18-25's!!...young yummy mummies xx

Sarah1989 - Im so sorry you are feeling that way hun. 14 cycles is a hell of a long time, but dont give up hope yet... have you told the docs how long you have been ttc? I cant believe they wont do any bloods though, surely if you are that late they would do something about it? Maybe switch doctors and then if they dont do anything switch again till you get the result you want... I know this probably isnt much help to you but I just dont know what to say that would make you feel any better.... Good luck anyway chuck.x

Claire_love - Thanks chuck, I am so so happy about my job!! Cant wait!!! Sorry about you not ovulating? Have you been charting or just doing OPK's? I didnt think i ov'd a few months back, but some months women dont ovulate so dont panic too much hun.... By the way hope your driving lesson went well...

Twiggy - Isnt it lovely?? I really wanna do the whole wedding and engagement ring thing, will be funny watching all the men not know what to choose! haha! Good luck for your bloods, I know how you feel, I always go really woozy!! Are they to check you cycle and stuff?? I hope you get a good result hun, thinking of you.x

Well, Im off to get my hair done today by OH's mum. The new job has said I have to have my hair in natural tones, so bye bye red and pink :( Oh well, it'll be worth it!! No more symptoms to report... I dont think its my month at all. Oh well... H
Hope everyone is ok?? At least the weather has gone a bit cooler!!
I want to personally thank both you ladies, having your support is what is getting me through this frustration. Having a place to come and talk and let out all my worries is wonderful. I know me coming here helps Alex (DH) as he is unsure how to deal with it as well. He is having a hard time too, knowing what my body is going through, and how upset it is making me, as well as dealing with an upset me. So he is affected twice. :( Having BnB is a godsent for me :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

twiggy56 said:
sarah, hun im sorry Trust me iv had no AF for 90days today and it eventually just made me give-up hope of it coming at all!! Witch hasnt arrived today has she?! If you are really concerned doll...get down to your docs, its not worth u making urself worry- and i know they said they wouldnt scan you but you must be persistent, say you've had excruciating pain or something. Its really a crappy place to be in, so if not knowing is whats bothering you- defo get down to docs and hound them for a scan!!!
No sign of witch at all today! :hissy: (tmi) Cm is still very watery/lotiony and is very apparent. I think I may try the doc's again and see what they say. I had originally said I would wait until I fully miss a cycle, but deep down inside I worry because what if I am expecting? I would be missing out on this time in the pregnancy, and missing out on care I should be giving to the baby. I am going to discuss it with DH and see what he says about it all.

Sarah1989 - Im so sorry you are feeling that way hun. 14 cycles is a hell of a long time, but dont give up hope yet... have you told the docs how long you have been ttc? I cant believe they wont do any bloods though, surely if you are that late they would do something about it? Maybe switch doctors and then if they dont do anything switch again till you get the result you want... I know this probably isnt much help to you but I just dont know what to say that would make you feel any better.... Good luck anyway chuck.x
I haven't yet talked to my gp, because he is quite old fashioned and I worry about what he will say. I am only 20yrs old, and we are not as of yet married, so I have decided to wait until we get married in August to talk to him about alternative options/doing testing to see what is wrong. Mind you after this cycle and the headaches it has given me, I may throw that theory right out the bloody window and say to heck with it and talk to him now. :cry:

Last night my emotions were through the roof, and all over the place. I couldn't control my crying and I now feel sorry for DH because he had to endure alot of it :rofl: I apologized this morning and he seemed ok. I guess the main thing bothering me is the unknown, and the uncertainty that is coming along with all of this. I really thought this may be our time, as around the time :witch: was originally due (may 18th) I had alot of cramping and it was constant for almost 10 days, now it is off and on and not so apparent. And with my cm the way it has been, I also thought that was a sign. I am constantly thirtsy and no matter how much I drink, it is almost like it goes right through me, as I am going to bathroom every hour or less. It really comes down to the unknown and what could be happening I suppose. :cry::cry:

Thankyou ladies again, I will keep you posted!!

:hug: Sarah xx
Awwww Sarah hun, I really suggest going to the docs soon, it seems to be effecting you emotionally too, especially after ttc for this long. Im 21 and not married and my doc is also quite conservative but I wouldnt give a flying pig!! Id just go if something was worrying me!!
After I had my implant out it took 143 days for my AF to return and I was beside myself as we were desperate to start TTC!! I went to the docs after 3 months and they told me to wait it out, I did and it happened. But it made me feel a million times better that the doctors knew (although to be honest I didnt tell him I was ttc, just said I was worried i wasnt back to normal yet)
I mean at the end of the day chuck, its up to you,.
Do you keep testing??
Do you know whether you ovulated this month??
Try to keep your chin up hun.xxx
Awwww Sarah hun, I really suggest going to the docs soon, it seems to be effecting you emotionally too, especially after ttc for this long. Im 21 and not married and my doc is also quite conservative but I wouldnt give a flying pig!! Id just go if something was worrying me!!
After I had my implant out it took 143 days for my AF to return and I was beside myself as we were desperate to start TTC!! I went to the docs after 3 months and they told me to wait it out, I did and it happened. But it made me feel a million times better that the doctors knew (although to be honest I didnt tell him I was ttc, just said I was worried i wasnt back to normal yet)
I mean at the end of the day chuck, its up to you,.
Do you keep testing??
Do you know whether you ovulated this month??
Try to keep your chin up hun.xxx

:hugs: :hugs: Thankyou for all the support. I don't use OPK's or track temperatures but I did have EWCM on the 4th, and 5th of may, so I am assuming I ovulated. I have never been on bcp or anything that "would" affect my cycles or fertility. I may just for now goto him and say I am 16 days late and that I need help, and not mention the ttc right away. but that may be an issue for when I go for fertility issues lol :hissy: ahhhh this is just soooo frustrating and confusing and upsetting. As far as I know fertility issues do not run in my family, and everyone who tries to have a child can.... what have I done wrong :cry: I just wish I knew. :cry:

Thankyou again hunnie for the help :hugs:
Hey ppl, im Dani, 23yrs old, have a daughter Hallie who is 2yrs old. From Durham, UK.
My story so far...
In 2005 i was told i was Infertile and it was highly unlikely i would ever concieve. Have been on Cerazette and Noriday.
My OH david is my soul mate, we met in 2004 and broke up in 2006 after i miscarried and lost my job. I was in a very down and out phase i started drinking to take away the reality of breaking up with david. I rebounded with someone i had only known 2 weeks and didn't even like him. After 6 weeks of constantly pushing him away and then taking him back i found out i was pregnant. I instantly told my doc it was impossible and if i was, i wasn't keeping it because of the father. He tried to talk me round and explain if this was my only chance did i really want to throw it away. Against everything in my head, i kept the baby and saw it as punishment for leaving david. I thought this was it for me, i'd never have a chance of getting david back after having someone elses baby and i'm a little old fashioned in the sense of staying with a baby's father.
After 3 months of constant sickness and being cheated on numerously, i finally got my own house and let the babies dad move in. He again cheated on me and i started fighting with me which led to him pushing me backwards over a couch. Despite all of this i let him stay. May 9th '07 my beautiful daughter Hallie was born nearly 3 weeks early due to me having pre-eclampsia. He was the doting father for the 1st week but did nothing to help round the house. So not only was i up every 3 hours through the night feeding i was still doing all the housework and cooking etc. After that 1st week he wasn't even interested in her any more and slept on the couch. He only fussed over her if visitors came around and only changed her nappy twice. After 3 months i kicked him out. I have no idea other that hormones why i didn't do it a year earlier. I would never have put up with it any other time. The night before i threw him out, i wrote a letter to david explaining everything that had happened and how much i regretted us breaking up. I always loved him and knew no one was going to replace him. 2 weeks later he phoned me.
It's been nearly 2 years since that phone call and we're very much in love, he has been a father to Hallie and loves her as his own, her father has nothing to do with her as he has a 1 year old son now. We are the happiest little family and would love Hallie to have a sibling, besides i really want him to feel like a joined part of our family, because although he doesn't say anything, i believe he feels left out because he is'nt Hallies real dad.
So FX'd this will completely complete us!!! 8DPO bring on the BFP, and good luck to all of you xxxxx
Sarah1989 - It sounds to me like you did ovulate so what is going on with you? Some women, i have read dont get :bfp: till a good few weeks after missed AF. Lets hope you are one of those people and we get another one in the bag for our yym's!!! Hope you find out soon hun, keep us posted!!!

Danime - Welcome you yym's!! What a touching story!! How long have you been ttc no2?? When is your AF due? Mine due thursday and am about 7dpo now, so quite near you!! WOO HOO!! Hope its a :bfp: for you this month and you get to complete your family! Most of us on here are ttc no1, but theres sambam who has a LO, too. Looking forward to getting to know you hun, but hopefully you wont be here that long, and we'll get to chat in 1st tri!!! (Wishful thinking I know, but anywhooooo...) I'm glad your happy with your OH and finally have the life you deserve!

Twiggy - How did your bloods go hun??

Sambam - Any news on testing yet??? Im dying to know!!

As for moi, been shopping today to get a suit and lots and lots of clothes for the new jobbie!! Handed my notice in at my part time job last night which terrified me as I thought they were going to be mad with me leaving at such short notice. But all was good... Not even had time to contemplate thinking about the 2ww, although Ive just realised im 7dpo and only 6 days till AF is due!! ARGH!! So im officially in the 1ww now... haha!
Hope everyone is ok and having a good day.xxx
hey charlz, thanks 4 the welcome, this is my 1st month ttc and my :witch: is due next friday, so day after you!! woohoo, DPO buddies! i am also starting a new job on wednesday so it will hopefully take my mind off things! :bfp: all the way hun !!!!!!! xxx :hug:
OMG!! I start a new job on Tuesday and due AF Thursday! How strange!! :rofl:
Are you charting or OPKing or anything? Or just going :sex: like crazy?? haha! What are you doing with LO once you start work? I dont know what id do tbh, I mean most of the time my OH works in the evening when I would be home so wouldnt be too bad, but both our parents work too, so i think it would have to be other kind relatives or nursery... So much to think about! lol.
Heres hoping for a :bfp: this month, for both of us!! Im on cycle #4 now (officially, but actually been trying for 9 months... long story, haha) so am getting impatient....
:rofl:I'm guessing the trying for 9 month thing was due to you trying and ur oh not lol, i know that feeling! i'm mainly doing the date thing and CM, i haven't got the patience for temps. and yes to the :sex: lol. Wow, how wierd is that. It's like ur living my like a day ahead of me :rofl: Hallie will be going to a childminder i think, she goes on holiday to Cyprus with my auntie tomorrow for 2 weeks so it gives me time to sort things out, and me and david are going to birmingham on sunday for his uncles funeral :cry: but david only works 3 days a week (12 hours shifts tho!) so he is going to keep her the days he is off and his mother has offered to keep her if we ever get stuck, so it's all working out quite well in a very confused way! :confused:
lol. nah the trying for 9 months is to do with the fact that I had my implant out in Sept last year, ready to start ttc and then I didnt get any bleeding at all until Feb 09, so even though its been 9 months since that, 4 months properly ttc now cycles are back to normal *phew* lol.
How lucky is Hallie getting to go to cyprus!!?? At least you have time to sort yourself out though hun! What kind of job have you got? Mine is an office mon-fri 9-5 thing. OH works like random days and random times haha, so never know when hes going to be here or not! Sound like its gonna work out fine for you though chuck.
Ive just been doing OPK's and CM monitoring. Also used preseed for the first time this month, but OH wasnt so keen, so I dunno if we will use it again....
Its so weird you are like a day behind me, wonder if it will be the same with :bfp:'s too? :rofl: now that would be strange.
I meant to ask too, how come the doctor said you were infertile? If you dont mid me asking? Had you been trying for a while with David before your miscarriage? Hope you dont mind me poking my nose in, im just curious....

Yeah she's lucky alright, just turned 2 and she's been to Bulgaria last Sep for 2 weeks, New Zealand for 6wks in Jan gone (my dad lives there) and now Cyprus. I soooooo hope we both get :bfp:, that would be amazing!! I had 2 miscarriges to david they were a year apart, but we were never trying it just happened. I was told i was infertile by docs because my 1st proper relationship was a scumbag who cheated on me almost every week we were together (16 months) and he gave me chlamydia. But i didn't find out about it til after we broke up n the doc said if i've had it longer than 3 months my chances of concieving dramatically decrease. I could only presume i'd had it atleast a year after meeting a girl he had also given it to WHILE he was with me. So that's the story behind that lol.
My new job is an activity co-ordinator at an elderly home, not sure about my days and hours yet but it will be over 5 days i think. Its onlyu 28 hours tho, i wish it was full time but then i wouldn't get as much time with Hal n David xxx:hug:
charlz87 said:
Also, when maybe baby is back, do you think we should maybe get a blinkie signature this for this team/group?? Would be good to have a graphic to put in our signature.... Any thoughts???

I think this is a fantastic idea!!!

Sarah1989 - It sounds to me like you did ovulate so what is going on with you? Some women, i have read dont get :bfp: till a good few weeks after missed AF. Lets hope you are one of those people and we get another one in the bag for our yym's!!! Hope you find out soon hun, keep us posted!!!

Let's hope that is all that is it!! :cry: My mood swings right now are unbelievable... DH doesn't want to come near me for fear I may bite off his head, poor guy. Also last night my goodness, the worse case of nausea ever. I had to go outside so I wouldn't be sick, was fine an hour later, and this morning :( According to an online pregnancy calculator I would be 6weeks, 3 days today... idk if any of this is normal at this point :shrug:
danime welcome hun to YYM's!! Your story is really inspiring, your one tough cookie and i admire you for being so strong through such a rough time...and your Hallie is a little angel! what a cutie patootie!! You are very welcome into the YYM's! And its nice to have another 1ww'er...think me and charlz were going nutty! Another symptom-spotting buddy! woo! Any symptoms so far- please share!! Lets bump up the :bfp:'s for the YYM's pleeeeeease! :)

charlz - bloods went a bit crappy, i nearly fainted, despite my best efforts to remain all calm and breezy! All the colour drained from my face and my eyes began to fuzz out...doc had to get me on the bed before i went :( but no matter...he got the 3 bloody viles he needed!!!! So anyway my LH was slightly elevated?! and thats the ov hormone? so i think thats good news!? Im not anemic, my thyroid is prefectly fine...erm...iv now gotta wait for AF and then make an app for cd21 progesterone test! So all in all...pretty good!

sarah hun, im so sorry this is happening to you. I wish i could help you bring on AF or get your bfp! :( Wen was the last time you did a pg test? Still may be hope for you yet? Im still holding out for you hun, its not over til the ugly :witch: shows her face!!!!

sambam - i may explode if you do not start posting soon!! Hear me! I wana know how u got on...even if bfn! We miss your chat!!

Hello everyone:) I think I did post on here before, or maybe that was another thread, anyway I would very much like to join you guys as I'm going to be a Young Mummy when I finally become pregnant and will be dahm proud of it:D

I have a little blinkie in my sig but as charlz87 said it would be awesome to have a group sig, if I'm allowed in that is... :blush:
twiggy56 said:
sarah hun, im so sorry this is happening to you. I wish i could help you bring on AF or get your bfp! :( Wen was the last time you did a pg test? Still may be hope for you yet? Im still holding out for you hun, its not over til the ugly :witch: shows her face!!!!

Last time I tested was on Wednesday at 29dpo, and that was on a digi-frer. I just don't know what is going on and it is starting to make me insane!! Just wish something would happen lol.
Danime - Damn right shes lucky!! I would do anything to go on a holiday like that right now!!! haha! Sorry to say this and you probably already know but I am soooo glad you are with David. Your ex really does sound like a scumbag!! At least you know that you are fertile though, and that he didnt ruin your life forever, Hallie is your little blessing!! Sounds like a good job hun. 28 hours is more than enough when you have an LO to look after too. If I keep my job after getting :bfp: I work 42.5 hours a week. But I think I would definitely think about cutting down to spend more time with OH and :baby: Sooo 8dpo... any symptoms?? Would love to know....

Sarah1989 - The nausea is a good sign. I have read it kicks in at about 6 weeks, fingers crossed. And the grumpiness, I know that feeling. I feel so frustrated atm. Just want to lash out at everyone, but probably PMT for me!!! Test again soon and do let us all know... :hugs:

Twiggy - Glad your bloods went ok, even if you did go woozy. At least your LH levels are up, which is fantastic!! Might at least mean AF is on the way and a sign of you getting back to normal WOO HOO!! Then you can TTC big styleeee!! haha! Bet you cant wait....

Tinkermoo - Welcome to yym's, even if you have posted before!! haha. Im a bit like that sometimes, cant remember which threads I have posted on. lol. Looking forward to getting to know you anywhooo! :D

I have a HUGE symptom people. I went to get measured for a tailored suit today and measured for some new bras. AND.... My boobs have gone up a cup size!!! I am ALWAYS a 34C when I get measured there, and now Im a 34D!! Unless I have just put weight on round there or something?? haha! Hopefully not and its a good sign.... I can only doubly cross my fingers....

Hey thanks hun.... :hugs:
Its weird because I havent actually been thinking about symptoms or even had any this time. Been so busy with finishing uni work an getting a new job!!!
But I just thought before... OMG bigger boobs can = :bfp:???
Hmmmmm... its doubtful but I really really hope so....
Good job on the keeping busy! I'm trying very hard too but since I work from home I tend to sit on the comp and procrastinate a lot! haha.

Did you get enough BD in this month do you reckon? I'm not sure if we did, we will see in 2 weeks time tho won't we!
helloooo and welcome tinkermoo!! nice to have you, welcome to the YYM's! :wave:

omg did you guys hear about sarah??!! Sarah you need to get posting to your YYM's! we need all the deets!!!


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