14 Weeks old... Weaning too soon?


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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Hey all,

Ive just slowly started weaning my 14 week old son, he is still having his hungry baby milk, he is on between 7-8oz, and 2 feeds of baby porrige but I only give him 5 spoonful.

Now he is showing all the classic symptoms of weaning, he has taken to it brilliantly. He is pooping good, he has great chewing reflexes. Overall its not upset his system whatsoever.

Now lots of people say that the goverment guidelines say 6 months on wards.

I did a lot of research before i started him porrige and rice. I asked my mother, friends and other folk off internet, now some people have strong views about starting weaning at this age, and some seem to be ok with the idea. Overall its just mixed views.

Now ive heard by the majority of people that they started weaning there children 12 weeks onward or 16 weeks onwards. Its rare to hear that they started smack bang on 6 months.

Also if they say gov recommends 6 months onwards, why does it say 4-6 months?

So confused, but overall, when did you guys start weaning your children.
hi yeah there are the guidelines and there are alot of people VERY agains weaning earlier than 6 month but then you find most of them wean at 24 weeks when that actually before 6 month :wacko:

Ellie has been weaned from VERY young age as she was prem and we were advised to wean she is 24 weeks (17 corrected) and on 3 meals a day :thumbup: and loving her food

I think that mums know best xx
Its just because hes on 8oz hungry baby milk ever 2-3 hours, what age did you wean your LO. Hes taken to weaning sooooo well im totally surpised, because he is sitting very well with support,
people will argue that just because he is taking so much milk doesnt mean they need weaned trust me ive been there lol eh Ellie was 19 weeks (12 weeks corrected) so 12 weeks and she is doing great!!! dont feel bad about doing it and if you feel hes ready then he prob is im sure he would let you know if he didnt want it xx
its so worrying when you feel like your doing great with the weaning then someone goes ahead and says that your killing your baby because of there system not fully digested, i mean Oliver was a big baby when is was born 9lbs 6.5oz and now weighing at 16lbs and hes 14 weeks.
The reason they advise 6 months (and before you say it Claire this is the guideline for full time babies; not prem) is because of research showing that there is an increased risk of allergies and coeliacs if foods are given before 6 months, many people have got away with giving solids before 6 months but there is no harm in waiting; and at least you'd know that any allergies or health problems were not caused by early weaning. Just because loads of people online; friends and family etc wean early doesn't mean its the correct thing to do. It hasn't been advised to wean before 17 weeks since the early 1990s. Also weight is nothing to do with needing to be weaned onto solids; 16lbs at 14 weeks is not all that massive; and there are babies who are 20+ lbs at your LOs age who are only weaned at 6 months. Waiting to wean will do your LO no harm but weaning early could well do.

Just a few of the articles on why the recommendation is now 17 weeks minimum. These are not just heresay based on 'well my baby was alright so it must be ok' but proper medical studies etc....
my baby was on 8oz of hungry milk 6 times a day at 10 weeks old she was 18lbs at 14weeks- shes now nearly 19 weeks and on 8oz 5 times a day so strange shes on less--- try to ride out the growth spurt- i promise it will pass

i have had sooo many people say to wean but i havent yet and im glad- theres soooooooo much research to support waiting- kidneys and digestive systems are still developing up to 17 weeks and are fully developed at 24 weeks

the guidelines used to be 4 months and was changed around the year 2000 to 6 months- the WHO (world health organisition) suggests 6 months - so its not just a national reccommendation its global
its so worrying when you feel like your doing great with the weaning then someone goes ahead and says that your killing your baby because of there system not fully digested, i mean Oliver was a big baby when is was born 9lbs 6.5oz and now weighing at 16lbs and hes 14 weeks.

goodness i hope noboday has said that to u--- ur not killing ur baby- it is reccommendations- noone can force a choice on a mother, weaning vaccinations etc are a parents choice
My LO was 23lb 6 at 5 months. We have just started to wean him this week using TW, but are taking it slowly. The HV said we should do this as in theory, he will drop some milk and the veg purees etc should be less fattening!

My LO was downing 8oz at 10 weeks each feed, and I tried hungry baby but it didn't agree with him, but he gradually settled down and is on 6oz 6 times a day at present

Noone can tell you what is best as you are his mummy, but 14 weeks seems quite young, given all the guidelines. If he is ok with the porridge and you are happy with this,w hy not just stick with that for a month or so and see how you get on.

I know people who have weaned very early, on medical advice, but that is because the advice changes so much over the years I think!
A health visitor I saw who was very much advocating just milk until six months did say that if you feed before then avoid wheat altogether. She did also say she would stick to just baby rice rather than porridge (don't know why, I presume it's just easier to digest).
I started weaning gradually at around four and a half months with just baby rice mixed in with breastmilk.
its so worrying when you feel like your doing great with the weaning then someone goes ahead and says that your killing your baby because of there system not fully digested, i mean Oliver was a big baby when is was born 9lbs 6.5oz and now weighing at 16lbs and hes 14 weeks.

goodness i hope noboday has said that to u--- ur not killing ur baby- it is reccommendations- noone can force a choice on a mother, weaning vaccinations etc are a parents choice

oh yeah ive been told my baby will have all the alleries going and I will damage her insides and im a discrace to be feedling my "newborn" baby and then when I have a comment on posts such as this one always get pin pointed out cause I say in my comments Ellie was a prem, pretty pi**ed off with it now. xx
The reason they advise 6 months (and before you say it Claire this is the guideline for full time babies; not prem) is because of research showing that there is an increased risk of allergies and coeliacs if foods are given before 6 months, many people have got away with giving solids before 6 months but there is no harm in waiting; and at least you'd know that any allergies or health problems were not caused by early weaning. Just because loads of people online; friends and family etc wean early doesn't mean its the correct thing to do. It hasn't been advised to wean before 17 weeks since the early 1990s. Also weight is nothing to do with needing to be weaned onto solids; 16lbs at 14 weeks is not all that massive; and there are babies who are 20+ lbs at your LOs age who are only weaned at 6 months. Waiting to wean will do your LO no harm but weaning early could well do.

is there ever going to be a weaning post where I comment you arent going to come on and pin point me out for Ellie being prem and me having to wean her early???? Also Mia was born in 2005 and the "guidelines" were 4 month for weaning.
its so worrying when you feel like your doing great with the weaning then someone goes ahead and says that your killing your baby because of there system not fully digested, i mean Oliver was a big baby when is was born 9lbs 6.5oz and now weighing at 16lbs and hes 14 weeks.

goodness i hope noboday has said that to u--- ur not killing ur baby- it is reccommendations- noone can force a choice on a mother, weaning vaccinations etc are a parents choice

oh yeah ive been told my baby will have all the alleries going and I will damage her insides and im a discrace to be feedling my "newborn" baby and then when I have a comment on posts such as this one always get pin pointed out cause I say in my comments Ellie was a prem, pretty pi**ed off with it now. xx

my mum weaned me at 11 weeks-- i wasnt a premie--- she cant believe my baby isnt hungry without solids!!!! i dont have an allergies, asthma, no obesity- nothing:happydance:
its so worrying when you feel like your doing great with the weaning then someone goes ahead and says that your killing your baby because of there system not fully digested, i mean Oliver was a big baby when is was born 9lbs 6.5oz and now weighing at 16lbs and hes 14 weeks.

goodness i hope noboday has said that to u--- ur not killing ur baby- it is reccommendations- noone can force a choice on a mother, weaning vaccinations etc are a parents choice

oh yeah ive been told my baby will have all the alleries going and I will damage her insides and im a discrace to be feedling my "newborn" baby and then when I have a comment on posts such as this one always get pin pointed out cause I say in my comments Ellie was a prem, pretty pi**ed off with it now. xx

my mum weaned me at 11 weeks-- i wasnt a premie--- she cant believe my baby isnt hungry without solids!!!! i dont have an allergies, asthma, no obesity- nothing:happydance:

That's great for you, but there ARE adults nowadays with celiac disease, IBS, etc. that is now believed to be a result of weaning far too early. Statistics are still people. Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it won't happen to someone else.

And to xxClaire_24xx:
As someone who also weaned early due to his acid reflux disease, I find it a little outrageous that you go on about how your daughter was weaned early and she was just fine, but your daughter had a medical condition like mine did, and they are NOT the same as the average no-medical condition full-term baby whose mom comes in here and asks about very early weaning! Why do you consistently advise people that it is just fine to go against guidelines when they have no medical reason to? I don't understand? Just because your daughter (and my son) had medical reason does not negate the fact that OUR babies may have IBS or other issues later in life. Unfortunately that's a drawback to dealing with an early medical issue but it's a risk that we had to take.

Doesn't mean it is okay for everyone else to do so too when they have no reason to!
Its 6 months because a babys digestive system matures between 4 and 6 months, some babys tummys are mature at 17 weeks, others arnt untill 26 weeks so they advise waiting untill 6 months just to be on the safe side. Weaning before 17 weeks has proven links to allergys, intolorances and celiacs desise.

I started at 23 weeks on the advice of the HV as she was prem. If she wasent i would have waited untill 26 weeks. My FIL has celiacs so i know just how shitty it can be to go out for tea and only be able to eat one thing on the menu, i dident want it on my consciance if she were to suffer anything from weaning too early.
Claire every thread about weaning early; even if it applies to a large, term baby you say early weaning is fine because you had to wean early because your daughter was prem. Then when people point out the two scenarios are not the same; you get all antsy and start saying people are attacking you for weaning early; no-one is. I have not seen ONE post attacking you for your choice or the advice you received; just ladies pointing out that a 9 or 10lber term baby and a 4-5lb or less prem baby born many weeks early are NOT the same. No one is 'pin pointing' you but you come on any thread about weaning and comment the exact same thing on every one; that is your choice; if people disagree with you and say why; that is also their choice. The mods have even asked you to report these supposed attacks on yourself as you keep claiming but no-one has attacked you.
Waiting until 6 months does no harm; weaning at 4 months or before may do so the way i see it is you might as well wait. I was weaned at 8 weeks and have no problems and I weaned my LO at 6 months and he has several food allergies but this alone does not mean the recommendations are wrong as they look at a large range of children rather than just individual cases.
I got all the usual suggestions about early weaning. Mainly from my MIL who believed LO was ready for a rusk and a boiled egg at 11 weeks old. It's sometimes harder for the older generation to understand that guidelines have changed and they have changed for the health of the babies involved not just to piss of the parents.

Before 17 weeks (the very earliest you should wean without medical cause) a babies digestive system is still developing and food, IMO and apparently WHO's, is just not necessary. A baby who is drinking lots of milk is getting exactly what they need from it. They do not know that food may fill them up.

My LO was EBF until 6 months and she fed a lot. Obviously I dont know how many oz but it was all the time. She even started having about 10/20 feeds through the night. My decision was to hold off until she started to show signs that she needed more than milk. Eventually when she was 5.5 mths she started reaching for our food. She could also hold her head extremely well and could sit upright so we weaned her.

Of course you will know exactly when your baby is ready to be weaned. I dont think your a bad mum and your certainly not 'killing' your baby but I just think that just because you LO has a lot of milk doesnt mean he needs food. Sorry just my opinion.

Thank you all x
just one last question. Why does it say on all baby food and drinks 4-6 months. Why doesnt it from 6 months onwards. This does confuse me a lot. Why isnt WHO doing something about this potentially false and medically harmful advise. I cannot go to my HV as she doesnt really have a clue aboy my son. Shes just their to weigj him.
May i just add everyone is entitled to there own opinon and can share theyre past experience with there little ones. X

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