2+ miscarriages? Read here!

My miscarriage is nearly all over with the sac is collapsing in on itself, still bleeding but can only expect that, I had a scan yday and she checked my ovaries, turns out I have polycystic fibrosis, mo cysts though, she said one ovary is showing that and it will cause irregular periods, she said I'll have no problem getting pregnant again but with irregular periods it can make it difficult to time it, so she said I cn ask my gp to refer me to a fertility clinic for advice......
I've decided to help myself out by taking all these vitamins and invested in a CBFM got it brand new for £40 so can't complain
I no longer need a d&c cz chances are they would miss the sac but apparently I have more chances of miscarrying now that I have this.

I'm so pisssd off why didn't they tell me this the first time?

Anyone else got this?

Any vitamins to help this ?

I would be too, why did they not notice this before!!! :growlmad: So unbelievable. Is there any treatment you can have? Good idea with the CBFM, I just got one too.

she said i could ask my dr to refer me to the fertility clinic in the hospital.

think i might do that,

my boss is not being understanding at all she said why u crying etc then proceeded to tell me i would be one of those single mums u see up the high street pushing a pram milking the government.

i was so angry!!!

im waiting on the bleeding to stop then see what happens.

also going to ask my dr to check my thyroid.... do u know roughly how long that takes?

i got my CBFM on ebay brand new for £40.00 it hasnt arrived yet but the test sticks have, might start testing when the bleeding stops i dunno :wacko:

its comforting to know u can speak to people that are having the same problem

L xx:hugs:

Why would your boss say that? What a horrible woman!! I would be tempted to quit! I cried for months after my 1st miscarriage. What do you do? Yeah, I find it really comforting on b&b, it really helps to talk to others in the same boat x x

she says she sees herself as a mother to me and the other girl that works there,

im in admin so nothing major, i love my job but i hated the attitude.

she wants in depth detail etc like proper in depth down to what the clots look like.........

when i said it was my second miscarriage she looked really disappointed in me...... but hey ho shes not my mum, my mum was happy for us like a mum should be.

Im hoping the vitamins help to make the baby develop next time.

rather gutted!
does anyone know roughly how long it takes for ur hormones to go back to normal as i have been using opks to determine if they are going down......

im still getting the smiley face on CB digital OPK's

wanting it to hurry up and be over with......
does anyone know roughly how long it takes for ur hormones to go back to normal as i have been using opks to determine if they are going down......

im still getting the smiley face on CB digital OPK's

wanting it to hurry up and be over with......

People don't seem to understand unless they've been through it themselves...

I had my erpc op a month ago today. I bled for a week. I got my negative preg test result 1 week later. I ovulated 5 days after that (!) Now i'm 6/7dpo and waiting for my BFP (PMA!!) My cycles are 28 days and my mc's follow the same pattern so at least i'm lucky in that respect!
Age started ttc: 25 (dec 2010)

Mc's: 3 - 1st- august mmc i was 11w3 days baby 9 weeks (had a scan at 8 weeks 5 days it was perfect, imagine?, then chemical preg which i am currently going thru-

Patterns in mc's: no clue...i really dont-

Time to conceive: first preg 6 months, 2nd 1 month.

Tests: i have an apt today for bloodwork and im getting a vaginal ultrasound.

Results: (to be updated)

Chromosome of the fetus tested / result? No, this time there was no fetus, first time i expelled it in my house and got rid of it bc my doctor told me to-

Plan for next time: Dont know!

Any living children / mc before after?: unfortunately i just have babies in heaven.

goodluck to all of us.
Thanks keepthefaith, i'm sure everything will work out for you sooner than you think :hugs: :hugs:
Age started ttc: 31

Mc's: 2. First was in September of 2010 went for scan at what was supposed to be 8 weeks and fetal development was behind had a follow up scan the next week and some development but still behind; then waited two weeks and there was no more development had a D&C due to size of gestational sac (it continued to develop). Second was September of 2011 went for blood work within a couple of days of a positive pregnancy test. Progesterone was low and started supplements, hcg was slow rising. Went for ultrasound at six weeks and measured five weeks. There was concern that it was an ectopic due to the slow rising hcg so ultrasound repeated in a week and baby was now measuring six weeks with a HB of 108. The next week I spotted pink then it turned to red. I went to the ER where the ultrasound showed no HB and baby still measuring six weeks

Patterns in mc's: Fetal development stops around 5/6 weeks

Time to conceive: First was ntnp for 10 months Second was ttc 5 months

Tests: Waiting for insurance


Chromosome of the fetus tested / result? N/A

Plan for next time: Previously tested positive for hypothyroidism but pregnancy panel showed normal level. I've since found out that thyroid results can be skewed with pregnancy hormones still in the system so really want this looked into

Any living children / mc before after?: No :cry:

So sorry for everybody's losses :hugs:
Hi August, your miscarriages are very similar to mine. I had my thyroid checked twice though and it was ok so... It's very hard isn't it? We're trying for the 4th time now and the consultant says I have a 75% next time so just trying to be hopeful. My 2 pregnancies which ended in heartbeats and then nothing started off as ectopic scares because of the slow rising hcg too. We will get there! x x :hugs:
Thanks Filipenko. Having had two (which is two too many) I am debating how much stock to put into getting the testing done. It could show something or it could not show a thing. It's just so scary to try again without knowing but even if I have testing it doesn't guarantee that I will know. What are ya'lls thoughts?
Thanks Filipenko. Having had two (which is two too many) I am debating how much stock to put into getting the testing done. It could show something or it could not show a thing. It's just so scary to try again without knowing but even if I have testing it doesn't guarantee that I will know. What are ya'lls thoughts?

Yeah if you see my post above when i was telling Lauren about all my testing I had all that done after two because well I was scared and wanted answers. However, nothing is wrong and i have to keep trying anyway. Of course it's your choice but that's just how i felt at the time and how i got through it x x :hugs:
Age started ttc: 18 (nearing 19th birthday)
Mc's: 3 between 5-10 weeks

Patterns in mc's: behind on dates but all different, 1st MMC, 2nd Heart beat found put back 2weeks then MC, 3rd time put back 3 weeks regular sca showed groth but no heart beat developed

Time to conceive: 1st 13months, 2nd 6months, 3rd 2months

Tests: full blood count, lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipins, anticoagulant tests, HBA1..not sure what else

Results: nothing 'significantly pointing to miscarriage' but HBA1 raised slightly

Chromosome of the fetus tested / result? no...currently going through 3rd MC so might ask for tests

Treatment / did it work this time? had none

Plan for next time: Dont know!

Any living children / mc before after?: 2MC then dd then another MC
Age started ttc: Was never trying but wasn't preventing. 17 first pregnancy. 18 for my second.

Mc's: 2 - one at 15 weeks in October 2009, one at 11+4 on 16th November 2010

Patterns in mc's: first one was a mmc, found out at my scan at about 16 weeks - I'd only found out I was pregnant 3 weeks earlier. second one I started cramping and bleeding at 11+3, had an emergency scan the following day when they told me I'd had an incomplete mc, but not incomplete enough that I needed scraping.

Time to conceive: don't really know.

Tests: full blood count

Results: nothing 'significantly pointing to miscarriage'

Chromosome of the fetus tested / result? No

Treatment / did it work this time? Haven't had any particular treatment. Had a few check ups after each mc to check for infection and such though.

Plan for next time: Dont know!

Any living children / mc before after?: No
Age started ttc: 26 (Feb 2011)

Mc's: 2 mmc (Feb 2011 d&c for blighted ovum and Oct 2011 starte out with triplets absorbed one a week later miscarrried another but had a heart beat then a week later at 7 wks no heart beat and was measuring 6 wks still) and 2 chemicals (June 2011 and Aug 2011)

Patterns in mc's: no patterns except the chemicals

Time to conceive: feb to may (3 months) may to aug (3 moonths) and conveived last in aug (less than a month)

Tests: have an appt Dec 19 to start testing had to wait 6 wks after neg blood test (which does not make since if it is already neg). Dr was hesitant about doing test cause he said they usually wait till 3. I told him I had 4.

Results: nothing yet have to wait till after the 19th

Chromosome of the fetus tested / result? I wanted to on my last mmc even caught the tissue but they said they did not have the facilities to.:growlmad:

Treatment / did it work this time? no treatment yet last few times he told me to just keep trying it will happen. I did start baby asprine on my on which I think helped me get to six weeks but he told me to stop taking it it was not necessary at 5 wks when I told him I was taking that prenatles, vitamin b complex and had already quit taking vitamin e.

Plan for next time: won't know till i get test done and results back

Any living children / mc before after?: No
Thanks monro and babycakes, so sorry you're going through this. Are you both going to just keep trying? I am
Hi girls,

Thought I would give u a wee update,

I spoke to the hospital yesterday about getting relevant tests done and they are going to run tests for chromosomes and blood clotting etc on me and my partner so all good :)

I also took your advice and asked to get my thyroid checked.

Ive to go up on the 20th December and they will do the tests then as they cant do it until 6 weeks after a mc

How long do the test results take on average though?

cz the midwife told me 6 weeks!!! i cant wait that long!!! then all they do is write to me, not call.....

L xx:happydance:
That's great news so pleased for you! My results came back from the gp in 2 weeks but I had to call them!
Age started ttc: 26

Mc's: 6 between 5 - 16 weeks

Patterns in mc's: one early at 5 weeks, one blighted ovum and others arrested development then no heart beat.

Time to conceive: 1-2 months

Tests: Almost everything going but no cause found

Results: nothing 'significantly pointing to miscarriage' BUT, i used to train hard at my sport and compete most weekends. I gave up and concieved my daughter.

Chromosome of the fetus tested / result? Yes. No cause.

Treatment / did it work this time? Took anticoagulants for my daughter.

Plan for next time: Trying right now after my cycles seem to have got back to a right place 6 months post my last MC.

Any living children / mc before after?: My daughter after five MC and blighted ovum since.[/QUOTE]
Wow tu123 you have really been on a journey!! :hugs: :hugs: I'm so glad you have your daughter now but gosh what a lot of heartache. I was just reading this study that's about 'superfertility' (if you get pregnant always within 3 months). I'm going to get tested for it at Warwick. Here's a link written by the man i'm going to see. https://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0010287
It means that we don't ever reject embryos so we have a higher chance of becoming pregnant with abnormal ones. :shrug: Ever heard of it?
Age started ttc: 26

Mc's: 2 - both MMC

Patterns in mc's: Both seemed to have stopped developing at 6-8 weeks

Time to conceive: 1st pregnancy 1 month, 2nd pregnancy 1 month, 3rd prengnacy 1 month, 4th pregnancy 1 month

Tests: They wouldn't give me tests as I hadnt' had 3......

Chromosome of the fetus tested / result? No

Plan for next time: After 2 MMC I put myself & hubby on contraception vitamins, and when I got my positive I also started taking baby aspirin one a day along with pregnancy vitamins that included folic acid.

Any living children / mc before after?: Yes 1 before and 1 after the MMC's.

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