Girl you must have some crazy patience to be able to hold out this long, wow. Wishing you the best with the sweep! Induction is not bad for some ladies (some it is) but mine was just as great as my 'natural' birth so good luck.
Good luck hunni i will be thinking of you today. "Come on baby jacob its time to come out now, i inside mummy is comfy but you need to come out now buddy"
Good luck today Ema....
Im hoping Jacob is here by the weekend, and ur home with pics by monday morning cos im going away mon til fri next week and i dont wanna miss it!! I've waited this long and dont wanna miss out on his pics!
Youve done really well to stay so patient in this 2 weeks hun, i couldnt have done it.
Jacob's gonna come out with a diploma and mortgage at this rate !!!
Good Luck for today hun, I really hope it kick starts things.... I think your gonna miss getting it all out for the girls once you've had him though !!!!
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