2/5 engaged!???


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
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Back from midwife app :)
And she's 2/5 engaged!
Does that mean she won't come soon?
Does she have to get to 5/5 before she can arrive and how long can that take?
She said I looked very low and she's on duty saturday night so said be nice to see me then lol!
All in all good app just hope I don't have to get to my app next week and baby is here by then xxxx
Im also 2/5 engaged and reallllyy hoping it doesnt mean much as im already one day late lol ive heard they can go from free to engaged just before labour starts so dont think its anything to really worry about x
I don't think it means much- well, it hasn't for me anyway. My LO has been head down in pelvis since 28 weeks and 3/5 engaged for the last two weeks. I'd be interested to see what other ladies say though.

Fingers crossed eh! :) xx
thanks :)

is 5/5 not engaged and you have to get to 0/5 to be fully engaged?
or is it the other way around?
so confusing lol x
I'm 3/5 and I'm 4 days overdue... No idea what it means haha doesn't sound very promising though :p x
5/5 means baby started engaging and 1/5 (or 0/5) fully engaged
That makes sense thanks!
so i havent really got long then? would you think????? eeeeek x
yes that means baby's almost ready :)
My little one was 3/5th engaged at our appt 2 days ago. My doctor did say that a lot of baby's don't fully engage until labor has already begun because the contractions help to push them down. She said not to worry if baby doesn't fully engage before labor but being partially engaged is a good sign that baby is getting ready for labor. :)
it means nothing. babys can engaged at last minute.

i was free last week this week im 4/5 engaged
I'm 40 weeks and 3/5ths engaged which is pretty much middle of the road. I thought 5/5 was where I was supposed to be getting to but 5/5 is actually not engaged at all, you have to get to 0/5 which is fully totally engaged. In your first pregnancy you're more likely to stay engaged once baby heads down that way (although they CAN come back out, it's not impossible) but apparently second babies onwards can stay free and not engaged all the way till labour
My midwife told me on monday that I was 1/5 engaged but she explained that to me as needing to get to the full 5/5ths to be fully engaged so it does appear some midwives look at things differently. She did say it's usual in a first pregnancy to be fully engaged before labour so didn't think I would be anytime too soon xxx
0/5 is fully engaged!
My baby is 3/5ths engaged and midwife said usually baby will stay like that till ur in labour & then fully engage!
Apparently it's a measurement of how many 5ths of your baby's head the MW can feel above your pelvis. 5/5 means that baby's head hasn't dropped down yet and all of it can still be felt above the pelvis. 1/5 would mean that only a fraction of baby's head is still above the pelvis and 4/5th of it has dropped down, becoming engaged. :) The lower the number, the more engaged baby is.

At my appointment yesterday, the midwife could tell that baby had engaged because when she wiggled the area of my stomach where baby's head is, my whole pelvis moved side to side too. If baby is still 'free', your pelvis will remain in place while baby goes back and forth. I didn't get an exact number though so I'll ask next week. :D
Apparently it's a measurement of how many 5ths of your baby's head the MW can feel above your pelvis. 5/5 means that baby's head hasn't dropped down yet and all of it can still be felt above the pelvis. 1/5 would mean that only a fraction of baby's head is still above the pelvis and 4/5th of it has dropped down, becoming engaged. :) The lower the number, the more engaged baby is.

At my appointment yesterday, the midwife could tell that baby had engaged because when she wiggled the area of my stomach where baby's head is, my whole pelvis moved side to side too. If baby is still 'free', your pelvis will remain in place while baby goes back and forth. I didn't get an exact number though so I'll ask next week. :D

Nope I questioned it and my midwife was very specific that only 1/5 had dropped down and therefore still a way to go. I'm not bothered how she explains it as long as I know what she means! xxx
lol well there's a printed page in my notes explaining the different abbreviations midwives use and it says -

Engagement is how deep the presenting part - e.g. the baby's head - is below the brim of the pelvis. It is measured by the proportion which can still be felt through the abdomen, in fifths: 5/5 = free; 4/5 = sitting on the pelvic brim; 3/5 = lower but most is still above the brim; 2/5 = engaged, as most is below the brim; and 1/5 or 0/5 = deeply engaged, as hardly still palpable from above. In first time mothers, engagement tends to happen in the last weeks of pregnancy; in subsequent pregnancies, it may occur later, or not until labour has commenced.
It doesn't surprise me that she does it completely the opposite, she is dippy! xxx
There are 2 ways to measure engagement. One is how much of the babies head is palpable above the pelvis, so 5/5ths would be free and 0/5ths would be engaged. The other way is how engaged the baby is in the pelvis and is the opposite, so 5/5ths would be fully engaged. Today my midwife told me I am 3/5ths engaged, so that's 2/5ths palpable.. Hope that makes sense.
my baby has been head down since 28 weeks but my midwife never said shes 5/5 or anything like that?? but shes dead low so hoping when i have my 36 weeks update shes a bit engaged xx
With my son, I was 2/5 engaged from 33 weeks but he still didn't arrive till 39 weeks, saying that you are at the end of the pregnancy anyways so could be xx

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