2 year old won't sleep!!!!


Number 3 on the way!
Dec 5, 2012
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Omg....he is up until freaking 1am the past few nights!! Then my 2 month old wakes up at 2am to nurse.... I have been like a zombie at work :'(
Must be the molars coming out (check the gums -- should be inflamed and bulging). If so, I would just give tylenol or camilia. Keep him on a regular routine with the sound machine in the room. Don't want to get you upset but sometimes even my 7yo wakes up in the middle of the night when something hurts.
That is great advise! I checked for mollers because he is drooling like crazy too, but nothing new coming in. He has a little bit of a snuffly nose so that is probably the culprate. I gave him some night time cold medicine and he was like "I feel great! Play time!!" I think we are just on a routine of up late and then sleeping in, then late naps.
My 2 year old just suddenly went through a stage of not sleeping it must have lasted best part of 6 months, no real reason for it either, just because he wanted to. He was late to settle down and then up screaming in the night. I was lucky to get 4 hours sleep a night and even that was broken sleep. Then it stopped just as quickly as he started it
Oh I hope it doesn't take that long!! Ian was asleep by 9:30 tonight! I hope we got it turned around!
Does he still nap? We had this when it was time to drop daytime naps (2 years, 3 months for us). It was a nightmare. She would usually go to bed at 7-7:30pm, but wasn't going to sleep until 10pm most nights. We cut out the nap and started an earlier bedtime (6:30pm) for about a month and then it all evened out and we were back to our usual bedtime minus the nap and she was sleeping great.
My middle child did this to he always slept great then suddenly started waking loads refusing to go bed etc it lasted a few months then stopped x
Does he still nap? We had this when it was time to drop daytime naps (2 years, 3 months for us). It was a nightmare. She would usually go to bed at 7-7:30pm, but wasn't going to sleep until 10pm most nights. We cut out the nap and started an earlier bedtime (6:30pm) for about a month and then it all evened out and we were back to our usual bedtime minus the nap and she was sleeping great.

If he doesn't nap he crashed at 6 and Wales up at 10 ready to pary. :(
We went through a sleep regression with DS2 just recently at 23 months. It lasted about a month where he wouldn't go down at night and once he finally did fall asleep he woke up 2-8 times per night screaming. Really the only thing that helped it was time I hate to say. We tried other things (extra blanket, no blanket, bigger lovie, water, no water, earlier bed, later bed...you name it) but nothing worked until we gave up and a few days later it worked itself out on its own like nothing ever happened. He's been STTN and going down perfect ever since.

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