I agree Bazz - fresh start, fresh cycle and fingers crossed this cycle is a normal length. Do you still take the pills to avoid another 100 day + cycle? I really hope this is a turning point for you and things go back to normal now.
A1983 congrats on a good scan. Were the other measurements also ahead? My last scan showed some measurements being a few days ahead and others being a few days behind. It leveled out to bang on where I should have been. My Dr did say that they generally don't change due dates unless there is a drastic change in measurements. You might find it goes back to measuring on scale closer to the time but maybe just keep an eye on it. On the up-side, it means you get to meet your little one a bit earlier! Yay!
FMS we painted the nursery this weekend which was exhausting. I thought a paint of coat would be a couple of hours but it literally took the WHOLE weekend. I took a few before pics so once we get our furniture and stuff, I'll post the before and after pics.
Hope everyone is well. Bring on another short week. Yeah!!! xxx