18-25's!!...young yummy mummies xx

Sarah I think you might be in with a little luck, it took me nearly 2 weeks from day of :witch: to get a :bfp: and at around 7 weeks i got terrible sickness, not just mornings but whenever i stood up or done pretty much anything tbh. Fingers X'd for u :dust:
Charlz Wow. Boobs man, that is a good sign. Here's hoping you haven't just been sneaking that xtra cube of choccy lol!xxxx bring on the :bfp:
ok, down with the symptoms
For the last 2 nights i've been extremely irritable and not been able to sleep for hours through the night. Still have a supressed appetite, which is odd with the :witch: aches, and still feel slightly nauseaus. I've had absoulutely terrible :witch: aches on bottom of my back which i panicked about thinking it was over for me this month... however... as Charlz knows i'm not due till next friday and i have no spotting just watery/sticky CM. I've also just read on the TTC forum about a lady who had the period pain symptoms quite badly and has just got her :bfp: today, so here's hoping!!! :crib:

In addition, ive just started getting pulling twinges in my right side of where i can only explain to be my ovaries (i think, i dont have a map you see lol)
Hello Twiggy:) It's nice to be here!

How is everyone today? I currently have nothing to report, how boring but only about 3PO so not a lot going on.
Tinkermoo, i feel your pain i'm 9dpo and i'm chewing my nails off. why cant it just be time already. Ive got the whole symptom thing going on but i need to poas. i keep stopping myself by putting up posts on here, but im desperate for a pee n i have 1 test left in my bathroom screaming at me to be used. even tho its not an early test so it wont show up anyway. I know this!!!! Argh!!!! :headspin:
Hahaha, I have one in my bathroom too and it's a on or after your AF kinda one so no testing for me for a while! Purposely bought that so that I wouldn't. Trying to be very strict with myself but pfft how long that'll last I don't know! haha.

Keep holding on in there! I'm rooting for ya! heh
I dont know if i can!!!!! :doh!: I'm fit to burst. I bought that test for the same reason you did, so i wouldn't use it till i knew it would work, but..... :cry: i can't see it fulfilling it's :witch: day.
Double doh! What about if you get some cheapy ones to test with now so you don't spend so much on them?! Then you can be like, o well only cost me a quid or something, my biggest problem is cost you see, that's what's keeping me strict! Or i'd be peeing all over the place... well not quite literally! haha.
Lol, i might just do that tomorrow, but my Af day test has just undergone drowning. so now all i can do is wait. Frickin willpower is usually my strong point!! whats wrong with me. i've got the bump disease. Sigh...
lol, just the normal :bfn: as usual... but at least the adrenalin has stopped lol xx
haha, If anyone else reads this who is TTC would actually think we are druggies or something! :rofl:
Good Morning Ladies, and What a wonderful morning it is!!
Last night I got my :bfp: :happydance: :happydance:

I wasnt feeling good, and ended up going to the local clinic for some medication, awful cold, and now wake up with no voice :rofl: so I cannot even shout praise to everyone!!
I wasnt going to mention possibly being pregnant to the dr on call but figured, ok well maybe the meds you give me could harm something, lol. so... I mentioned and they tested and came back :bfp:

Tried testing here at home on a frer this morning and still negative... not sure what to think lol, but as you can see on my signature... 6weeks 4 days from my count!!

I want to thank all you ladies for your extensive help and support these past few weeks!! (and the 14months prior lol)

Danime - RESIST WOMAN!!! Your AF is due next friday right? Id say if you really have to, wait till at least tuesday to test again!! At least for your own sanity!! But keep it coming with the symptom spotting, we NEED to know these things... haha! I know how you feel though, ive had one sitting in the bathroom cupboard for 2 months now, and its so so tempting, but at the same time I am so so scared! haha :blush:

Sarah1989 - OMG OMG OMG!!! HUGE CONGRATS!! Ive already posted in your thread on BFP announcements, but I am so so happy for you?? What did I say the other day?? I reckon its BFP!! You nausea hitting week 6 did it all for me thinking you had it in the bag!! You really deserve that :bfp: after 14 months of trying, you must be worn out girl, never mind having to endure the next 18-20 years+! Do pop back into yym's and keep us updated wont you?? Dont forget about us... and again GOOD LUCK.XXXX :hug:

I feel poo today, really s**tty!!! had really bad upper stomach ache, like bent over in pain. Feels like trapped wind feeling. And also just tired. Done a 10 hour shift at my part time job and want to curl up in a ball and sleep for a few days... but nope! cant do that, to much to do :( Oh well... got AF to look forward to next week, whoppeee!
Hope everyone elses day has been good.
Speak soon ladies.xxx
Thanks everyone for the support!! I will definately stay in touch and visit lol. Still hasnt sunk in yet, and I'm not quite ready to migrate to First Tri!!! lol
Awwww bless ya! But then I guess you have been in TTC so long, its like a second home.... Go on hun, venture over, it will get you even more excited!!!
aww sarah hun, its such fab news!!!!!! We'll get MaybeBaby to get your name changed on the front page as soon as she gets back from Kenya!!!! eek!! so exciting! HUGE congratulations...u so deserve it after such a long time and esp such an uncertain couple of past weeks! Bet your fiancè is thrilled! :)

dani- you tested! lol, like a true poas-aholic! i like it! Iv been sooooo good today and held off even tho i was planning to let myself do a stick this morning...i decided 10dpo is prob a little bit better so tomorrow fmu it is!! Im so excited tho...totally psyching myself up for a fall probably!

Charlz...hun, sorry you feel so crappy today! :( just a bit of a poop day huh? :hugs: And what u mean about this 'AF to look forward to next week'...ehh NO...uv got your :bfp: to look forward to next week!!!!!!! hehe!! :)

girls i cant believe im testing tomorrow...im soooo nervous!! xxx
Yay Sarah! Have already spoken to you on MSN but am so excited for you:D hehe. Stick beanie stick!!

Sorry Charlz you feel so poop:( Hope you feel better soon hun. and lastly Twiggy, good luck on testing tomorrow, don't forget to tell us all as soon as you do!

Still nothing to report here, got a weird feeling in the middle of my chest earlier and my OH said, that's probably heartburn but I don't think I've had it before so didn't know! haha.
Hello lovely ladies!

Twiggy - Good luck testing tomorrow hun. You have to get your ass straight on here and let us know the result. I have my fingers, legs and arms crossed for you!!! i wont be able to get on till tomorrow evening, im going to be thinking all day! haha!! What you mean :bfp: for me next week!!?? HAHA I really doubt it... if it is I will probably collapse or go into hyper mode! lol. I dont know when to test though??!! Ive got an asda test in the bathroom cupboard with my name on it... hehe ;)

Tinkermoo - How many dpo are you now hun? They do often say that no symptoms can = :bfp:!!

I feel a bit better today ladies, thank god. Just very tired! Got my final presentation tomorrow at uni, and then it is officially all over!!! Then work tomorrow night and new job on tuesday.... Im panicking a bit about getting the bus to work. I normally drive everywhere but the bus will be cheaper and quicker, especially as I am going to be working right in the centre of town... I havent been on a bus in like 5 years...!!! Oh well... never mind.
Hope everyone is well today.xxx

Sorry to post again and moan, but I really really have too... I am so so mad/upset/angry/shocked/disappointed...
In January, we found out the OH's brothers GF was pregnant. GREAT, but she was 15. She decided to have an abortion because with OH's bro being 18 and her 15, her mum was going to press charges on him. At the time it killed me because I hadnt had a period for like 5 months and was wanting to TTC and as you all know really wanting a :baby: of my own. OH was gutted too as it would have been his nephew or niece. She had the abortion at 12 weeks, all I thought about was that the baby would have been formed by then and I spent weeks crying and was really really down.
Id almost put it to the back of my mind (apart from when the girl comes on facebook and starts talking to me about how much she regrets it etc etc and how she feels like topping herself) when today we got more news....
A week ago this girl and OH's brother split up because he had cheated on her. She has now turned round and said she had been pregnant twice, once last month. She had gone and had her implant removed and not told OH's bro and tried to get their baby back. But she said she miscarried...
Basically, we dont know whether to believe her or not?? Is it true or is she making it up to try and get her BF back? We just dont know.
But what is annoying me is the fact that she has gotten pregnant and keeps trying to talk to me about it. She doesnt know we are TTC and she said to me last week that she would feel like killing herself if we me and OH ever had a baby because she wants one so much. I feel so guilty, if we did, if you know what I mean.
I just feel gutted and jealous of her!!! She gets what I want and then gets rid and then lies (potentially....) about something that is very important to me.
I just feel like going back to crying now I have found this out. OH is just quiet and upset, as expected, but I dont know what to think or how to feel, or what to believe. She could have miscarried, in which case i will feel bad for thinking she was lying. But then at the end of the day she is 15! (no offence to teenage mums but she comes from a bad bad family)

Sorry about the rant ladies on the bubbly forum, I just thought that you lovely ladies could offer me some advice or support?! Also, I just wanted to get it off my chest.


aw chele hun, that sounds devastating. Its such a difficult situation for you and OH...i mean at the end of the day even if she is telling the truth about the miscarriage i can understand it eating you up inside coz of all the pregnancies she's had when its all you want in the world...and then on the other hand, if shes lied about it- well its just as (if not more) devastating. I duno what advice to give you really because ultimately its out of your and OH's hands...i guess its even more frustrating to have to sit on the sidelines and watch it all unfold without being able to do anything. I'd definietly advise you to try and refrain from speaking to her though...its obviously so hard for you and you shouldnt be dragged into the "he said, she said" ontop of that. Deal with your own emotional issues about it- having the abortion etc and see if you can talk to OH...im sure he's feeling just as emotional.

I really hope you can begin to distance yourself from their situation, and at the same time allow yourself to feel the emotions you feel about the abortion etc. xxxx

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