(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

No advise for my chart...?

Hi Liz! I chart and temp. This is only my second cycle charting, but your Feb/Mar seems to make sense. I think one of two things could be happening:

1. You just ovulated a couple of days ago and the previous temp spike was a fluke--your OPK was positive, you had fertile CM, and you had a temp spike and immediate drop the next day (mine has done that both months that I've charted, consistenly).

2. You ovulated between the 19th and 21st (did you get solid - on the OPKs?? when were you using them?). You had tons of fertile CM and a significant temp spike after. If this is true, the dip on the 8th may have been implantation bleeding and the + OPK may have been positive because you're pregnant (you can get +OPK if you're preg). Have you done an hpt?

That's what I cam make of it! I could be wrong. But your chart looks pretty normal to me! Just a few confusing factors :)

Have you charted long? I have a temping question....
Eeee! I thought today would be the day that would put my tizzy of confusion and obsessing to rest... Yesterday my spotting started, but it was accompanied by the super temp dip so I thought, oh, OK, maybe I'm still in because it's implantation dip. I had determined that my temps this AM would rule me in or out. Well, I woke up at 6 and temped but I'd only had 1.5 hrs of sleep since last waking, and was devastated to get a 96.5, LOWER than my temp yesterday--this usually means AF is on her way, or is here. I got up to pee, no bleeding. Then I woke again at 9 and temped, since I'd had 3 solid hours of sleep--usually different waking times don't affect my temp much, maybe slightly higher. The 9am temp was 97.6! 1.1 entire degrees higher. Now I don't know what to think. If that's the 'real' temp to go with then I'm super encouraged. If I should just go with the normal waking time temp then AF is likely coming and should be here by now...I have to take both with a grain of salt and I know you can't 'average' them.

Also on 10dpo and still BFN...yarrr I wish this didn't TAKE so long! Keep getting my hopes dashed then renewed then dashed. Longest TWW ever.
LOL last night I used the word "discharge" on the phone with my girlfriends (who totally understand!) I thought my poor husband was going to throw up... apparently the word "discharge" is a big old TURN OFF! :) lol lol lol

HA HA! Totally. I what made me think that explaining to my husband how I check my cervix position was kind of sexy... Ohhh... It's not... This morning he found my stock of positive pee sticks and nearly gagged realizing that I save them. He's also confused as why one didn't suffice. HA HA!

He wonders how I've become so obsessive and I wonder how he's SOOO calm. I told him I was pregnant and he shrugged it off. Granted, we've been through hell and back, quite literally, so he's just not wanting to get invested again. Funny how men get to stay uninvested, but since it's our bodies, we're COMPLETELY invested not matter what. Even if it's chemical. That's what my husband doesn't seem to understand. I had a stuffy nose for the first week after my bfp and he said I was sick. I said it was an early pregnancy sign and hormonal. He now has a stuffy nose and is mocking me after he blows his nose saying "Oh... All this blowing my nose must be my hormones! I think it's my uterus. Oh, Honey, I'm pregnant, my nose is running, look!" He can be such a jerk. A funny cute jerk, but a jerk, none-the-less.

Does your husband think you're unnaturally obsessed too?

My husband used to think I was unnaturally obsessed, and tease me RELENTLESSLY. But this last cycle, he was around for the start of :witch: and heard me crying (sobbing, really) in the bathroom and barged in. He hasn't teased me ever since... I really think he is starting to see how important it is for me to get pregnant and be a mom - not that it isn't important to him, but I just think this is where the "maternal" side comes into play, ya know?

Ever since then he's been really understanding... but doesn't want to hear about the "technical" side of things. His eyes glaze over when I talk about "DPO" and "implantation blood" and all that :) When that happens, he'll just nod and then I'll pick up my laptop and he'll be like ... "oh good, yeah go talk to your internet ladies!" LOL. :haha:

Yeah, it's a cliche, but I gloss over when he goes on about details of his fancy SLR camera. ha ha! We all have our obsessions.
Omg Liz you have a crazy chart this month!! I don't even know what to make of it unless your body is having difficulty ov'ing for some reason.

Thundercat- my oh thinks I'm crazy too, and due to all the issues I've had he doesnt even want to know anything about ttc and shrugs it off everytime I'm late or anything

Afm - I'm on cd 36 of a reg 32-34 cycle.. However I think I ovd late.. I'll probably test tomorrow

Its so weird this whole cycle, nothing makes sence!
Omg Liz you have a crazy chart this month!! I don't even know what to make of it unless your body is having difficulty ov'ing for some reason.

Thundercat- my oh thinks I'm crazy too, and due to all the issues I've had he doesnt even want to know anything about ttc and shrugs it off everytime I'm late or anything

Afm - I'm on cd 36 of a reg 32-34 cycle.. However I think I ovd late.. I'll probably test tomorrow

Its so weird this whole cycle, nothing makes sence!

MAYBEEEE That's a good thing! :):):) Fingers crossed for you xxxxx
Congrats to all of the new BFPs!!!!

AFM: I'm 17 dpo with a freaking BFN! I'm getting so frustrated. I just wish the damn Witch will come if that's what she's going to do. :cry: This is starting to get irritating.

That exact thing happened to me last month and AF came a week late. I just kept saying "This is so mean!" when I looked at my BFNs. It's happened to me two other times and both times I ended up getting pregnant the cycle immediately following. My husband and I call it the "misconception" before the "conception." I usually have all the pregnancy symptoms and feel as pregnant as pregnant gets and then a late AF and BFNs then the next month, BAM! I don't know if this is common, but it has happened 100% of the time for me. Somehow the misconception month it makes me more fertile for the next cycle. I would think it's a chemical pregnancy before a pregnancy, but I never get the slightest pink or blue line during the month prior. Perhaps it's just a hormonal surge?

Perhaps it's still your month, but if not, don't be disheartened. It could be a good sign, like it has been for me, that your body is prepping for next month... ? Sounds strange, I know. Even though I knew that to be my pattern, I didn't want to admit it last month. I didn't want to let it go. I finally let it go emotionally, AF came, and this month I got a BFP on DPO 9 !!! I was fertile Myrtle! I would love to hear if anyone else had this experience.

All good wishes to you that you'll get a BFP, but if not, I will put my hopes on a super successful cycle for you next month!

Thank you so much!!! I really needed that. I was just about to make a comment that I'm done trying for now because I just got my AF about an 1/2 hour after my post, but now that I've read your comment, I'm getting hopeful again. Congratulations on your BFP and to your happy and healthy 9 months to come. This makes me believe that I need to continue. You really don't know what your words just did for me. Thanks.:flower:

Ugh, I'm so sorry about AF, never fun, but glad you're not giving up. I hope to hear good things next month. Are you using any assistance or going au natural?

I'm going au natural. I was on B/c for 2 years and finished my last pack in Aug of last year. So I know it's gonna take time.

How about natural over the counter supplements? CoQ10, melatonin prior to ovulation, dhea, prior to ovulation? I used pre-seed too and loved all of this. I actually feel better in general having taken these supplements... either than or it's the prego hormones putting me in a good mood. I'm also taking Iron and Zinc and Vits C, D, A, K and Folic acid, DHA and fish oil :) I'm totally vitamin popping, I know, but it's feeling great!

**Please read up on DHEA and Melatonin if you choose to use them and only use them up until Ovulation.

Really LOOOOVE the pre-seed :) This was my first month using it... ?
Congrats to all of the new BFPs!!!!

AFM: I'm 17 dpo with a freaking BFN! I'm getting so frustrated. I just wish the damn Witch will come if that's what she's going to do. :cry: This is starting to get irritating.

That exact thing happened to me last month and AF came a week late. I just kept saying "This is so mean!" when I looked at my BFNs. It's happened to me two other times and both times I ended up getting pregnant the cycle immediately following. My husband and I call it the "misconception" before the "conception." I usually have all the pregnancy symptoms and feel as pregnant as pregnant gets and then a late AF and BFNs then the next month, BAM! I don't know if this is common, but it has happened 100% of the time for me. Somehow the misconception month it makes me more fertile for the next cycle. I would think it's a chemical pregnancy before a pregnancy, but I never get the slightest pink or blue line during the month prior. Perhaps it's just a hormonal surge?

Perhaps it's still your month, but if not, don't be disheartened. It could be a good sign, like it has been for me, that your body is prepping for next month... ? Sounds strange, I know. Even though I knew that to be my pattern, I didn't want to admit it last month. I didn't want to let it go. I finally let it go emotionally, AF came, and this month I got a BFP on DPO 9 !!! I was fertile Myrtle! I would love to hear if anyone else had this experience.

All good wishes to you that you'll get a BFP, but if not, I will put my hopes on a super successful cycle for you next month!

Thank you so much!!! I really needed that. I was just about to make a comment that I'm done trying for now because I just got my AF about an 1/2 hour after my post, but now that I've read your comment, I'm getting hopeful again. Congratulations on your BFP and to your happy and healthy 9 months to come. This makes me believe that I need to continue. You really don't know what your words just did for me. Thanks.:flower:

Ugh, I'm so sorry about AF, never fun, but glad you're not giving up. I hope to hear good things next month. Are you using any assistance or going au natural?

I'm going au natural. I was on B/c for 2 years and finished my last pack in Aug of last year. So I know it's gonna take time.

How about natural over the counter supplements? CoQ10, melatonin prior to ovulation, dhea, prior to ovulation? I used pre-seed too and loved all of this. I actually feel better in general having taken these supplements... either than or it's the prego hormones putting me in a good mood. I'm also taking Iron and Zinc and Vits C, D, A, K and Folic acid, DHA and fish oil :) I'm totally vitamin popping, I know, but it's feeling great!

**Please read up on DHEA and Melatonin if you choose to use them and only use them up until Ovulation.

Really LOOOOVE the pre-seed :) This was my first month using it... ?

I am going to look into those supplements, and preseed, if AF shows up and crashes my silly "I hope I am pregnant" party. I've got a lot riding on getting pregnant - I want a baby more than ANYTHING --- and I want to get out of going to Aruba with my in-law's for two weeks this summer! hehehehe :haha:
How about natural over the counter supplements? CoQ10, melatonin prior to ovulation, dhea, prior to ovulation? I used pre-seed too and loved all of this. I actually feel better in general having taken these supplements... either than or it's the prego hormones putting me in a good mood. I'm also taking Iron and Zinc and Vits C, D, A, K and Folic acid, DHA and fish oil :) I'm totally vitamin popping, I know, but it's feeling great!

**Please read up on DHEA and Melatonin if you choose to use them and only use them up until Ovulation.

Really LOOOOVE the pre-seed :) This was my first month using it... ?

This was first cycle TTC#2 for us and we used pre-seed as it worked to conceive DD in 2010. I didn't really think we were going to get a bfp on the first try, but here we are! So I'm actually 3 for 3 with pre-seed and bfps (had a chemical the cycle before DD, but still a bfp). I can't say enough good things about pre-seed.
Ladies...with all that ewcm last week i dont know i oved or no..i got dried up sat and than sunday more watery and sticky strecthy discharge than normal, mild cramping that comes/goes, i got pain in legs as well and my back have been sore since sat till now..
i know in my gut im out this month. Body keeps playing tricks though, pink cm this afternoon although BFN this morning. 9 dpo. Couldnt get out of bed til this afternoon but think flu might now be lifting :)
Anywho, congratulations to all BFPs!!!

Just wondering re pre-seed -is it only if you are dry down there? xx :coffee:
Congrats to all of the new BFPs!!!!

AFM: I'm 17 dpo with a freaking BFN! I'm getting so frustrated. I just wish the damn Witch will come if that's what she's going to do. :cry: This is starting to get irritating.

That exact thing happened to me last month and AF came a week late. I just kept saying "This is so mean!" when I looked at my BFNs. It's happened to me two other times and both times I ended up getting pregnant the cycle immediately following. My husband and I call it the "misconception" before the "conception." I usually have all the pregnancy symptoms and feel as pregnant as pregnant gets and then a late AF and BFNs then the next month, BAM! I don't know if this is common, but it has happened 100% of the time for me. Somehow the misconception month it makes me more fertile for the next cycle. I would think it's a chemical pregnancy before a pregnancy, but I never get the slightest pink or blue line during the month prior. Perhaps it's just a hormonal surge?

Perhaps it's still your month, but if not, don't be disheartened. It could be a good sign, like it has been for me, that your body is prepping for next month... ? Sounds strange, I know. Even though I knew that to be my pattern, I didn't want to admit it last month. I didn't want to let it go. I finally let it go emotionally, AF came, and this month I got a BFP on DPO 9 !!! I was fertile Myrtle! I would love to hear if anyone else had this experience.

All good wishes to you that you'll get a BFP, but if not, I will put my hopes on a super successful cycle for you next month!

Thank you so much!!! I really needed that. I was just about to make a comment that I'm done trying for now because I just got my AF about an 1/2 hour after my post, but now that I've read your comment, I'm getting hopeful again. Congratulations on your BFP and to your happy and healthy 9 months to come. This makes me believe that I need to continue. You really don't know what your words just did for me. Thanks.:flower:

Ugh, I'm so sorry about AF, never fun, but glad you're not giving up. I hope to hear good things next month. Are you using any assistance or going au natural?

I think that I will look into these. Thanks for the information. I've been thinking about getting an ovulation kit and it sounds like the pre-seed really works according to other entries that I've read, but I don't know just yet. I am taking prenatal pill that my doc prescribed to me, but that's all for now. Maybe after a little more investigating, I'll consider come the summer time. I just don't want to stress more than I already am.
No advise for my chart...?

Hi Liz! I chart and temp. This is only my second cycle charting, but your Feb/Mar seems to make sense. I think one of two things could be happening:

1. You just ovulated a couple of days ago and the previous temp spike was a fluke--your OPK was positive, you had fertile CM, and you had a temp spike and immediate drop the next day (mine has done that both months that I've charted, consistenly).

2. You ovulated between the 19th and 21st (did you get solid - on the OPKs?? when were you using them?). You had tons of fertile CM and a significant temp spike after. If this is true, the dip on the 8th may have been implantation bleeding and the + OPK may have been positive because you're pregnant (you can get +OPK if you're preg). Have you done an hpt?

That's what I cam make of it! I could be wrong. But your chart looks pretty normal to me! Just a few confusing factors :)

Have you charted long? I have a temping question....

HPTs have all been neg...
Hmmmm you could be ovulating now. Your body could have tried to ovulate sooner but didn't due to stress or something...I say keep BD-ing away! And testing. Curious to know how it goes.
I ovulate today! So my testing date will be March 25!!!

Congrats to all the BFP's this month!!! I hope March gets the luck of the Irish for everyone
Think I might be out--spotting more today with some redder blood and cramps. Did a $ store HPT this am and it was BFN. I left it in on my counter and 3 hrs later it had the faintest of lines...maybe evap, though, and also outside the test window. Boo! I think if I get AF this early (spotting started 9dpo) I'll get my progesterone levels tested. Anyone else with low prog who's had the same symptoms?
So it's nearly 10 p.m. here and AF still hasn't showed up and she is usually here by now. It does feel like she's coming though, I want to BD because that usually brings her on if she's coming, but neiter DH nor I are in the mood. I am exhausted (despite a three hour nap today which is very unusual) and DH hurt is shoulder at work. So, I've decided that if my temp is still up in the morning I will test. I would like to wait until Wednesday or Thursday but DH will be out of town and I really need/want him to be here when I test.
My IC's arrived today in the mail... Don't know why I tested, but I did. Couldn't resist! lol
BFN... :(
I know it's still very early (maybe 9dpo)... and it wasn't even FMU... but I still can't help but feel SO disappointed. Why do I do this to myself?!?
NO MORE TESTS until Thursday morning (with FMU) at least!
Soooo tired today, slept in (till NOON!) then passed out on the couch from 5:30-7, when OH came home. Barely keeping my eyes open now. This is so unusual, this is day three of a three day weekend and I haven't even left the house all three days! My back also hurts so bad, (farther up then where I have an injury, so I don't think its that?) and I have a stabbing pain in between my shoulder blades once in a while, light headache all day, a few mild cramps... I think I am getting my hopes up but I can't wait till Saturday to POAS! I usually don't feel this icky until day one of my cycle!

Edit: I should add that my bbs were sore yesterday, but not so much today. Back to the side soreness, near my underarms again. Just one small spot. :(
I am most definitely OUT for this month - AF came a knocking right on time.

we wont be actively 'trying' next month, so maybe see you in May.
Hi Ladies!! Hope everyone had a good weekend!! got home from the cottage today and decided to test...(didnt hold my pee too long) and it was a :bfn: ....I think I ovd late so I could only be about 12-13 dpo... so i'm still waiting even though af is now late

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