Hey everyone, sorry not been on for a while, but just had a read through and a catch up.
Manny, poor u, what a horrible fright you have had. So relieved to hear that things are ok, I really feel for you.
Bazz sounds like u r getting nearer to some answers, and that u and OH had a nice valentines day.
Everyone else - hey! Hope u r all keeping well xx
As for me, still ticking along nicely! 25 weeks this Monday, so past the big landmark 24 weeks which feels good. And I went to see personnel at work last week to organise when I go off for my maternity leave!! I can't believe how quickly it's coming round, my last day is going to be 11th April! It's ages off my due date, but I've saved my leave up, and I'm owed 7 weeks before I start matt leave. So from 11th April I am on holiday for 7 weeks, and then maternity leave from 1st June, due date 10th June. AND I work in a college, so that actually only leaves 5 teaching weeks, then the students are off for Easter - I'm going to work those 2 weeks while they are off, coz it will let me tie up all the loose ends before I go, and then I'll be done! And I'm taking the full 12 months, plus next years holidays.... I'm not going to be back properly until the following September! It's just mad, I can't really get my head around having that amount of time before I go back to work!
Hope everyone is really well, and life treating u good xxx