1dpo anyone else? lets keep each other company

Hey Rose! Glad to hear that they have figured out what's going on and removed the polyp! All the best this cycle! It must feel so great to have some renewed hope :) Ill be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

bxsr - how are you doing?? Do you have your anatomy scan booked yet? You're prob about a month away from it!! Ive been feeling baby moving consistently for a couple weeks now, definitely getting stronger and I can feel him/her kick my hand! My DH felt it too on Sunday, so awesome! My u/s went good EXCEPT they couldn't tell the gender!!! AAAH! The first time Ive wanted to find out and they couldn't tell. So sad. However, my bday is coming up right away and my DH said I could get a 3D ultrasound as my gift so I think I'm going to do that! Ive never had one before, it would be so neat. Headaches have been okay, I went an entire week last week without one but have had one now going on 2 days :/ The OB didn't really suggest anything except try Tylenol 3 but that seems to make it worse so just suffering with it for now. Otherwise doing good :)

Its nice to hear from you ladies! I hope Scooby is doing well!
Best of luck Redrose! Glad you have some optimism for this cycle! I hope the TWW goes fast for you!

Ashpea, that's so frustrating about your scan! The 3d Ultrasound would be an awesome birthday present! The pictures I've seen of them look really cool! Hopefully you can find the gender out then! There's no way I could wait until the birth to find out... When do you think you will have the 3d scan? That's great news about the kicks! That must make it feel much more real now. I'm hoping I get to feel mine soon too!

I have my gender scan on Monday, I can't wait! Hoping the baby is a bit more cooperative than during the last scan!
Hey Bxsr! Can't wait to hear about your scan on Monday!! So exciting! I had my 3D ultrasound this past Wednesday, it was awesome! And we found out we are having a baby GIRL!!! I am SO stinkin happy!! I was really hoping for a girl :) The kids are super excited too and DH is thrilled though he wasn't pulling for one gender over the other anyways :) This is the first time we've found out. As much as I love the surprise at the end of labor its so incredibly awesome also knowing WHO is in my belly! Ill try post a pic :)

How are things going Rose??


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awww wow congrats on baby being pink! how exciting! i defo wanna find out if i get pregnant again, theres something nice about being able to control that much, because lets face it when it comes to labour, pregnancy, gender, dates, c section or natural we say we have control over those things but we dont at all, so having the choice to find out is the one thing we can do and i defo want that next time.

well im on my first period since the surgery although its just finishing up now, it was very heavy but it wasnt sluggish like it normally is which means the removal of the polyp is already making a difference.
dh has his sa results already and although most of the numbers meet their levels there the lowest of the norm, meaning really his boarder line infertile its gonna take lots of trying. but his morph is below healthy levels meaning his count is low and theres not alot of healthy ones in a sample but the good news is the good ones swim appropriately and it means we would be good for iui and ivf. they wouldnt need to fertilse the egg for us

so this means we probably need ivf.. not the news i was expecting but you know i have to wait and see what they say now in nov, i dont mind if we need ivf but the cost :( its like 4k here! for one round
Ashpea, congrats! What a cute pic! That's so exciting that it's a little girl!! I can't believe you've kept it a surprise for your past little ones, the suspense would kill me!

Redrose, glad to hear the surgery is already making a difference! It's good to hear that there are some healthy ones found in the SA. Here's hoping you won't even need IVF! It is crazy how expensive it is... They just are starting to fund it here but the wait is probably going to be insanely long.

I had my anatomy scan today and mine is also a girl! The pictures didn't turn out great, but I'm so happy to not have to wait any more to find out. I was secretly hoping for a girl, so it's been a great day!
Thanks so much for the congrats girls!! And big congrats to you bxsr on YOUR baby girl!!! yay for team pink! I'm happy we both got what we were hoping for :happydance: How are you feeling these days? Feeling the little peanut moving lots?

Rose - sounds like there's some positive things going on for you! That's great the surgery is already making an improvement and that ivf is a good option if needed (but lets hope it wont be!). The cost is awful though so let's really hope your DH's good swimmers get where they need to be on their own!

Hope you girls have a great week :)
Hi ladies! So sorry for my extended absence. After we got the bad news about my husband's SA I needed a break for a bit. So we've been NTNP for the past few months, not expecting anything to happen naturally.

Unfortunately we got more bad news a couple of weeks ago. My husband's blood pressure is really high and he was also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The silver lining is that both of those things can have a big impact on his swimmers, so once he gets healthier things may actually improve tremendously. Also, it was the urologist who spotted his high BP and told him to go to his doctor, who then found out about the diabetes. So if nothing else comes out of TTC, at least my DH is on medication now and really serious about getting healthy :)

He's been on vitamins and supplements for the last 3 months and he's due to get his second SA in a couple of weeks. I'll let you know if anything has improved!

bxsr and ashpeababy, it's so exciting to see how much your babies have grown! Mango and lettuce, so amazing! And both having little girls. How wonderful :) Any names being thrown around yet? Congratulations and good luck to you both!

redrose, I was so sorry to read about all of your health scares but glad everything turned out okay! DH and I will likely need to go the IUI route too, so we can share info and root each other on!

I hope you've all been enjoying your autumns so far. It's freezing in NY right now but supposed to warm up again tomorrow. Yay!
Scooby, it's good to see you back on here, we missed you! I understand needing to take a break from it all! It's great you found out about your hubby's condition and will be able to make some positive changes for his health. Hopefully, the thought of helping his swimmers, is just one aspect that helps him take the steps he need. Keep us updated on the second SA.

Ashpea, can't believe you're already in the double digits instead of triple digits for days left! Have you guys prepared everything yet?

Rose, how is your TWW going? Any updates on your end?

As for me, no movements yet. The DR said I may feel them at a later time because of the positioning of the placenta. We've been talking about names, but can't agree on any yet. All of the ones we love have become super popular in the last few years.

Scooby, it's freezing here too, but we keep getting occasional warm days just to throw us off. Have a good week everyone!
Hey Scooby!! Ive been thinking of you, glad to see you back! I totally understand the needing to take a break. Hope you've been well. Sorry to hear about the bad news with your husbands health :( I guess the upside of that is it can be managed and then hopefully also improve his swimmers!! Keep us updated on his SA, hopefully it will be good news :)

Rose how is your tww?? Hope you're well!

bxsr - congrats on being half way!!! how exciting! Hopefully you will start feeling that little babe moving soon now, its so much fun!

No names picked out for us yet. We rarely talk about it right now...maybe that happens when you are on your fifth, haha. Its always stressful though as we can never agree on anything until the very end anyway. I have another 3D ultrasound tonight as baby was so sleepy last time they couldn't get a dvd for it so I was booked for a free follow up. Cant wait to see our little princess again! Wonder if she'll look any different now a few weeks later. I hope shes active this time!
Hey everyone, how's everything going?
Ashpea, you're getting so close to the end! I hope the second 3d ultrasound was great and that she was dancing around in there! Have you started to get everything ready yet?
Scooby, any news on the SA? Hope you and your hubby are doing well :)
Any updates on your end Redrose?
hiya ladies, after being so sick and sheeding yet another stone 3.5 in total they were happy with my progression and now im doing clomid with scans and trigger shot once af shows, but weirdly i had a week of spotting and now its completely stopped! normally it turns into af but nothing i dunno whats going on.. ive two tests but i really dont wanna waste one, if now af by monday i will test.

hows everyone doing! such sad news about paris today! :( im nervous now cuz dh and i are supposed to be going for 4 nights after xmas.. hopefully by then things will be peaceful again!
Hey Redrose, did you end up testing? Crossing my fingers for you!
Hello ladies! I hope everyone is doing well :)

bxsr- Wow, a cantaloupe already. I can't believe it! Have you felt her move yet?

ashpeababy- I can't believe you're only two months away! How did the second 3D ultrasound go? Hope you got lots of great pics of your little tiebreaker :)

rose- How have you been? Are you proceeding with fertility treatments?

AFM, my husband's urologist keeps rescheduling the SA which has been super frustrating. He's actually supposed to go today, but I'd be surprised if it happens at this point lol. Either way, we made a decision to go see a fertility doctor. I wanted this to happen naturally, but I'm not getting any younger so we need to talk about our options at this point. If the urologist cancels again, the new doctor will do the SA and we'll see where we're at now.

The good news is that my DH has lost 10 lbs and is already feeling a lot better! We're going to see the RE on Monday. I have a feeling they're going to suggest we skip right to IVF, and then we'll have to decide if we can handle that financial burden. Either way, it'll be nice to finally get some solid answers. I'll let you know what happens!
Hey Scooby, good to see you back on here! That's amazing news about your DH! Losing 10 lbs is a huge accomplishment! That sounds super frustrating about the SA. Here's hoping it actually went through! It seems so ridiculous that they're wasting your time by constantly rescheduling. Let us know how the visit goes with the fertility doctor. I'll be crossing my fingers for good news!

I can't believe it's a cantelope either! I think I've got a little gymnast inside me. It took me awhile to feel the first movements, but now they're constant. My husband finally got to feel them the other day. It's definitely starting to feel real!

Ashpea and Redrose, any updates on your end?

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hey bxsr! Aww, that's awesome that you're starting to feel her move! I was the first person who got to feel my niece kick (aside from my sister obviously lol) and it was absolutely amazing! How are you doing on the planning side? Are you buying a million adorable baby things?

My DH did end up getting his SA last week and things have actually gotten WAY worse. We met with the RE on Monday, and she thinks it's most likely from the diabetes and we should see some improvement once the meds have had time to work (by Jan/Feb). At that point we're probably going to try IVF, but we have to get our finances in order first.

In the meantime, it turns out IUI is covered by our insurance but only until the end of the year. Since I'm at the beginning of my cycle we decided what the hell, let's go for it! Got all blood drawn for genetic testing, etc and I'm starting Clomid tomorrow! It's a REALLY long shot so I'm not telling anyone that we're doing it. That way if we're successful, we can surprise everyone at Christmas :) If we're not, at least we're on track to do IVF in a few months and hopefully I'll have my baby in 2016. Finally!

How is everyone else doing? Happy Thanksgiving!
hi ladies i really hope your all well,

scooby yay how exciting!!! i hope it works i hope we get to be bump buddies it would be amazing!

im on cycle one of clomid with trigger shot, i get a scan on tuesday to check and see if my follies are growing, if they are a good size they will give me a shot of hcg and tell me to go home and bd :D
Hey Scooby, good to see you guys have a plan worked out. That's crappy news about the SA though :( Hopefully the Clomid works wonders and if you have your Christmas surprise! It seems like lots of people have great results on it. Make sure you keep us updated! I'll be thinking about you!

Good luck to you as well, Redrose! Hopefully the scan went well and you guys are getting busy! When will you be testing again?

AFM, I haven't bought much yet. I'll be getting lots of hand-me-downs from my SIL, so am waiting to see what she gives us and what we get at the shower. Everything is starting to feel very real though! I'm counting down the time until I can be finished work!

Have a nice week ladies!
Hi ladies I had my scan and I had two follies growing the follies were 14 and 15mm so not quite big enough. I'm back Friday to check if they reach 18mm by then I will get a trigger shot. I'm worried they won't get any bigger by then if no bigger then I've to wait for next cycle

Scooby beans how is the iui going? I'm sorry to hear about the sa being worse I hope it improves soon.

Bxsr you must be getting so excited! I can't believe how far along you r! Times going fast
redrose- That's so crazy, my cycle started 11/25 too and we're doing Clomid w/trigger & IUI too! It would be so awesome to be bump buddies. FX so hard for you! Good luck on your next scan :)

bxsr- Congrats on getting to double digits! It seems like it's going so fast. When is your shower? How are you feeling?

ashpeababy- Hope you're doing well! You must be getting so close now...

AFM, I had my CD8 ultrasound this morning. I have 4 follicles on the left and 4 on the right, but none of them are big enough yet. (I think they're ranging from 8mm-11mm.) I'd love to get 3 good ones since DH's count is so low. I have to go back on Friday for another scan, and she's thinking I'll trigger on Sunday and do the IUI on Monday- but we'll see! In the plus side, all of my blood work looked great and my ovarian reserve is fine (I was worried about that!) So if we need to proceed with IVF, I think I'm a pretty good candidate.
omg! woohoo! i pray so hard we both get a bfp!!!!!!!!!
i go back friday too, i had a few follies but only 2 were mature enough, one was 14mm and the other 15mm she wont trigger unless they are least 18mm so im praying they r big enough by then!
im so excited for us!!!!

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