you have 5 different chances :) I just had my IUI done, all went well. Doc said my hubbys sample was perfect so that's exciting!! The IUI she did this time had a balloon on the end of the cathiter(sp?) and once it reached the uterus she blew up the balloon. She said its suppose to seal off the uterus from the cervix and when the sample is inserted it goes all the way up into the fallopian tubes. It makes sense but I don't totally understand it all. I'm having quite a bit of cramping, but I did for my last IUI too. So now I'm officially in the TWW! Lets get our BFP together this month :) Both of us are on cycle 5 of clomid and are on our 2nd IUI.....this is the month :)
I hope one of those 5 follies met a little guy. What was your doctor doing different? Is your IUI today?? Good luck!! Right now I'm set to test on the 1st. My dh has sperm issues. He has poor morphology. I have PCOS but my doctor said it isnt effect our fertility. I'm on my 5th round of clomid as well. Were on our 6 cycle of trying. We've been trying since Sept 2011. I hope you get your BFP soon too!!

My fingers are crossed for you! At least you have 5 different chances :) I just had my IUI done, all went well. Doc said my hubbys sample was perfect so that's exciting!! The IUI she did this time had a balloon on the end of the cathiter(sp?) and once it reached the uterus she blew up the balloon. She said its suppose to seal off the uterus from the cervix and when the sample is inserted it goes all the way up into the fallopian tubes. It makes sense but I don't totally understand it all. I'm having quite a bit of cramping, but I did for my last IUI too. So now I'm officially in the TWW! Lets get our BFP together this month :) Both of us are on cycle 5 of clomid and are on our 2nd IUI.....this is the month :)[/QUOTE]

woohoo!! Thats excellent news!! The balloon thing sounds like what they did to me when I had my hsg test done? Have you had that? I was in A LOT of pain as soon as they did it. So hopefully you're not. I bled a tiny bit too. Yeah for us being in the TWW together!! Yup, everything seems aligned so lets keep our fingers crossed in two weeks we can both celebrate!!!!
I hope one of those 5 follies met a little guy. What was your doctor doing different? Is your IUI today?? Good luck!! Right now I'm set to test on the 1st. My dh has sperm issues. He has poor morphology. I have PCOS but my doctor said it isnt effect our fertility. I'm on my 5th round of clomid as well. Were on our 6 cycle of trying. We've been trying since Sept 2011. I hope you get your BFP soon too!!

My fingers are crossed for you! At least you have 5 different chances :) I just had my IUI done, all went well. Doc said my hubbys sample was perfect so that's exciting!! The IUI she did this time had a balloon on the end of the cathiter(sp?) and once it reached the uterus she blew up the balloon. She said its suppose to seal off the uterus from the cervix and when the sample is inserted it goes all the way up into the fallopian tubes. It makes sense but I don't totally understand it all. I'm having quite a bit of cramping, but I did for my last IUI too. So now I'm officially in the TWW! Lets get our BFP together this month :) Both of us are on cycle 5 of clomid and are on our 2nd IUI.....this is the month :)

woohoo!! Thats excellent news!! The balloon thing sounds like what they did to me when I had my hsg test done? Have you had that? I was in A LOT of pain as soon as they did it. So hopefully you're not. I bled a tiny bit too. Yeah for us being in the TWW together!! Yup, everything seems aligned so lets keep our fingers crossed in two weeks we can both celebrate!!!![/QUOTE]

Yes, I had the HSG done too, it didn't really effect me the way the IUI has. It wasn't really painful, defintatly more pain for me with the IUI. I guess it effects everyone differently :) Since being on clomid have your cycles changed at all?
I hope one of those 5 follies met a little guy. What was your doctor doing different? Is your IUI today?? Good luck!! Right now I'm set to test on the 1st. My dh has sperm issues. He has poor morphology. I have PCOS but my doctor said it isnt effect our fertility. I'm on my 5th round of clomid as well. Were on our 6 cycle of trying. We've been trying since Sept 2011. I hope you get your BFP soon too!!

My fingers are crossed for you! At least you have 5 different chances :) I just had my IUI done, all went well. Doc said my hubbys sample was perfect so that's exciting!! The IUI she did this time had a balloon on the end of the cathiter(sp?) and once it reached the uterus she blew up the balloon. She said its suppose to seal off the uterus from the cervix and when the sample is inserted it goes all the way up into the fallopian tubes. It makes sense but I don't totally understand it all. I'm having quite a bit of cramping, but I did for my last IUI too. So now I'm officially in the TWW! Lets get our BFP together this month :) Both of us are on cycle 5 of clomid and are on our 2nd IUI.....this is the month :)

woohoo!! Thats excellent news!! The balloon thing sounds like what they did to me when I had my hsg test done? Have you had that? I was in A LOT of pain as soon as they did it. So hopefully you're not. I bled a tiny bit too. Yeah for us being in the TWW together!! Yup, everything seems aligned so lets keep our fingers crossed in two weeks we can both celebrate!!!!

Yes, I had the HSG done too, it didn't really effect me the way the IUI has. It wasn't really painful, defintatly more pain for me with the IUI. I guess it effects everyone differently :) Since being on clomid have your cycles changed at all?[/QUOTE]

Yeah my cycles have been a lot shorter. They were like 5 days now there like 2. My normal cycle is like 28-30 days. My first month on clomid i was 33 days, since then though its been 27, 29,26...i dont know if i should be worried that is not one particular day but i would assume its just the clomid. how about you?
I hope one of those 5 follies met a little guy. What was your doctor doing different? Is your IUI today?? Good luck!! Right now I'm set to test on the 1st. My dh has sperm issues. He has poor morphology. I have PCOS but my doctor said it isnt effect our fertility. I'm on my 5th round of clomid as well. Were on our 6 cycle of trying. We've been trying since Sept 2011. I hope you get your BFP soon too!!

My fingers are crossed for you! At least you have 5 different chances :) I just had my IUI done, all went well. Doc said my hubbys sample was perfect so that's exciting!! The IUI she did this time had a balloon on the end of the cathiter(sp?) and once it reached the uterus she blew up the balloon. She said its suppose to seal off the uterus from the cervix and when the sample is inserted it goes all the way up into the fallopian tubes. It makes sense but I don't totally understand it all. I'm having quite a bit of cramping, but I did for my last IUI too. So now I'm officially in the TWW! Lets get our BFP together this month :) Both of us are on cycle 5 of clomid and are on our 2nd IUI.....this is the month :)

woohoo!! Thats excellent news!! The balloon thing sounds like what they did to me when I had my hsg test done? Have you had that? I was in A LOT of pain as soon as they did it. So hopefully you're not. I bled a tiny bit too. Yeah for us being in the TWW together!! Yup, everything seems aligned so lets keep our fingers crossed in two weeks we can both celebrate!!!!

Yes, I had the HSG done too, it didn't really effect me the way the IUI has. It wasn't really painful, defintatly more pain for me with the IUI. I guess it effects everyone differently :) Since being on clomid have your cycles changed at all?

Yeah my cycles have been a lot shorter. They were like 5 days now there like 2. My normal cycle is like 28-30 days. My first month on clomid i was 33 days, since then though its been 27, 29,26...i dont know if i should be worried that is not one particular day but i would assume its just the clomid. how about you?[/QUOTE]

Mine have been shorter too. A normal cycle for me is usually 28-30 days. Since being on clomid its been 26, 23, 23, 26. Usually it will last for like 6 days but on clomid its been like maybe 2 days. So it made me question if they were even long enough to get pregnant! Good to know it's not just messing with me :)
I hope one of those 5 follies met a little guy. What was your doctor doing different? Is your IUI today?? Good luck!! Right now I'm set to test on the 1st. My dh has sperm issues. He has poor morphology. I have PCOS but my doctor said it isnt effect our fertility. I'm on my 5th round of clomid as well. Were on our 6 cycle of trying. We've been trying since Sept 2011. I hope you get your BFP soon too!!

My fingers are crossed for you! At least you have 5 different chances :) I just had my IUI done, all went well. Doc said my hubbys sample was perfect so that's exciting!! The IUI she did this time had a balloon on the end of the cathiter(sp?) and once it reached the uterus she blew up the balloon. She said its suppose to seal off the uterus from the cervix and when the sample is inserted it goes all the way up into the fallopian tubes. It makes sense but I don't totally understand it all. I'm having quite a bit of cramping, but I did for my last IUI too. So now I'm officially in the TWW! Lets get our BFP together this month :) Both of us are on cycle 5 of clomid and are on our 2nd IUI.....this is the month :)

woohoo!! Thats excellent news!! The balloon thing sounds like what they did to me when I had my hsg test done? Have you had that? I was in A LOT of pain as soon as they did it. So hopefully you're not. I bled a tiny bit too. Yeah for us being in the TWW together!! Yup, everything seems aligned so lets keep our fingers crossed in two weeks we can both celebrate!!!!

Yes, I had the HSG done too, it didn't really effect me the way the IUI has. It wasn't really painful, defintatly more pain for me with the IUI. I guess it effects everyone differently :) Since being on clomid have your cycles changed at all?

Yeah my cycles have been a lot shorter. They were like 5 days now there like 2. My normal cycle is like 28-30 days. My first month on clomid i was 33 days, since then though its been 27, 29,26...i dont know if i should be worried that is not one particular day but i would assume its just the clomid. how about you?

Mine have been shorter too. A normal cycle for me is usually 28-30 days. Since being on clomid its been 26, 23, 23, 26. Usually it will last for like 6 days but on clomid its been like maybe 2 days. So it made me question if they were even long enough to get pregnant! Good to know it's not just messing with me :)[/QUOTE]

I was a little worried myself but my last one was 26 days and that has been the shortest thus far. so im thinking thats still ok. trust me i dont mind the 2 day periods i was just worried it meant something bad. I told my dr and he didnt seem concerned. He said it was normal
Well - I did say DH and I were ntnp for the next few months but I would be grateful if MrsMMM24 could pop me down for testing on 9th March 'just in case'

I am hellishly busy at work as two of the nearby hospitals has 15 vacancies in the therapy teams and we(community staff) are being asked to do some in-reach work. It sucks that my community patients will have to take a back seat but NHS spending on blocked beds is huge so the priority is getting them out of hospital and back home (where I then have to give them less priority!) I think it's safe to say I will get very little chance to get on here between work, organising all the school uniforms for the school in March and hopefully getting my first foster placement soon....
ladies i am CD5 today..my last cycle was 40 days..i will be using O test this cycle.. my cycle were 28 to 30 days till october...when we started TTC my cycle got messed up sometimes it is 32 days and sometimes it is 35 days and now last was 40 days...i think i may have hormonal imbalance..

I just read somewhere on google that Chasteberry, also known as Vitex Agnus Cactus, is a powerful herb that can help u achieve pregnancy by balancing your hormones....Does any one know about this chasteberry..

Yes, I've heard it works, but you have to take it regularly and sometimes it takes up to three months to affect you. Kind of like St. Johns wort, in that sense. I took it for a while, no side affects. I am going to start again, maybe starting next cycle.
Do you know what I found really brought my cycle back to normal? Changing jobs. I was miserable. The stress was killing me. I don't love my current job, but it doesn't make me as crazy. And relaxing a bit on the ttc front. I was borderline obsessed and it wasn't doing me any good. Took a break. A breather. Now dh I are trying, but more like ntnp in a way? Make sense?

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