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(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

ladies i am CD5 today..my last cycle was 40 days..i will be using O test this cycle.. my cycle were 28 to 30 days till october...when we started TTC my cycle got messed up sometimes it is 32 days and sometimes it is 35 days and now last was 40 days...i think i may have hormonal imbalance..

I just read somewhere on google that Chasteberry, also known as Vitex Agnus Cactus, is a powerful herb that can help u achieve pregnancy by balancing your hormones....Does any one know about this chasteberry..

Yes, I've heard it works, but you have to take it regularly and sometimes it takes up to three months to affect you. Kind of like St. Johns wort, in that sense. I took it for a while, no side affects. I am going to start again, maybe starting next cycle.
Do you know what I found really brought my cycle back to normal? Changing jobs. I was miserable. The stress was killing me. I don't love my current job, but it doesn't make me as crazy. And relaxing a bit on the ttc front. I was borderline obsessed and it wasn't doing me any good. Took a break. A breather. Now dh I are trying, but more like ntnp in a way? Make sense?

Thanks echo...atleast i will get my periods on track.....and than i will get to know when i Ov..
haj624- Are you feeling bloated at all?? I'm like SUPER bloated.....just wondering if you were feeling the same :)
So I have a question. Do you ladies think I should do OPKs in March and possibly temping even though we can't try until April?

I would. I think it's good to have an idea of how things work, so in April, you'll be ready and you won't have as many questions. You'll know around when you ov, what's a positive on an OPK for you, if you temp, you'll know how long your luteal phase is and when to expect AF (which also means you'll know when she's late). I think it's good to be prepared. :) And it'll make getting that BFP just a little bit easier for you...

So I have a question. Do you ladies think I should do OPKs in March and possibly temping even though we can't try until April?

I think it couldnt hurt! Also knowing when you OV can only help to plan out the month.
I found temping helped me understand my body better. I only used both BBT and OPK's to know when I was meant to start BDing. BBT alone only tells you abotu 3 days after OV occurs and that is a bit late in my books. SO OPK tells me when to start BDing and BBT confirms OV.


I've never temped before so this would be SO new to me! OPKs are my best friend lol
hey ladies, im 2dpiui....tonight i keep having like a poking feeling in my abdomen. anyone ever experience this?
Cd 14 and day 2 of positive opks. I'm almost in my tww!
can you change my testing date my cycle has changed again so I'll be testing on my birthday march 16 af is due the 17 so i'll be testing 1 day early. thanks
Hi Ladies. AF due March 9th, won't be testing until then. Well, I say that now, of course, but will probably cave, as I always due. Good luck to all!
I love temping...but then, I like knowing what's going on. It helps me feel more in control...

AFM: Another temp dip and some EWCM. I think ov is going to happen today...but I'm never sure. Which is why OPKs will be happening next cycle if this one doesn't work out. DH has been put on BD notice this week and he hasn't complained once...but he wouldn't. lol. Hopefully we'll catch the egg. Fx!
haj624- Are you feeling bloated at all?? I'm like SUPER bloated.....just wondering if you were feeling the same :)

Omg yes!! My pants felt like the were going to bust today!

Me too!! I'm super crampy too and there is tons of pressure. Almost gas like, but its not gas....sorry, Tmi lol

My body has been achy too, I don't know if its related or if I may be coming down with something :(
Can you put me down for the 17th ..

im sure i will be joining you soon! like to be ahead of
myself to join the next thread
Hello again MrsMM :flower:

Can i please be put down for the 15th please? Thank you :)
A bit sad to be here :( Just got AF after feeling really positive about last cycle, finding ttc really difficult to be very honest!
I'm not 100% sure I'm in with a shot for March, I'm due to ovulate on a Wednesday and DH can only come home on some weekends just now during his phase two air force training. Just incase, can you please put me down for March 14th?
Thanks again for running these threads MrsMM24, eagerly stalking your journal and chart, FXd for you :)

RAFwife, I know exactly what it's like. Both me & my husband are in the RAF at 2 different units so only see each other at weekends. When did your hubby graduate from phase 1 training? I'm an instructor at Halton.

AFM. I'm moving over from Feb. :witch: flew in this morning 2 more cycles to go until we're seen by fertility specialist. Can you put me down for 17th, here's hoping for a nice mother's day pressie for both mine & hubby's mum's. Starting to get really fed up with ttc.
haj624- Are you feeling bloated at all?? I'm like SUPER bloated.....just wondering if you were feeling the same :)

Omg yes!! My pants felt like the were going to bust today!

Me too!! I'm super crampy too and there is tons of pressure. Almost gas like, but its not gas....sorry, Tmi lol

My body has been achy too, I don't know if its related or if I may be coming down with something :(

ok were like twins right now lol. i keep getting cramp like feelings on and off and ive had diherrea (sp) alot sorry tmi. :dohh:

i work for a media company but on the weekends i waitress/bartend for some extra money. i was sooooo achey last night. i felt like an old woman. my feet, legs, and back were KILLING me. my feet actually still hurt. i would love to think this all means something but at 4 dpiui i would think its too early :nope:

fingers crossed that im wrong!!
haj624- Are you feeling bloated at all?? I'm like SUPER bloated.....just wondering if you were feeling the same :)

Omg yes!! My pants felt like the were going to bust today!

Me too!! I'm super crampy too and there is tons of pressure. Almost gas like, but its not gas....sorry, Tmi lol

My body has been achy too, I don't know if its related or if I may be coming down with something :(

Oooh...I'm not the only one feeling this way after ovulation? Because I am really bloated at the moment. DH asked me why I was so bloated and I don't have an answer. Lots of pressure too. And my back has been killing today. Hmm... I wonder why. I'm hoping this is a good sign for all of us. :)
haj624- Are you feeling bloated at all?? I'm like SUPER bloated.....just wondering if you were feeling the same :)

Omg yes!! My pants felt like the were going to bust today!

Me too!! I'm super crampy too and there is tons of pressure. Almost gas like, but its not gas....sorry, Tmi lol

My body has been achy too, I don't know if its related or if I may be coming down with something :(

ok were like twins right now lol. i keep getting cramp like feelings on and off and ive had diherrea (sp) alot sorry tmi. :dohh:

i work for a media company but on the weekends i waitress/bartend for some extra money. i was sooooo achey last night. i felt like an old woman. my feet, legs, and back were KILLING me. my feet actually still hurt. i would love to think this all means something but at 4 dpiui i would think its too early :nope:

fingers crossed that im wrong!!

Good I'm glad I'm not alone!! Yea I think 4dpiui would be a little too soon, but who knows, anything is possible :) we will know soon enough! I went to a bachelorette party last night and choked down 2 drinks but it was NOT sounding good or settling well. So I'm hoping this us a good sign too!
haj624- Are you feeling bloated at all?? I'm like SUPER bloated.....just wondering if you were feeling the same :)

Omg yes!! My pants felt like the were going to bust today!

Me too!! I'm super crampy too and there is tons of pressure. Almost gas like, but its not gas....sorry, Tmi lol

My body has been achy too, I don't know if its related or if I may be coming down with something :(

Oooh...I'm not the only one feeling this way after ovulation? Because I am really bloated at the moment. DH asked me why I was so bloated and I don't have an answer. Lots of pressure too. And my back has been killing today. Hmm... I wonder why. I'm hoping this is a good sign for all of us. :)

I'm hoping this is a good sign. How many DPO are you?
I should be just 1DPO today. I'm going to have to wait another couple of days to confirm it, but the temp jump this morning was a pretty good sign that I ov'd. :)
Hi can you put me down for the 2nd please?? :) lots of baby dust to all xxx

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