15 mo baby taken away from mother due to extended breastfeeding


Crunchy mummy
Nov 2, 2007
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A 15 month old baby in Spain was taken away from her mother when she refused to wean her child. Extended breastfeeding was determined to be "chaotic" and "harmful for every boy and girl" by the Madrid Institute of Mothers Minors and Families. The mother was then thrown onto the streets and told she no longer had a child.

This story really shocked me as I have a 15 month old daughter of my own who is still breastfeeding (hopefully for a long time yet). Please sign the petition and help Habiba get her baby back!


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Full story:
This Morning, I read a startling article about a Moroccan mother: Habiba, a low income woman in a program ran by the Madrid Institute of Mothers Minors and families (IMMF), whose 15 month old daughter was taken away because of failure to comply with their wishes to wean her child, referring to this act as "chaotic" and "harmful".

The Article hit home because I have a 14 month old who still nurses, I cannot imagine someone trying to rip her from my arms and from her much needed "boo boo" I am horrified to think what this child must be feeling, surrounded by strangers, wondering where her mommy and where her milkies have gone.. no comfort in sight, feeling abandoned and this just brings me to tears to think of my daughter having to go through this.. to think of ANYONE'S daughter having to go through this.

As a mother I want to reach out to Habiba and let her know I am with her an mothers in the U.S are with her.. I am trying to find info in English but I can't so far so I will try my best to translate what I find..

Here is one of the MANY articles in Spanish talking about the case:

The Press Release Goes something like this: (roughly translated)

Four days ago, the Madrid Institute for Minors and Families (IMMF), decided to separate a little girl from her mother for not complying with the objectives of a psychotherapy program and "maternal abilities" that imply to abandon extended breastfeeding and breastfeeding on demand because it is considered "chaotic" and "harmful for every boy and girl". With these considerations all lacking scientific or legal facts, they force mothers to take medication to cease milk production.

According to the Spanish Association of Pediatricians, breastfeeding should be on demand and it can be extended as long as both child an mother wish. No legal action has been taken to separate mother and child, and the mother has not been allowed to say goodbye nor has she been told where her daughter will be taken causing a grave defenselessness on both. Habiba is engorged and on the brink of mastitis and with a broken heart with pain, with barely any sleep or bite to eat. This woman has been evaluated by a psychiatrist and she does not show any signs of mental illness, drug consumption or anything that would justify making her victim of such aggression.

They threw Habiba on the streets the same moment they took her daughter telling her she had no more
room there because the resources they offer are for mothers and children and she did not have a child anymore. A humanitarian foundation has decided to help this mother donating legal support as well as shelter . We are deeply concerned by Habiba's pain and it pains us to imagine the circumstances this 15 month old child might be in, separated from her mother in an abrupt fashion most likely with no one explaining anything to her.

We consider Habiba and her child's case as a serious violation of human rights as well as children's rights. The damage is already done but if mother and child are reunited immediately it can be repaired because of this we urge you to write to write and protest to IMMF management, asking for the immediate return of the child to her mother

There is a group formed in Spanish
Que el IMMF permita que Habiba amamante a su niña YA with constant updates by people close to Habiba and those familiar with the case.

I am not but a mother who was moved by this story and my plea is for you to be moved as well.. Madrid is far away but the pain of a mother can be felt the same in any language. I created a group:
U.S mothers support Habiba! Hey IMMF Give her baby back! To show International support for this mother in her time of need.
OMG! That's horrible! I don't even have words to say how that makes me feel.
There must be more to this story then it seems.

Is she refusing to wean the baby onto any kind of solid? If so then she is putting that baby at danger or malnutrition as sorry but at 15 months breast milk alone is nt enough.

Maybe the baby is having health problems because of the mothers refusal to wean.

Just because breast feeding is involved doesnt mean that a mother can do what she wants regardless of the well being of her baby
That is terrible. That poor woman!! I hope she gets her baby back!!! Its disgusting the way they treated her!!
Surely there's more to the story than that? I don't understand why a child would be taken away from it's mother simply because it's breastfed :wacko:
There must be more to this story then it seems.

Is she refusing to wean the baby onto any kind of solid? If so then she is putting that baby at danger or malnutrition as sorry but at 15 months breast milk alone is nt enough.

Maybe the baby is having health problems because of the mothers refusal to wean.

Just because breast feeding is involved doesnt mean that a mother can do what she wants regardless of the well being of her baby

I was thinking the same thing. There must be more to this story.
I also cant find anything else about this anywhere online and anything that comes up in regard to spain and breast feeding is very encouraging :shrug:
The part that sticks out to me is "not complying with the objectives of a psychotherapy program..." Definitely more to the story.
yeah sounds weird to me, gotta be something else going on
I can't find anything on this story other than that one Spanish link to a blog which I can't read. I personally doubt that if this happened there isn't much more to the story - Spanish authorities have to work within legal paramaters as would anyone else. Its hard to believe a child was apprehended under such circumstances and the mother was "thrown" out onto the streets and told she'll never see the child again. Doesn't sound plausible to me.

thats shocking that the baby has been taken away although I do agree that just milk whether it be FF or BF and no solids at that age could be very dangerous, surely there must be a reason that she isnt weaning the baby, it just doesnt make sense xx
I live in Spain and I would like to think that there is more to this story than first appears. Could it be that the Mother was exclusively bf the baby and not giving her any solids at all, which I am guessing wouldnt be a good idea at that age?
I agree, it does sound like only half a story, but IF there isnt more to it, then quite frankly thats horrific...
I wouldnt even call 15 months extended....I always thought anything over 18 months was considered extended...but i dunno!

If it is as clear cut as this article is stating then i will most definately sign the petition.
Updated the link, thanks for pointing that out.

The mother is a young mother of "Moroccan origin and adverse socioeconomic circumstances" who was living in a residence for young mothers. It wasn't the Spanish authorities who took the baby away, it was the relief centre (who have no legal right to do so). Weaning onto solids isn't the issue here as far as I'm aware, it's the fact that they were trying to force her to completely stop breastfeeding and take medication to dry up her milk. The mother has filed an injunction but sadly this isn't an isolated case, several women in these centres have been pressurised into weaning (by which I mean weaning off the breast, not weaning onto solids). :(
But whats it to them that she continued to BF....How is it effecting the relief centre....Im confused...Makes no sense at all?!?!?!
Here's some more information from Dr Ibone Olza, a psychiatrist not connected with IMMF (the organisation that took the baby away). Please excuse the dodgy translation!

I met this mother on Wednesday at the request of the Foundation Estate. She had two days without seeing her daughter and her engorged. I issued a report that led the Court of Guard. On Friday I went to meet her. Given the immobility of successive police courts to resolve the situation and the seriousness of the case decided to go public yesterday. For security reasons the mother can not reveal her identity, but the Ombudsman has all the data.

I certify the veracity of the information. I've talked to a person in charge of the case IMMF has confirmed that it has withdrawn the custody of things like "breastfeeding in a chaotic way, and refusing to suppress lactation" and also assured me that minors wards were not able to breastfeed in any case. When I expressed to that person the huge contradiction that is the measure with the advice we give health professionals encourage mothers to feed ademanda and for two years as a minimum I replied that "if we allow children in centers their mothers came to breast-feed would go mad. "

Habiba pulled pint of milk in my presence early Friday, and yesterday I did all I thought I could do: go in the morning to deliver milk to the center where their child. In this center have never received breast milk, and if accepted it was my insistence that we could throw something so precious. I could not see the girl, but I insisted as I did in my report, that as a child psychiatry that I know to separate sharply to a fifteen months of her mother and taken to a facility not know anyone, is to make a enormous damage. I expressed my concern for the child.

A Habiba currently only going to let her see her daughter the next day 9, we do not know for how long. It is customary that when a child is admitted to an IMMF center of her parents only allowed to visit one hour a week, I know from other cases I have attended.

We are coordinating support for the mother and especially legal aid, which we hope will bear fruit in the next 48 hours.

Habiba is a wonderful mother, I can assure you.
Thanks for all the support.
Did this happen in Spain or in Moracco? ETA: Ahh... okay, it's more clear now and happened in Spain to a Moroccan woman.

It sounds to me like, if it is true, she was at some sort of shelter for her and her baby. The people that ran the shelter wanted her to stop BF. When she refused, they took the toddler and threw her out because the shelter was for moms and babies and they had made her motherless. Sounds like kidnapping to me.

If the authorities are refusing to get involved, there is definitely more to the story. Because that is blantant kidnapping. The only other thing I could imagine was that they told her she wasn't allowed to stay if she continued to BF and she allowed her baby to stay with them for fear of not being able to provide shelter for the baby if she were kicked out with the baby. That's the only way I could see it wouldn't be kidnapping. :shrug:
I read that twice, but i understood very little of it....:confused:

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