Bailey (love it!) No blood work
..guessing game can be stressful. But if you're ok with it, then so am I! As for OPKs, they read the LH surge which is brought on by estrogen, so there is a good chance yours caught a flux in estrogen. In the meantime...4 DPO
Starry ~ I buy the OPK Internet cheapies and they normally come with HPTs...I want to poas, but I am really trying to wait until Fiday when DH gets home. As for symptom spotting...everything I have points to the (whisper)
witch. *sigh* Her minions are here: Sore heavy boobs - check. Pimple on chin - check. Increased appetite - check. Irritability - check. My cycles are traditionally 27 days, since D&C they're 28-29 days. This cycle I O'ed late (not sure if HSG caused it), so "unexpected" (hehehe) AF is due Dec 9. When is yours "unexpected." <~~~my attempt at PMA!