19, in Uni and trying for a baby.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Me and my OH are trying for a baby, I am still in UNI and he has a full time job.

Is anyone else in this situation? Or in university with a child?

I know it may seem a bit stupid that we're not waiting, but at this moment in time, we feel so ready and want a little one to start building our family :)
hi and welcome! :)

i got pregnant a week after i turned 20 so not too much further along than you! i have no university qualification as we had financial struggles, but i do have an english teaching qualification and 2 years experience as a teaching assistant.

i always knew i wanted to be a mom and a wife. i had been with my now DH since i was 16 and even though Dd wasnt planned, that was only because of immigration laws.

if you're ready, you're ready :) i met DH at 16, engaged at 18, got pregnant at 20 and got married and had DD at 20 too! 3 months before i turned 21. i have everything I have ever wanted and now 2 years later we're ttc number 2!

there will be people who tell you you're too young or you need to finish uni, but ignore them. if you're at the point in your life and relationship where you feel ready, thats completely up to you and OH! :)

good luck! i hope you get your BFP soon :)
I suppose it depends on what your goals are in life.

For me personally, I wanted to establish a career and see some of the world, whereas I've got one school friend who had 4 kids by the age of 24. She's 30 now (like me), happy that her child rearing days are over and wouldn't have changed it for the world.
I'm 21 and TTC. I was going to wait until after I finished uni, (I hated that I had to wait that long as I would have been at uni until I was 25) but after deciding uni wasn't for me i left last month and were TTC this month. Friend me if you want!
Hi there!!

If you want it badly enough, there is no one that can tell you you're not ready!! Go for it girl!! :hugs:
I'm 21 and TTC. I was going to wait until after I finished uni, (I hated that I had to wait that long as I would have been at uni until I was 25) but after deciding uni wasn't for me i left last month and were TTC this month. Friend me if you want!

I'm 22 and me and DH are ttc for the second month now... Currently 5po and feeling a bit of symptoms (although I know it's to early to know for sure) but keeping FX'd for us all :winkwink:
Thank you everyone! I honestly thought a lot of people would advise me not too even though I won't listen to them! Haha

We've only just started trying as I only came off the pill about a month ago but I'm hoping it won't be too long! Although I am just a very impatient person!

Knowing that some of you are in the same position shows me that I can do this!
I just really want my own little bundle of joy!

Good luck to you all! And please contact me if you want to talk or simply rant about anything!
Fx'd for you all!!!
I also just came off the pill a month ago! TTC buddies? aha :D

Where abouts in your cycle are you guys lerp?

Bullsbabe: I'm 4dpo! when are you testing?
Yes deco! I need a buddy :D

My periods due in 3 days so fingers crossed it doesn't come!
Also I'm really bad with all the acronyms on here!
I also just came off the pill a month ago! TTC buddies? aha :D

Where abouts in your cycle are you guys lerp?

Bullsbabe: I'm 4dpo! when are you testing?

Well according to my charts, AF supposed to come 8th of October, which leaves me with a luteal phase of 9 days (to which I have read that it's not impossible to conceive with such a short phase, so FX'd) so I told myself if I'm a day late (which will then be 10 dpo) I will test! Any strange symptoms for you??
Also I'm really bad with all the acronyms on here!

Maybe this helps :)

2WW = Two Week Wait. This is the period of time between ovulation and
when you can test. For a lot of us peestickaholics, a one week wait is
more accurate.

AF = Aunt Flo (aka your period, aka your nemesis)

BBT = Basal Body Temperature. In fertility charting, this is your
temperature when you first wake up in the morning. Before you even move
an inch - don't even blink your eyes.

BD = Baby Dance (sex). OK, it only saves us one letter to use this acronym.

BFN = Big Fat Negative (peestick test result)

BFP = Big Fat Positive (peestick test result) Baby jackpot!

CD = Cycle Day. CD1 is the first day of your period. Ovulation often occurs
around CD 12-16. When TTC, your mood and what you are doing with
your free time is often dependent upon your CD.

CM = Cervical Mucus. The wetter and stretchier, the more fertile it is. Not
something you ever thought you'd be talking openly about on a message
board, but when you're TTC you gotta pay attention to your CM.

CP = Cervical Position. Reached for and pondered by many, understood
by few. CP is a fertility sign sometimes used by women practicing fertility

DH = Dear Husband

DP = Dear Partner

DPO = Days Past Ovulation. Used in the tww. As in "I'm 3 DPO, can I
POAS yet?" (Answer: "You can always POAS, but at 3 DPO a BFN is

DTD = Do The Deed, sex

EPT = Early Pregnancy Test. A brand of test where a blue cross means
you're knocked up.

EWCM = Egg White Cervical Mucus. This is the fertile stuff that shows up
just before ovulation.

FMU = First Morning Urine. Liquid gold for peestickaholics.

FRED = First Response Digitals.

FRER = First Response Early Results.

FRRR = First Response Rapid Results. Sometimes mistakenly
purchased rather than FRER due to similar packaging. Test results are
fast... but compared to FRER, you have to wait five more days before you
can test.

hCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The sought-after pregnancy
hormone that turns ordinary peesticks into BFPs suitable for framing.

HPT = Home Pregnancy Test. Everyone's favorite kind of peestick.

IC = Internet Cheapie. A low cost peestick (which has to be dipped in a
cup rather than peed upon) favored by many frequent pee'ers due to it's
low cost.

LP = Luteal Phase. The second part of the menstrual cycle - the time
between ovulation and AF.

O = Ovulation. The "big O" has a different meaning to TTCers.

OPK = Ovulation Predictor Kit. Although people generally use OPK to
mean a single test,they are typically sold in large multi-paks (or kits) as it
usually takes many days of peeing on OPKs to get a positive.

POAS = Pee On A Stick. Peestickaholics consider peeing onto anything
other than a stick to be a waste of perfectly good urine.

SMU = Second Morning Urine. FMU's underrated cousin.

TCOYF = Taking Charge of Your Fertility. An often cited book in TTC circles.

TTC = Trying To Conceive (a baby, that is)

TTW = Two Week Wait. (see 2ww)
Only creamy cm. Which make me test today. Pointless :D though it's funny how TTC makes you have thr power to hallucinate lines that aren't there.

And lol, I only Learned one thing from that list, TCOYF

Apparently AF is due on the 14th... Aaaaaages away! :( were all young so hopefully very fertile, so lots of babydust to us!
Ahhh thank you soooo much! This makes a lot more sense!

Ahh just want a BFP nowwwww!!!
Hahahaha tell me about it!! The waiting part really sucks!! Any idea when you will be testing again? Hopefully with a BFP this time!! :)
Ahhh thank you soooo much! This makes a lot more sense!

Ahh just want a BFP nowwwww!!!

Meeee toooooooo!! Lol I think my poor DH has it up to his ears hearing about it all the time. He's the patient one...me on the other hand....:brat:
I do love the explanation on this one:

POAS = Pee On A Stick. Peestickaholics consider peeing onto anything
other than a stick to be a waste of perfectly good urine. :haha:
Apparently AF is due on the 14th... Aaaaaages away! were all young so hopefully very fertile, so lots of babydust to us!

I'll probs test every day... Because I'm a POAS addict and because I need to make sure that line im seeing is deffo imaginary hahahaha

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