1983 ~ Sometime's our Mother's can be like our DH's in that they don't like to see us stress or hurt, so they say some crazy things thinking that will calm us.
Bailey ~ Everything will be just fine of you get a BFP straight away! Lord knows my DH and I started ttc as soon as I got my 1st AF. Obviously it didn't take until after cycle #3, so I am a firm believer in it will happen when it is meant to happen. In the meantime did you test today or are you waiting until the weekend? I know I ask you this every day...I'm just anxious and it's spilling over to your tww.
Manny ~ I temped today, but only because I had spotting yesterday and wanted to see if things were heading south...I need DH to hide my thermometer, temp was fine. *phew!*
Mrs, Starry, Jess and anyone I may have missed
Is it time for the nurse to call yet? I cannot believe I will have to go through this waiting on Friday too! I totally need this trip to NY!