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16 DPO - 26th April - 2WW - Updates on first post

momtoboys1, So, is it possible you are having IB? Or are you pretty sure it is AF? I just cannot believe the witch would come visit us both so early if it is her! Are you usually regular? Praying it is good news for you!

Mel, I will makesure the link can take you to my chart..It is not very interesting as I have just started and as of yet do not chart my temps. This cycle I will be temping though. Just need to go buy a BB thermometer. I just joined FF so, I am just learning how to chart! Thanks for your support!


I have since stopped and am left clueless now.
I think it could be af coming as my cycles were around 23days, until I started ttc they are more around 28days now (don't ask me why lol)
I'm just feeling bummed right now and can't wait to get off work in ten mins to have a really good cry.

I have had 5 pregnancies and never had IB before. So who knows but my gut is telling me t is af
momtoboys1,You are stronger than me! I cried all morning! As soon as I woke up this morning and realized AF was here and not IB, I had a dark cloud over me :(
Then I calmed myself to go into work and another teacher asked me if I was ok (I probably looked awful from crying) and I just broke into tears again! I was ok after that for a while but I really had to hold it together so that I did not scare my students :)

Praying for you! If it is AF we can start a fresh new cycle together! Hopefully we will get our girl with our BFP :)
momtoboys1,You are stronger than me! I cried all morning! As soon as I woke up this morning and realized AF was here and not IB, I had a dark cloud over me :(
Then I calmed myself to go into work and another teacher asked me if I was ok (I probably looked awful from crying) and I just broke into tears again! I was ok after that for a while but I really had to hold it together so that I did not scare my students :)

Praying for you! If it is AF we can start a fresh new cycle together! Hopefully we will get our girl with our BFP :)

Yea no doubt it's coming soon.
I haven't stopped crying since I got home, have also got the usual af bad temper going on. It's only a matter of time now. Sometimes I spot 2 days before AF finally comes full force.

I'm thinking we are going to have a Jan 2011 baby each :dust: :hugs:
momtoboys1, Sorry to hear that. :sad1: I broke down and cried to the DH for about an hour and just rambled on a bawled :sad2: and he lifted my spirits a little bit. It is just hard when you have an unpredictable cycle and don't know why! At least you have only been trying for 2 cycles; not too long. I am sure it will happen for you soon! This will be cycle 7 for me :( Hoping the dr visit will ease my mind and take care of any problems I might be having. PMA! lol

I am praying for ya! fx :hugs::hug:
I know it's still early days for me, I just didn't want it to take a long time.
I'm also 6 years older than when I was last pregnant and now in my mid thirties, so things could be slower this time around.
Hi Ladies,
Just popping in really quick as I'm revising today for an exam tomorrow.

Hi to the new ladies :hi:

Sorry the witch got you Jeannaann:hugs:

Mel I got a bfn this morning too on an IC:hugs:....we're not out yet though :thumbup:

Have a look at this site I found....


Pretty sure I'm out this month - PMA has vanished completely and although I feel slightly different I'm starting to get my usual AF symptoms :growlmad:

Sorry if I've missed anything....I'll catch up soon as I've got my head out of the books!

Hi cookie, sorry you got a BFN too :(

I'm not getting any AF symptoms yet but don't tend to get them till about 24 hours or so before she arrives.

Good luck with your exam tomorrow!!
:rofl: I can't keep away!

Thank you Mel :flower:

I usually get spotting a few days before - over the last 6mnths it's varied from 1-4 days before af. Haven't got any yet :thumbup:

Fx'd we get our :bfp: I think we're about due them :happydance:
I also got a bfn today! (I know, I know I just couldnt help myself when the new midstreams turned up in the post!) 9dpo I dont think I had any chance of something showing even if I was pg! But I seem to have this 'feeling' now that I know I'm not! Oh well... rolll on next cycle!
Sorry about the BFN sunshine :(

Well that's 3 of us waiting on AF now, hopefully we've just tested too early!

I still have some hope for this cycle
bfn for me too mel...dammm oh well guess we still in the running x
bfn for me this am.
More pink tinge on the tp last night, and diarrhea this morning.
Classic signs for me that the witch is on her way
Haha I'm almost wetting myself about how none of us have the control to wait!!! hehe!

Going by my opk I'm 8-9dpo... so its definitely too early! But tbh I cant see me getting a BFP this month anyway... I guess the bfn has stopped the head craziness a little too which is good!

Fingers crossed everyone else's bfn's turn to BFP's soooon!

Waay to many BFNs flying round in here today! Someone's got to get a BFP!
I guess the bfn has stopped the head craziness a little too which is good!

Oh no - not for me! Still as :loopy: as ever!

I'm keeping everything crossed for our :bfp: ladies...especially you momtoboys :dust:

My (.)(.) are really starting to hurt - different pain to normal but as I've realised each month - these symptoms mean nothing most the time! :rofl:

Come on ladies - lets see those :bfp:


i tested again caved in bfn 9dpo im going to test again 2moz lol
:dust: to us all
Sorry to hear about all the :bfn:.....fx for you all! I hope to come home from work tonight and see some :bfp:!

Sorry to hear about all the :bfn:, it isnt over till :witch: turns up though.

I am going out to get some tests this morn then hopefully testing tomorrow morning (if i can wait that long), im not sure ill be able to resist once i actually have them here though!

Fingers crossed for all of us



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