18-25's!!...young yummy mummies xx

sarah1989 - AF reared her uglyt head yet? If not hun id defo get down the docs to check whats up...

Nothing happened yet and I am 14 days late now! :cry: I just wish something would happen, so we can either get on :sex: again or have a :bfp: lol. If nothing shows by the end of the week, I am going to see doctor for bloods. For now letting things play out and see where they go.

I had a pyschic reading done this past weekend, and not sure how to feel about it lol.
I asked: I am hoping to find out if my fiance and I are going to be able to conceive a child soon, along with a bunch of other things lol.
Answer: I am getting a yes to that question...within the next 9 months...looks like a little girl. Patience!

Best of Luck to everyone else!!

sarah1989 - Awwwww hun, you must be so frustrated!! I was tearing my hair out when I was 5 days late with :bfn:, never mind 2 weeks. What is silly is that if you werent TTC you probably wouldnt even notice you were late :dohh: oh well... good luck anyway hun, thinking of you.x
Twiggy - I got my surge!! woo hoo!!! OPK went negative last night so am officially in the 2WW... Im gonna bore you senseless with symptoms!! :rofl: Have your OPK's gone negative yet chuck???? Might mean :baby: or :witch: is officially on the way, will have to wait and see... keep is posted.xxx
sparkle_smile - Welcome to yym!! everyone is wonderful here, hope to get to know you a bit better soon....
missingyou - congrats on the pregnancy hun!!! Sorry if i seem ignorant but what does being in slow labour mean?? 19 weeks is proper early!! Hope your ok love.x
sambam - Sorry about :bfn: maybe test in a few days time and it might be different, good luck to you. Also, the weather is lovely here too. But way to hot for my liking!! Especially when OH is at work and there is no one coming out to play lol. Got my fingers crossed for you anyway hun.x

I cant believe it!! I am down to the last 2 for a job I REALLY REALLY want! It is as a internet sales agent for a prestigous jewelery company and I have had 2 interviews and am down to the final 2 and have a trial tomorrow afternoon for 3 hours!! I really really hope I am in with a chance... it means more money to spend on :baby: when i eventually get :bfp:!!! WOOP WOOP!
As I said to twiggy, I am officially in the 2ww now, apologies in advance about the symptom spotting to come. :rofl:

Take care ladies.xxx
hey people ! :D hows everyone ?
im in the 3 day wait haha !
pulling my hair out here !
thanks charlz ! :) ...
anyone else on here testing on thurs ??
i have had a little bit of spotting today ! but not getting my hopes up.
i was at my aunts tonight and i was telling her about my weird dreams ive been having lately... and she just said "i think u cud b pregnant"
the dreams i had last time i was pg.. well i should say nightmares... i dreamt my friend who was pg at the same time as me... grew a big massive willy and was chasing me with it :rofl:..... and i dreamt just the other nite that DH was having sex with george michael ..OMFG !!!!:rofl:
hey people ! :D hows everyone ?
im in the 3 day wait haha !
pulling my hair out here !
thanks charlz ! :) ...
anyone else on here testing on thurs ??
i have had a little bit of spotting today ! but not getting my hopes up.
i was at my aunts tonight and i was telling her about my weird dreams ive been having lately... and she just said "i think u cud b pregnant"
the dreams i had last time i was pg.. well i should say nightmares... i dreamt my friend who was pg at the same time as me... grew a big massive willy and was chasing me with it :rofl:..... and i dreamt just the other nite that DH was having sex with george michael ..OMFG !!!!:rofl:

Loving your weird dreams, made me giggle when I have had a rubbish day!! Wonder what made you think of George Michael???
Just out of interest did your pg freind have a boy?? coz that might explain the big willy??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Good luck for thursday, really hoping you get your :bfp:!!!
When is ur AF due? Spotting may well be implantation.......????
Ill be testing a week on Thurs if AF hasnt shown up by then.
Good luck hun, rooting for you.xxx
hmm sarah, u never know! iv not been to a psychic but my old room mate had a scary one when she said loads of stuff that had been/came true!!! So fx'd for your wee girlie bean :)

YEY charlz!! I got my -ive opks on friday too!! So hopefully i ov'd thursday and im now 5dpo?! And now you can confirm your surge..you're a 2ww'er!!! :happydance: Oh and dont you worry about symptom spotting driving me crazy..i want to hear ALLLLLL your symptoms!! Iv had sum since 2dpo!! Had little womb twinges that last no longer than a couple mins and my nipples have been unbearable to touch (as i said in another post) even against my supersoft pj tops! Still sore today, last night was watching a film with OH and it was rediculous how i couldnt lie down with him coz they hurt so much!!! Iv never had sore bbs before, EVER. So im keeping my fx'd! U got any yet luv? Ur 3dpo now huh?!

Sammi! :rofl: :rofl: thats a pure gem!!!! George Michael and a big will probably do go together tho if u get wat i mean...LOL! Omg its so exciting uv only got TWO more days until testing, the spotting sounds like implantation to meeee!!!...im actually soooo wanting you to get ur bfp!! I'l be at the docs at 3:15 on thursday gettin my bloods done so get posting ur results before then incase i pass out at docs :haha:

well i did an opk today for sum odd reason and its completely -ive (yey!) duno why i did it, just curious i guess but thats good its still negative...hopefully wednesday/thurs really was my surge! STILL really sore nipples today, its crazy, iv never had this before..maybe its just coz AF is so long overdue and its guna be a big one? lol....och well- time will tell eh!! xxx
hey ladies... who knows about they dreams..?? maybe im just a weirdo !! .. dreaming about willys omg ! :rofl:

twiggy.. i need ur help im so tempted to poas !!!!!!! im goin to do it tonight i think !! ohhh i cant hold on any more im so weak hahahaha !!! HELP MEEEEE

charlz - big georgie boy haha !! .. i have no idea why i was dreaming about him ..:rofl:

hows everyone else ??

maybe baby bettr get bak from kenya soon shes making me jealous

twiggy.. i need ur help im so tempted to poas !!!!!!! im goin to do it tonight i think !! ohhh i cant hold on any more im so weak hahahaha !!! HELP MEEEEE

You want my advice...? P. O. A. S.!!!!!!!!!!! Im the poas pusher and i say pee damit PEEEEE!!!! I cant wait any longer!! Nevermind you! Let it happen...lol...stop fighting it...those little sticks are calling your name!!

(oh dear lord iv gone insane.)

Even if its a -ive you've still got to test on thursday anyway...so todays just a little warm up...:rofl: im so not helping am i!

Can I join in? My name is Natalie I am 22 and my fiance is 25 were getting married in August and this is our second cycle TTC our first child!
Twiggy - WOO HOO!! I have someone to compare notes with in my 2ww!! haha! Not really got any symptoms myself just yet, only sore bb's which i get every month after ov so nothing new there. Also had really sore legs but I dont think that could possibly be a symptom.... or could it??!!! Sore nipples eh? could be a good sign.... but only time will tell, got my fx'd for you hun.xxx

sambam - I think you should poas asap. lol. We need another :bfp: for our yym's!!! I hope you get it chuck. how long u been ttc no2?

NatalieP - Welcome to yym's!! Your gonna love it!! Everyone is so nice and friendly!!! How long have you been ttc hun??

Well, I had my final job interview today it lasted and a half hours!!!!!! I really really want this job, its good pay and I think I am really gonna enjoy it... I find out tomorrow and am absolutely bricking it. At least its keeping my mind off the 2ww for now. :rofl:

How is everyone today? Is the weather nice where you guys are?? Is gorgeous here, but a bit too warm for my liking....

can i join in? i'll introduce myself again

I'm Hannah aka Hanny
19, OH is 26
TTC baby #1 together
hoping for a boy
oH has a 3 year old son who we going to go for custody over

hope to get to know you all x
welcome NatalieP and ThatGirl/Hannah...nice to have you with the YYM's!!! Both of you looking to concieve ur first LO's? Well ur in very similar company here as most of us (except for baby making machine sambam :haha:) are trying for numero uno!! We've had one bfp since MaybeBaby started the group, Jen is now our only wee 1stTrimester buddy!! Look forward to getting to know you...MaybeBaby is away in Kenya right now but back soon!

Oooooh, good luck charlz doll...hopin u get the job- how nice would that be?! A :bfp: and your dream-job?!!! Let us know tomorrow what happens!!

Sammi...you tested yet?! (if i could start chanting 'poas, poas, poas, poas'....i would!!!)

Evening Ladies!! :)

I havet been on here in a while - had a stinking cold & ear infection :(

Firstly welcome all the new YYM's!!!!
SambamAny news.... Im just like Twiggy! :) Chanting if i could!!!

As for me... I find out my results for my scan on Tuesday! not looking forward to it! Just done an ovulation test and its Negative!! :( Nevermind! I seem to think its gone all over the place again because ive had another :witch: get me!!

Hows Everyone Else In this HOT, STUFFY, MUGGY Weather??
Hey gals

Thatgirl Welcome to the group hun, hope you get your :bfp: very soon.x

Twiggy Thanks chuck :hugs: I am really really nervous, I dont think I am going to get it though... Im up against this other (older) woman who has loads of experience, but the way I think about it, she might be quite set in her ways, and the company might want someone new who they can mold into shape, if you know what I mean. Awwwww I dont know, Ill keep you posted anywho...

Claire_love Sorry to hear you've been poorly sick, do you feel better now?? Hope you scan results are good, fingers crossed for you.x

This weather is horrid, although me and OH just had a bbq with some mates this evening and it was lovely. We are getting all the fun house parties over and done with while we have no LO!! lol. Got his bro and his mate crashing on the sofa tonight, that WILL not be happening when we have :baby:

Also, when maybe baby is back, do you think we should maybe get a blinkie signature this for this team/group?? Would be good to have a graphic to put in our signature.... Any thoughts???

:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

im so incredibly pleased for you!!!! What a wee star!!! So when do you start Mrs Proffessional?!!!!

All you need now is a lovely shiny :bfp: to make its completely perfect!!!!!!!! xx
Thanks hun :hug:

I start next Tuesday, 9.30-5.30. Look at the website https://www.bankslyon.co.uk,
I really cant wait! Ill be able to afford loads of stuff for my :baby: now! Ill have to stop myself making a visit to BabyGap now...

How are you anyway hun? Any more symptoms to report?
I had really bad runs this morning, but that might be the bbq i had last night coz I ate a bit too much. HAHA!! Oh well.... :happydance:
:hissy: :hissy: :hissy:

I cannot take it anymore. 14 cycles ttc'ing, and now I am 15 days late, 29dpo and I got another :bfn: :cry: I just don't understand what is going on in my body :cry:
Clinic won't do scan or blood work until I get at least one :bfp: :cry::cry:!!! I don't know what to do!!!

Im feeling much better thankyou, apart form STILL not ovulating! :(


Weathers been horrid here too, Ive got Driving Lesson at 7pm so hopefully might take my mind of not ovulating!
oooh charlz that place is gorgeous! what a nice place for a jewelers! You might get to do all the engagement/wedding rings...that would be such a lovely job! And im defo up for the siggy btw!!

sarah, hun im sorry :( Trust me iv had no AF for 90days today and it eventually just made me give-up hope of it coming at all!! Witch hasnt arrived today has she?! If you are really concerned doll...get down to your docs, its not worth u making urself worry- and i know they said they wouldnt scan you but you must be persistent, say you've had excruciating pain or something. Its really a crappy place to be in, so if not knowing is whats bothering you- defo get down to docs and hound them for a scan!!!

claire_love - any news on the Ov today?! I kept doing opk's (even with my rediculously long cycle) and it eventually paid off with +ives...even if they were false +ives or my body playing tricks, it was nice to see the +ive opks for peace of mind) so keep at it if you can...it might pay off in the end?

well ladies, off for my 2nd bloods today at 3:15 today...wish me luck...infact just wish that i dont hit the deck on the way out the surgery after iv said 'no really, im fine' like i usually do..lol xx

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