(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

Okay, I am officially freaking out! AF is due today and normally my temp drops way down the morning she is due, but not today! Today it went up from 98.62 to 98.64! Not only that, but last night I was so incredibly hot. I thought I might be imagning it, but DH touched my skin and asked if I had taken my temperatures because my skin was hot to the touch. I did take my temp, but it was only 98.66. I was so hot that I stripped down to my panties and slept that way. Then this morning, I woke up drenched in sweat, my sheets and blanket were drenched and so were my panties (tmi I know). I am so scared to test because my syptoms are so promising that if I end up getting a BFN I am going to be heartbroken

When are you going to test? I wouldn't be able to wait!
Congrats to all of the new BFPs!!!!

AFM: I'm 17 dpo with a freaking BFN! I'm getting so frustrated. I just wish the damn Witch will come if that's what she's going to do. :cry: This is starting to get irritating.

That exact thing happened to me last month and AF came a week late. I just kept saying "This is so mean!" when I looked at my BFNs. It's happened to me two other times and both times I ended up getting pregnant the cycle immediately following. My husband and I call it the "misconception" before the "conception." I usually have all the pregnancy symptoms and feel as pregnant as pregnant gets and then a late AF and BFNs then the next month, BAM! I don't know if this is common, but it has happened 100% of the time for me. Somehow the misconception month it makes me more fertile for the next cycle. I would think it's a chemical pregnancy before a pregnancy, but I never get the slightest pink or blue line during the month prior. Perhaps it's just a hormonal surge?

Perhaps it's still your month, but if not, don't be disheartened. It could be a good sign, like it has been for me, that your body is prepping for next month... ? Sounds strange, I know. Even though I knew that to be my pattern, I didn't want to admit it last month. I didn't want to let it go. I finally let it go emotionally, AF came, and this month I got a BFP on DPO 9 !!! I was fertile Myrtle! I would love to hear if anyone else had this experience.

All good wishes to you that you'll get a BFP, but if not, I will put my hopes on a super successful cycle for you next month!
Hey guys af was due today usually right on time
i have notived very watery clear cm the last few days and had no bloating which i usually have when af is coming
does anyone know if this is a sign of pregnancy

AF is kinda due for me today, and I have no signs of her coming. All I have is EXACTLY what you said - watery cm, and a crazy runny nose! I've testing 3 times already, and still BFN. Have you tested?!
Helloooo MARCH Maddness!!!!

SUNDAY:cake: Happy Birthday SYKORA’s DD!:cake:

:test: FISH&CHIPS and SYKORA!!:test:

TODAY:wedding: Happy Anniversary FAITHBABIES!:wedding:


Sending a warm welcome to all the new joiners 123DEIRDRE, NEWLYWEDMELLY, MOTHEROFSEVEN, LOLALOULOU, SUE_88, DAZED125, DONSSWEETPEA, TASSSIEGAL, KEARAHSMOM, GS20, JANNA, and NEW2BUMPS hoping this is Your month! I am so sorry that some of you are here from January/February threads!! GL FXD!:dust:


:bfp:ALERT CONGRATULATIONS VICTORIAJ, BOOKITY, BERGEBABE, HAPPYS, FISH&CHIPS Wishing you a Happy & Heathy 9 months!!! Come on over to this thread (https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...9-dragon-babies-2012-dec-apr-2012-bfps-8.html ) while you continue to stalk your TTC buddies here.

MANNY82 sounds like you are OVg as we speak, hopefully you have been BDg through all the EWCM! :dust:

ICKLE PAND Happy to see you finally got a peak. Hopefully the BD timing has been right!FXD:dust:

MUNCHKINLOVE See you in May! Thread will be up at week’s end Hun!:dust:

MINNI2906 I love flying, I am an avid traveler, I love to get around places. In the last 5 years, I have started to rub off on DW… OC, love going there, we visit there and Rehoboth a lot!! This will be a pretty good weekend there too, Spring Break for many and the weather is holding up pretty good. Hope you have a wonderful Vacay!:dust:

BOOKITY So happy for your news! And also that you and TAURUSMOM are linked up, she IS an AWESOME TTC and will definitely be a great BUMP BUDDY! :happydance:

LAUREN26 Hang in there Hun! No :af: = good sign!:dust:

DAZED125 Oh hun… so happy to see you here again! I am thinking you won’t be around long on the threads, you will see a BFP so soon! I thought I would be gone from testing at least as you did, but, I had another MC, earlier than the last. So, I am back to testing, in April though. Excited for you back to TTC!:dust:

:hugs: so very sorry that AF has flown in on you MICHELLE1975, FAITHBABIES, ALTAMOM, BABYSEEKER, 123DEIRDRE, NIXILIX, BAY, and PAVANV I hope that you will join us again in the April thread! Where I am sure you will see dark pink BFP lines!:dust: (listed on 1st page)

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

Ladies When you need the TTC perspective to carry you through the day, click back to page 94 to see where your egg is on its journey (The “Path”). There is a very helpful diagram that I am going to post on WEDNESDAYS. Stop by, check it out, see your eggy and get an idea of when you should test (+3 days!)

(https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...9-dragon-babies-2012-dec-apr-2012-bfps-8.html ) Join in and meet Bump Buddies! While you continue to stalk your TTC buddies here.

AFM... Not much happening. Attended a family wedding, where our DW was just gorgeous! Nooooww… Counting down to my b-day vacay! T-4 days to take off. And of course, routing on my BnB ladies working for that BFP:dust: Soooo happy to see all the BFPs when I returned!

*First Page Updated*
Congrats to all of the new BFPs!!!!

AFM: I'm 17 dpo with a freaking BFN! I'm getting so frustrated. I just wish the damn Witch will come if that's what she's going to do. :cry: This is starting to get irritating.

That exact thing happened to me last month and AF came a week late. I just kept saying "This is so mean!" when I looked at my BFNs. It's happened to me two other times and both times I ended up getting pregnant the cycle immediately following. My husband and I call it the "misconception" before the "conception." I usually have all the pregnancy symptoms and feel as pregnant as pregnant gets and then a late AF and BFNs then the next month, BAM! I don't know if this is common, but it has happened 100% of the time for me. Somehow the misconception month it makes me more fertile for the next cycle. I would think it's a chemical pregnancy before a pregnancy, but I never get the slightest pink or blue line during the month prior. Perhaps it's just a hormonal surge?

Perhaps it's still your month, but if not, don't be disheartened. It could be a good sign, like it has been for me, that your body is prepping for next month... ? Sounds strange, I know. Even though I knew that to be my pattern, I didn't want to admit it last month. I didn't want to let it go. I finally let it go emotionally, AF came, and this month I got a BFP on DPO 9 !!! I was fertile Myrtle! I would love to hear if anyone else had this experience.

All good wishes to you that you'll get a BFP, but if not, I will put my hopes on a super successful cycle for you next month!

Thank you so much!!! I really needed that. I was just about to make a comment that I'm done trying for now because I just got my AF about an 1/2 hour after my post, but now that I've read your comment, I'm getting hopeful again. Congratulations on your BFP and to your happy and healthy 9 months to come. This makes me believe that I need to continue. You really don't know what your words just did for me. Thanks.:flower:
^^^ awww :hug:

I love this forum... all you ladies are so supportive. I never thought in a million years getting pregnant would be so difficult and so disheartening- reading how nice and supportive all of you are really makes me so happy there's wonderful people in the world xxxxxxxx
Congrats to all of the new BFPs!!!!

AFM: I'm 17 dpo with a freaking BFN! I'm getting so frustrated. I just wish the damn Witch will come if that's what she's going to do. :cry: This is starting to get irritating.

That exact thing happened to me last month and AF came a week late. I just kept saying "This is so mean!" when I looked at my BFNs. It's happened to me two other times and both times I ended up getting pregnant the cycle immediately following. My husband and I call it the "misconception" before the "conception." I usually have all the pregnancy symptoms and feel as pregnant as pregnant gets and then a late AF and BFNs then the next month, BAM! I don't know if this is common, but it has happened 100% of the time for me. Somehow the misconception month it makes me more fertile for the next cycle. I would think it's a chemical pregnancy before a pregnancy, but I never get the slightest pink or blue line during the month prior. Perhaps it's just a hormonal surge?

Perhaps it's still your month, but if not, don't be disheartened. It could be a good sign, like it has been for me, that your body is prepping for next month... ? Sounds strange, I know. Even though I knew that to be my pattern, I didn't want to admit it last month. I didn't want to let it go. I finally let it go emotionally, AF came, and this month I got a BFP on DPO 9 !!! I was fertile Myrtle! I would love to hear if anyone else had this experience.

All good wishes to you that you'll get a BFP, but if not, I will put my hopes on a super successful cycle for you next month!

Thank you so much!!! I really needed that. I was just about to make a comment that I'm done trying for now because I just got my AF about an 1/2 hour after my post, but now that I've read your comment, I'm getting hopeful again. Congratulations on your BFP and to your happy and healthy 9 months to come. This makes me believe that I need to continue. You really don't know what your words just did for me. Thanks.:flower:

Ugh, I'm so sorry about AF, never fun, but glad you're not giving up. I hope to hear good things next month. Are you using any assistance or going au natural?
^^^ awww :hug:

I love this forum... all you ladies are so supportive. I never thought in a million years getting pregnant would be so difficult and so disheartening- reading how nice and supportive all of you are really makes me so happy there's wonderful people in the world xxxxxxxx

So true! It also saves my marriage so my husband doesn't have to hear me go on about it. As sensitive as it is, he's just not remotely interested in hearing the details about my cycle, ha ha! I find it fascinating, but have manage to gross him out too many times. He enjoys the luxury of just waiting for me to say, "It a go!"
LOL last night I used the word "discharge" on the phone with my girlfriends (who totally understand!) I thought my poor husband was going to throw up... apparently the word "discharge" is a big old TURN OFF! :) lol lol lol
LOL last night I used the word "discharge" on the phone with my girlfriends (who totally understand!) I thought my poor husband was going to throw up... apparently the word "discharge" is a big old TURN OFF! :) lol lol lol

HA HA! Totally. I what made me think that explaining to my husband how I check my cervix position was kind of sexy... Ohhh... It's not... This morning he found my stock of positive pee sticks and nearly gagged realizing that I save them. He's also confused as why one didn't suffice. HA HA!

He wonders how I've become so obsessive and I wonder how he's SOOO calm. I told him I was pregnant and he shrugged it off. Granted, we've been through hell and back, quite literally, so he's just not wanting to get invested again. Funny how men get to stay uninvested, but since it's our bodies, we're COMPLETELY invested not matter what. Even if it's chemical. That's what my husband doesn't seem to understand. I had a stuffy nose for the first week after my bfp and he said I was sick. I said it was an early pregnancy sign and hormonal. He now has a stuffy nose and is mocking me after he blows his nose saying "Oh... All this blowing my nose must be my hormones! I think it's my uterus. Oh, Honey, I'm pregnant, my nose is running, look!" He can be such a jerk. A funny cute jerk, but a jerk, none-the-less.

Does your husband think you're unnaturally obsessed too?
What the heck is going on with my chart...?

I don't temp. It confuses me. I would've thought your October cycle was promising... ? I don't know...? Doesn't the temp have a lot to do with everyone's individual thyroid function? Ugh... I can't tell you. That drop just now is pretty funky...

Perhaps you should ask your Doc about your thyroid or Iron levels... ? I REALLY don't know what I'm talking about... just pulling this out of the back of my head where I store random google facts.

So you ovulated very late this cycle! So... you should be fertile now, no? Just cross your fingers and toes!!!! Best wishes that this is your cycle!
LOL last night I used the word "discharge" on the phone with my girlfriends (who totally understand!) I thought my poor husband was going to throw up... apparently the word "discharge" is a big old TURN OFF! :) lol lol lol

HA HA! Totally. I what made me think that explaining to my husband how I check my cervix position was kind of sexy... Ohhh... It's not... This morning he found my stock of positive pee sticks and nearly gagged realizing that I save them. He's also confused as why one didn't suffice. HA HA!

He wonders how I've become so obsessive and I wonder how he's SOOO calm. I told him I was pregnant and he shrugged it off. Granted, we've been through hell and back, quite literally, so he's just not wanting to get invested again. Funny how men get to stay uninvested, but since it's our bodies, we're COMPLETELY invested not matter what. Even if it's chemical. That's what my husband doesn't seem to understand. I had a stuffy nose for the first week after my bfp and he said I was sick. I said it was an early pregnancy sign and hormonal. He now has a stuffy nose and is mocking me after he blows his nose saying "Oh... All this blowing my nose must be my hormones! I think it's my uterus. Oh, Honey, I'm pregnant, my nose is running, look!" He can be such a jerk. A funny cute jerk, but a jerk, none-the-less.

Does your husband think you're unnaturally obsessed too?

My husband used to think I was unnaturally obsessed, and tease me RELENTLESSLY. But this last cycle, he was around for the start of :witch: and heard me crying (sobbing, really) in the bathroom and barged in. He hasn't teased me ever since... I really think he is starting to see how important it is for me to get pregnant and be a mom - not that it isn't important to him, but I just think this is where the "maternal" side comes into play, ya know?

Ever since then he's been really understanding... but doesn't want to hear about the "technical" side of things. His eyes glaze over when I talk about "DPO" and "implantation blood" and all that :) When that happens, he'll just nod and then I'll pick up my laptop and he'll be like ... "oh good, yeah go talk to your internet ladies!" LOL. :haha:
No advise for my chart...?

Sorry Lizlovelust, I tried temping what month and got myself in such a tizzy that my husband broke my thermometer in half :haha: probably for the better anyway, I go so wrapped up in plugging in my temps and charting on FF that I almost forgot to BD! :)

Maybe post it in the main forum? We have some pretty amazingly smart ladies with temping... unfortunately, I am far from one of them! :( Sorry!
Congrats to all of the new BFPs!!!!

AFM: I'm 17 dpo with a freaking BFN! I'm getting so frustrated. I just wish the damn Witch will come if that's what she's going to do. :cry: This is starting to get irritating.

That exact thing happened to me last month and AF came a week late. I just kept saying "This is so mean!" when I looked at my BFNs. It's happened to me two other times and both times I ended up getting pregnant the cycle immediately following. My husband and I call it the "misconception" before the "conception." I usually have all the pregnancy symptoms and feel as pregnant as pregnant gets and then a late AF and BFNs then the next month, BAM! I don't know if this is common, but it has happened 100% of the time for me. Somehow the misconception month it makes me more fertile for the next cycle. I would think it's a chemical pregnancy before a pregnancy, but I never get the slightest pink or blue line during the month prior. Perhaps it's just a hormonal surge?

Perhaps it's still your month, but if not, don't be disheartened. It could be a good sign, like it has been for me, that your body is prepping for next month... ? Sounds strange, I know. Even though I knew that to be my pattern, I didn't want to admit it last month. I didn't want to let it go. I finally let it go emotionally, AF came, and this month I got a BFP on DPO 9 !!! I was fertile Myrtle! I would love to hear if anyone else had this experience.

All good wishes to you that you'll get a BFP, but if not, I will put my hopes on a super successful cycle for you next month!

Thank you so much!!! I really needed that. I was just about to make a comment that I'm done trying for now because I just got my AF about an 1/2 hour after my post, but now that I've read your comment, I'm getting hopeful again. Congratulations on your BFP and to your happy and healthy 9 months to come. This makes me believe that I need to continue. You really don't know what your words just did for me. Thanks.:flower:

Ugh, I'm so sorry about AF, never fun, but glad you're not giving up. I hope to hear good things next month. Are you using any assistance or going au natural?

I'm going au natural. I was on B/c for 2 years and finished my last pack in Aug of last year. So I know it's gonna take time.
Omg Liz you have a crazy chart this month!! I don't even know what to make of it unless your body is having difficulty ov'ing for some reason.

Thundercat- my oh thinks I'm crazy too, and due to all the issues I've had he doesnt even want to know anything about ttc and shrugs it off everytime I'm late or anything

Afm - I'm on cd 36 of a reg 32-34 cycle.. However I think I ovd late.. I'll probably test tomorrow
Congrats to all of the new BFPs!!!!

AFM: I'm 17 dpo with a freaking BFN! I'm getting so frustrated. I just wish the damn Witch will come if that's what she's going to do. :cry: This is starting to get irritating.

That exact thing happened to me last month and AF came a week late. I just kept saying "This is so mean!" when I looked at my BFNs. It's happened to me two other times and both times I ended up getting pregnant the cycle immediately following. My husband and I call it the "misconception" before the "conception." I usually have all the pregnancy symptoms and feel as pregnant as pregnant gets and then a late AF and BFNs then the next month, BAM! I don't know if this is common, but it has happened 100% of the time for me. Somehow the misconception month it makes me more fertile for the next cycle. I would think it's a chemical pregnancy before a pregnancy, but I never get the slightest pink or blue line during the month prior. Perhaps it's just a hormonal surge?

Perhaps it's still your month, but if not, don't be disheartened. It could be a good sign, like it has been for me, that your body is prepping for next month... ? Sounds strange, I know. Even though I knew that to be my pattern, I didn't want to admit it last month. I didn't want to let it go. I finally let it go emotionally, AF came, and this month I got a BFP on DPO 9 !!! I was fertile Myrtle! I would love to hear if anyone else had this experience.

All good wishes to you that you'll get a BFP, but if not, I will put my hopes on a super successful cycle for you next month!

Wow! That is encouraging. And congrats!! Thanks for relating that story. I was thinking that this month--and I just felt stupid! Every month I feel like we get 'closer' to conceiving. This month I've had all kinds of symptoms but have gotten 3 BFNs...Still in it but I don't know how long! Anyway, I was sort of wondering if the 'symptoms' had to do with my hormones getting good and strong and regular. Even if I'm not preg this month my chart looks very pretty! Makes sense--that the body would take a round to get used to the idea...curious to know how it goes for us 'misconception-ers' in the next few days and next cycle (if this one isn't ours). Totally encouraged by that. Thanks.
I'm out. Af came right on time! Not a shocker though.

Congrats to all the BFP's!!!

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