OK girls I'm back! I just needed a bit of break from the madness and I'm embarrassed to say it, but seeing all those BFPs was starting to make me insanely jealous and I didn't want to be that person

So.....I thought we'd get the FS out of the way, get on to the next cycle and just keeping plugging away. However.....
This is what I got yesterday, and then again this morning!!! I was so sure I was out - I have zero symptoms (except sore nipples for a couple of days last week) and I had spotting at 12DPO (usually a sure sign that AF is on the way). I only did an ic test yesterday morning because FF was telling me to!! I nearly died when I saw a faint line just before I threw it in the bin!! So I went out and got Superdrug tests (3 for 2

), did one at 2pm yesterday and it was definitely positive. Another one this morning and the same thing!!
Typical - Mal is due to go back to the FS this morning to do a sample. And we conceived the night we went to see the FS (or the night after). I got a glaringly positive OPK on cd20, but we didn't DTD in case Mal had to give a sample at the FS the next day, so we waited until that night and I was so worried we missed the window!! FF put ov day down as cd21, but I had an internal scan on that day and they said they couldn't see any sign of ovulation so I'm not 100% sure how many DPO I am. Maybe 14/15.
Anyway, I wasn't taking anything except folic acid, I didn't use Conceive Plus, and I didn't have my legs in the air for half an hour. And it's still happened. My EDD is January 2nd.
Suppose I'd better toddle off to 1st Tri......