1st weekend of December= BFP or AF's- Buddies welcome! xxxx

Hey HM, weekend was good! Sounds like you had fun :)

My AF has actually been very heavy this month, and painful too, but that could be down to the operation last month.

CD 5 here now, would like to be really optimistic about this month as i've never had problems falling pregnant quickly before, wasn't after a reversal last time though!
Hello CB, LOVING your profile picture you and your family and beautiful! <3

Ive had a horrible AF this month aswell, heavy and painful which is very unusual for me, but to be honest this whole last months cycle has been unusual, but heres hoping that this is the last AF for a while anyway!

Im being so impatient already, I realise that its still another 10 days untill ov and then another 10 days (at least!) after that, that I can test! But christmas is coming up so that will make time go really fast, and I havent even started my christmas shopping, eeeek!

I braved town last week on a monday lunch time and it was hell, so Im not looking forward to getting it done now!
Hey HM

Thank you! I love each of them dearly, even the terrible teenagers lol My eldest (Daniel, on the top left of photo) turned 16 at the end of November! Hard to believe that my first baby is almost an adult and here i am trying for another lol This was one of the things that perplexed me when we decided to try for another! All my children are starting to become far more independant and i'm getting my independancy back, well was lol Before we started on our TTC journey i sold my motorbike (boohoo), was a big thing for me because it meant my independant life style was going too lol OH has promised to replace it in a few years, but i think it'll be longer than that before i'll be able to disappear on it whenever i feel like it lol

Anyway, the others are Amber, top right, Hannah, bottom right, and my stepson William, bottom left.

I'm trying not to think about O time at the moment, with Christmas coming up I'm just expecting the time to fly by and before we know it O time will be here! I've added a couple of tickers to my signature to keep a track of it for me instead lol

I'm not at work today, think i've caught the OH lurgey :( Handy that my OH is also my boss though, makes it easier to swap my hours around lol

Hope you have a good day!
Oh I thought the girl on the top right was you! A closer look did actually confirm that she was your daughter silly me!

Theres a big age gap between me and my little brother and my little brother and big brother, we love it because my older brother and I adore my little brother and are adored right back by him. Hes going to be 18 in a few weeks, but he will always be my baby brother.

Plus, you have baby sitters on tap! Times 4!

Will you breastfeed your next baby?

I was tempted to get a ticker aswell, but I wonderd if that might make time seem likeit is going slower.
Can I ask you a TMI question? How long does your AF last for? Mines already ended so thats actually only 3.5 days long, most months for me are this short aswell, and I wondred if that actually had an effect on OV date? Not that it matters, because we will be doing the deed anyway, but its nice to know where your cycles are. I might ask in TTC.

How long are yours usually though?
Well she does look like me lol A skinnier and less wrinkled version of me anyway lol

I'm still unsure on the breastfeeding, i attempted with the others without success

The ticker means i don't keep checking my dates unless i forget them lol

My AF usually lasts about 3 to 4 days, was 4 days this month. I don't think the length of your period has any effect on OV, but it's worth asking the question in TTC, you never know!

Just had my hospital appointment through for next week to check that the reversal worked and that i'm OVing. Here's me getting all excited about TTC this month and i don't even know if i'm capable of doing so :/
Oh wow! I didnt realise they would do that, but of course that makes sense. How do they check?
No idea to be honest lol i'll let you know!
Cool whens the appointment, do you think they will catch this months ovulation or is that a bit soon?
The appointment's next Wednesday, CD14; specifically so he can check that i'm OVing. Hopefully he's (and I) have got our dates right lol There's an 80% chance that the reversal has worked, which is pretty high, and my consultant has a very high success rate. He said after the operation that my ovaries looked very healthy and fully of eggs (how they tell that i do not know!) so fingers crossed it'll all be okay anyway :D
Thats excellent news, thats so positive.

How long did it take to conceive your other 4 kiddies?
I fell pretty quickly with all of mine, Dan was conceived whilst i was on the Pill at 17! So i was pretty fertile in the beginning lol The youngest is my stepson, so i know my other half isn't firing blanks either lol

What about you?
Yeah straight away with us aswell, and that was when I had absolutley no idea when you concieve or anything.I was totally clueless we just stopped using the pull-out method and hey presto I was pregnant.

I hope we are this lucky this time round, but Ive got to say we may take a bit longer because dh is working away a lot at the moment, so we only do the deed 2-3 times a week. Thats probably enough though, hopefully!
Sorry that was meant to say, when I had no idea when your supposed to ovulate!
Hey up HM how you doing?

We bought a new car today, when we got to work someone commented "Why the bigger car? you pregnant??" if only they knew!!
Morning! OOhhhh new car, nice :d
I had my friend over last night and we drank wine, my head is all cotton-wool like now! Im supposed to be cracking on with work and all I can think about is cups of tea, more tea!

Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Afternoon! Sounds like you must have had a good night last night!

No plans for this weekend, nice quiet one, hopefully! Works Christmas Party next weekend, free night in a hotel, free food and most importantly free booze! However i will be keeping it to the minimum seeing as it's Ov week next week!

What about you? Anything exciting planned?
Hey MH, how you doing? still unsure about what to do about aunt and friend. Going to talk to my mum about it lol

Anyway on another note, it's supposedly 6 days till ovulation but to be on the safe side we're started BDing at least every other night at the moment just in case! Really, really trying not to get over excited or carried away with the idea of falling pregnant during our first cycle!
Morning hun, how has your weekend been?

I think talking to your mum is a good idea, mums are often full of good advice.
Im guessing you have probably spoken to her by now, so what did she say? I bet shes excited at the prospect of having another grandchild!

I dont know if I mentioned that I was worried dh would change his mind about ttc? He has in the passed, as have I, because just as we would decide to try an obstacle would get in the way, and although to coast is totally clear this time I was worried.

Anyway we BDed for the 1st time since AF last night (Ive had a horrible lurgy and feeling awful so havent wanted to do anything apart from curl up and hide) and we are defintely TTC! He keeps talking about it, hes really excited which makes me even more excited which makes me feel loads better.

Its official we are TTC!!!

Im only going to see him tuesday and friday this week because works dried up here so hes going back to his brothers to do a few days work there, so I wont see him as much this week, this is going to happen a lot over the next couple of months before the work comes back in, so for that reason it might actually take us a bit longer to TTC this time, but thats fine I can wait a few months. Although patience is not my strong point ;)
Morning HM :)

Weekend was good, had our stepson here and took him to visit Santa!

I have decided not to tell aunt and friend until we actually are pregnant. I think everyone's right, it may take us quite a while to conceive so no need to cause an issue when either may fall pregnant in the mean time :)

Glad you and your DH have decided you are definitely TTC! Now the fun begins huh, especially if you're on limited access! Hopefully this won't hinder your TTC journey too much and you still manage a BFP soon!

Me and the OH BDed last night too, not the first time this cycle but definitely the first time in preparation for OVing. Legs in the air! lol

Spent some time reading some tubal reversal success stories last night to give myself a boost, does seem to work in majority of cases so just hoping we're one of them. Roll on Wednesday so i can find out that mine has been successful too
Brilliant, it does all sound like it is succesful, will you get the results on wednesday aswell?

Do you use any other website apart from this one?

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