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16 DPO - 26th April - 2WW - Updates on first post

Hi charliekitty, sorry about the BFNs, hopefully those dots on todays will become a line on tomorrows! Fingers crossed for you xxx

Hi jessalex, you can post as many BFPs as you like in this thread!! We're all dying to see one!! If you want to make your own thread to announce it then it should be in the BFP announcements. I know what you mean about never knowing the results for those who they say they're testing lol I have a look in the BFP forum every so often to see if anyone i "know" has actually had theres!

Hopefully very soon this thread will have lots of BFPs plastered all over it :D

Good luck to you both xx
well :bfn: for me this morning :-( AF not due till Sunday so im still holding onto a bit of hope

Tested using a pound shop cheapie, didnt even tell me what level HCG it tested at but did say to test first day of missed period so maybe i just tested too early (i can hope anyway)

:dust: to all

PJ xxx
Sorry pj, hopefully the tests just aren't strong enough!
Thanks Cheeky

It isnt over for any of us till :witch: arrives so im still keeping fingers crossed for us all

I just want to know one way or the other now!! :growlmad:

I got a bfn today too on an IC :haha:

Still got af signs :growlmad: but incredibly painful (.)(.) too. I'm usually spotting by now but nothing :shrug: I keep going to the loo to check :haha:

Going by previous cycles she's due either tomorrow or Sat.

Not long now ladies..............:happydance:
I've already gone :loopy: !!

I'm still getting BFNs on ICs, tested 3 times yesterday lol

My AF is due tomorrow or Saturday too. Not going to buy a decent test till Saturday, if AF doesn't show.

I'm keep checking my CM too! And my CP, which is up and down like a yo-yo!

We'll have to be bump buddies Cookie Dough!!!

:loopy: :loopy: :loopy: :loopy: :loopy:
OMG Mel, 3 times in one day?:rofl:

I've had to get a grip - I was seeing lines yesterday! Seriously, stare at those bad boys long enough and you'll see what you want to see! :haha:

Sunday cannot come quick enough :growlmad:

I checked my CP yesterday - never done it before though so I have no point of reference! :haha: Pointless really.

You know I'm sure I can smell her coming :blush: Does anyone else smell slightly different when she rears her ugly head? I also tend to feel a little more 'open' down there - OMG the things you say on here :blush:

I like the sound of Bump Buddies Mel :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Yes, but I've only tested once so far today :D

I was seeing lines yesterday too, I even got the OH involved with seeing things! He's convinced he could see a line on the test I did last night, I think he's just seeing the line I've managed to convince him he can see! :D

I know what you mean about the smell, but just like my AF pains, I don't notice that until she hits me either! There is a down side to no AF pains, I'm never given any warning she's coming!

My OH knows when I'm due AF as (apparently) I become more hornier than usual :D
hello ladies!

Anyone got their BFP's yet?

Am 16 DPO and too scared to test. Sad I know but can't bear to see another BFN.

Might wait a week overdue and see..
No Lily not yet! Everyone's getting closer to their test day though so hopefully we'll start seeing lots over the next few days!

How long does your LP usually last? Is AF overdue now?
Hi cheeky!

What day are you?

AF was due Tues. Now 2 days late.

You are so more diciplined than me!! I've been testing since 9DPO lol I'm now 12DPO with AF due Fri/Sat.

Had BFNs so far but holding on to hope for now!

When are you going to test? I hope it's a BFP for you!!
Damn i think im out =( i just went to the loo and when i wiped it was a bit pink =(

looks like in guna have to go play in the TCC forum!! lol

let me know how you all go on

and lots and lots of luck and baby dust =)

Noooo Charliekitty :hugs:

Pretty sure I'll be following you so I'll see you over there :winkwink:
Aww I'm so sorry charliekitty :( but don't feel like you have to leave the thread yet! Hang around if you want too!!

Good luck for next month xxxxxxxxxxx
:bfn: at 14 dpo :cry:

Wasn't supposed to test till Saturday but lost all my self control and dashed to the store for a Clear Blue. Ah well.....:shrug:

:witch: is due today, but I hear the prenatals I'm on (Pregnacare Conception) can lengthen your cycle, so she might not even show for a few days. Such a bummer!

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