(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

:witch: flew in today along with a proper temp drop.. On to April it is for me...:cry: Two more months of this and I 'll be reaching the 2 year mark of TTC... uggg.

:dust: to all the other March testers!

So sorry, it can be such an emotional rollercoaster:hugs:
So sorry Immy. Xx

I had some spotting a day or two after my bfp but have had nothing since. Fingers crossed it's the same for you. Xx
Helloooo MARCH Maddness!!!!

And it appears like there has been a BFP frenzy in my absence, WOW!

I have catching up to do, so here goes..... (If I miss anyone [on front page] please let me know)

:test: MRS. RESA, and NEW2BUMPS!!:test:




Sending a warm welcome to all the new joiners SNOWFLAKES, HOPE4BUMP, JLONDON, AD_ASTRA, GONNABAMOM, FLUFFADUCK, SAMANTHAX, LMK423, SIEGAL, and EDGYBEAUTYX hoping this is Your month! I am so sorry that some of you are here from January/February threads!! GL FXD!:dust:


:bfp:ALERT CONGRATULATIONS TRYIN_BABY, JLONDON, TORRES, JANNA, AD_ASTRA, GONNABAMOM, HERCFREAK, SAILORSGIRL, SIEGAL, HORSEYPANTS, MUMMYOF2GIRLZ, JEN_MOM24, TTC_LOLLY, and EDGYBEAUTYX Wishing you a Happy & Heathy 9 months!!! Come on over to this thread (https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...9-dragon-babies-2012-dec-apr-2012-bfps-8.html ) while you continue to stalk your TTC buddies here.

Sorry if I missed any of you, I was gone for a while, as it was my B-day on St. Patty's day Saturday and DW took me on a lovely trip! :)cake: Happy Belated St. Patty's Day b-day ORCHID667, HAJ624, and LILYV :cake:) We went to Las Vegas!!! And guess what, I won some money! Not a lot, but enough!!! I didn't lose! I am back now though and have caught up and will be with you for the long haul (until my next vacay in Aug.) I was so amazed at how much I missed logging on to BnB!

LIZLOVELUST before I left you said you were getting an appt, I hope that you have gotten scheduled as AF has come in rather strangely GL:dust:

JLONDON :happydance: I am soooo happy for you Hun! I can't wait to follow this pregnancy with hope from myself!:flower:

ILIKECAKE Hey Hun! How are things? How are you feeling? Scan coming up right? :flower:

SKEET9924 :hugs: I know how you are feeling, especially to have to take a break. I am currently on a break and had one in Dec. as well, after 34+ months of TTC. I have enjoyed you on the BnB threads and KNOW you will be chiming in before we know it with a most fabulous dark pink BFP! I have tremendous hope that during those lovely times that you and OH get to see each other, there will be lovely SPARKS flying and it will be perfect timing. What better story to tell a LO than they were concieved at a most wonderful time... Don't worry about the age, you will be just as capable and happy when you you do get that LO, I just know it! I am pruod of your strength and look forward to a suprise message here soon, I will certainly be here STILL. :hugs::dust::dust:

MANNY82 FXD for this upcoming BFP!:dust:

SMANATHAX and LMK423 Welcome to the BFP Party! I added you to the TBD on ffront page until you send me some dates... GL FXD!:dust:

BLUESKIES hope you get an appt soon Hun:hugs::dust:

HOPE4BUMP FXD Hun!:dust:

AL335003 so glad that the B6 has helped. This LP is important and it seems to be one less thing to be in your way of TTC. I know that there is aBFP waiting for you around the very next corner we come to! :dust:

DBZ34 I had a cycle like this in Dec., I will see you testing in April!:dust:

SIEGAL isn't that something, you dropped in before thinking about joining and then woohoo, a BFP! I am sooo happy for you Hun! Although you weren't here the whole month, I totally remember and have been routing for you. So glad things have come around, I know this is a sticky BFP!:dust:

GIRLINYORK these types of cycles happen, I have plenty of welcoming space for you in April!:dust:

MUMMYOF2GIRLZB] YAY! As with SIEGAL, I was sooo filled with joy to see you get this BFP! I am so happy for you it is totally a great birthday month for me, seeing all of you ladies that I have been with for cycle after cycle get the BFP you so rightfully deserve! I WILL be following this journey!:happydance:

IMMY11 I was soooo happy to see that BFP! I am no so destroyed and sad WITH you at your loss! I have nothing but hope and :hugs: for you for the future! WE will both get the BFPs soon Hun, please hang in there:hugs::hugs::dust:

:hugs: so very sorry that AF has flown in on you LALAR, SOOKIESNIQUE, SAMJ732, MISSBABES, BUTTERWORTH, LIZLOVELUST, THEETERNAL, AMP26, SKEET9924, KEL21, OCEAN_PEARL, LOLALOULOU, SCOOBYDRLP, CHESKA, and NUMBER2IN2012 I hope that you will join us again in the April/May threads! Where I am sure you will see dark pink BFP lines!:dust: (listed on 1st page)

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

Ladies When you need the TTC perspective to carry you through the day, click back to page 94 to see where your egg is on its journey (The “Path”). There is a very helpful diagram that I am going to post on WEDNESDAYS. Stop by, check it out, see your eggy and get an idea of when you should test (+3 days!)

(https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...9-dragon-babies-2012-dec-apr-2012-bfps-8.html ) Join in and meet Bump Buddies! While you continue to stalk your TTC buddies here.

AFM... Sorry if I missed any of you, I was gone for a while, as it was my B-day on St. Patty's day Saturday and DW took me on a lovely trip! We went to Las Vegas!!! And guess what, I won some money! Not a lot, but enough!!! I didn't lose! I am back now though and have caught up and will be with you for the long haul (until my next vacay in Aug.) I was so amazed at how much I missed logging on to BnB! I also got all my results back from the tests the week we left. All is good but we will be taking steps to TTC. I have written a proper post in my journal.... :dust:

*First Page Updated*
Ickle I feel the same about wishing I didnt know so much. How do people get preg by accident ffs!!!!!

Afm I'm out and gutted.

:hugs: Don't know if I'm so sure either about my :bfp: yesterday, started spotting on and off today :nope:

could it be late implantation? :/ i'm sorry :(

I could do with some advice really, its my first :bfp: ever! But (sorry if TMI) the "spotting" happened twice today early morning and evening. It's more just like clots and then nothing. Keep running to the loo to check, its ridiculous! No pain though just a bit tender. Would this still be termed as spotting?
Ickle I feel the same about wishing I didnt know so much. How do people get preg by accident ffs!!!!!

Afm I'm out and gutted.

:hugs: Don't know if I'm so sure either about my :bfp: yesterday, started spotting on and off today :nope:

could it be late implantation? :/ i'm sorry :(

I could do with some advice really, its my first :bfp: ever! But (sorry if TMI) the "spotting" happened twice today early morning and evening. It's more just like clots and then nothing. Keep running to the loo to check, its ridiculous! No pain though just a bit tender. Would this still be termed as spotting?

Oh clotting :/ clotting never a good sign during menstrul yeah but while pregnant no. it might be a chemical :shrug: let's hope it's not that you have a safe pregnancy. i'm sorry :/
Ickle I feel the same about wishing I didnt know so much. How do people get preg by accident ffs!!!!!

Afm I'm out and gutted.

:hugs: Don't know if I'm so sure either about my :bfp: yesterday, started spotting on and off today :nope:

could it be late implantation? :/ i'm sorry :(

I could do with some advice really, its my first :bfp: ever! But (sorry if TMI) the "spotting" happened twice today early morning and evening. It's more just like clots and then nothing. Keep running to the loo to check, its ridiculous! No pain though just a bit tender. Would this still be termed as spotting?

Hi hun. When I had my spotting it had a few stringy bits in it. Is that like what you had or is it more like wet clots? Also was it brown or red? X
I know it's almost the end of the month, but I'm due the 25th.

It may be because I've been home all day but I can't eat enough to get full, I'm starving constantly It's annoying.

My cycles have been irregular, been getting a positive OPK around CD 10 and cycles range from 23-35
I have a couple questions for you ladies - as you always sound so knowledgeable about everything!

I had a CP in Feb, and this is my first cycle after that happened. I'm on CD 31 - I'm usually right on 28 days. I'm 3 days late, but still no sign of AF. Is it normal to be all screwed up? I thought it was early enough that I would bounce back.

That being said, I'm also not convinced that I O'ed at all - I didn't have any of my 'usual' signs. How does that work with respect to your cycle? I know it's possible to have an anovulatory cycle, but how does your body know when to do it's thing? Do you even a period that month if you don't ovulate? Or do you just keep watching for the next sign of O? I'm going crazy with all this daily (sometimes twice daily) POAS since being officially late - only to keep getting BFN after BFN. But now I don't think it's pregnant late... I think I'm all screwed up late. Is there any way to know for sure????
I have a couple questions for you ladies - as you always sound so knowledgeable about everything!

I had a CP in Feb, and this is my first cycle after that happened. I'm on CD 31 - I'm usually right on 28 days. I'm 3 days late, but still no sign of AF. Is it normal to be all screwed up? I thought it was early enough that I would bounce back.

That being said, I'm also not convinced that I O'ed at all - I didn't have any of my 'usual' signs. How does that work with respect to your cycle? I know it's possible to have an anovulatory cycle, but how does your body know when to do it's thing? Do you even a period that month if you don't ovulate? Or do you just keep watching for the next sign of O? I'm going crazy with all this daily (sometimes twice daily) POAS since being officially late - only to keep getting BFN after BFN. But now I don't think it's pregnant late... I think I'm all screwed up late. Is there any way to know for sure????

Well after my chemical, my next cycle was long. 55 days, which means I didn't o until cd 41. Everyone is different, though. Some people's hormones jump right back and they have normal cycles right after. Sometimes your body tries to o, but for some reason is unsuccessful. Stress is common for that. Your body will try again, so watch for the signs. The only way to know for sure is at a doctors, having your blood run for the hormone levels.
Thanks so much MrsMM.. You will make a beautiful mummy again very soon
Okay so I'm 15 DPO/41 CD and no sign of AF and ALL BFNs... I freakin' hate this!! I difinitley believe that the B6 did some great things for me, but now I'm thinking that I never actually ovulated despite getting a + opk on cd26... Maybe I was just gearing up to do so but it never happened?

And to add on top of all that, I'm supposed to get blood work on the 21-23 day of my next cycle and go back to my obgyn on April 17 for the blood results and ultrasound results, but now I have to move that back a week because of this screwed up cycle!! :growlmad:

Now that I've vented a bit I would like to congratulate all of the BFPs out there and I hope that all of the ones that AF got feel a little bit better-at least your not in this horrible limbo like Blueskies and myself :cry:
Congrats to all the BFPs out there!! :thumbup::thumbup:

So sorry for the ones that the witch got... Hopefully next month you have a better result.

AFM- I'm 13 dpo and still showing BFN on a FRER. I know my chances are slim to none now.. But anyone ever get a good BFP 14 dpo or later after being having BFNs up to this point? Just curious...

Good luck to all those in the tww... it's dreadful.. positive thoughts and :dust:
Congrats to all the BFPs out there!! :thumbup::thumbup:

So sorry for the ones that the witch got... Hopefully next month you have a better result.

AFM- I'm 13 dpo and still showing BFN on a FRER. I know my chances are slim to none now.. But anyone ever get a good BFP 14 dpo or later after being having BFNs up to this point? Just curious...

Good luck to all those in the tww... it's dreadful.. positive thoughts and :dust:

Not me personally, but maybe this will help?

Congrats to all the BFPs out there!! :thumbup::thumbup:

So sorry for the ones that the witch got... Hopefully next month you have a better result.

AFM- I'm 13 dpo and still showing BFN on a FRER. I know my chances are slim to none now.. But anyone ever get a good BFP 14 dpo or later after being having BFNs up to this point? Just curious...

Good luck to all those in the tww... it's dreadful.. positive thoughts and :dust:

Not me personally, but maybe this will help?


Oh that is quite encouraging!! Seeing all these BFPs so early makes me think I'm out- but maybe not... We'll see, huh? Thanks for sharing! :flower:

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