20 year old wife looking for young buddies who are ttc! Update: 4 healthy babys born!

I am married. i have been married for 4 years in August! we split up for a bit and i accidentally got preg with my daughter, and he accidentally got his gf preg with his son. so we both have 2 year olds... that are 5 days apart...

he sees his son every other weekend. i have my daughter all of the time. her BIO isnt really in to seeing her and hasn't in a year.

we really want to have a baby together. i was on depo for only two shots and it took from march 2010-novemeber 2010 to even get an AF.

now ive been regular for 3 months. I started using OPKs for the first time last cycle. I would like to try soft cups but my uterus is tilted so im afraid i may have trouble getting it out.

I O pretty much when it says i'm suppose to, but the first cycle i used OPKs i didnt know i should test until the surge is gone:dohh: and the second cycle i used them i was away from the hubby the night i got a positive. grrr.

so im SO hoping that this month will be the month! I will send baby dust to all of you ladies!

one of the hardest parts to deal with is the fact that we both got preg with our ex's after only 2 months....its pretty disheartening for me.

Awww, sending lots of baby dust your way.
i really dont think its false. but have you taken any others at all??

annnd your test is the exact same one i took and it looks just like mine did.

are you late? what DPO are you?

I am doing well. just really excited for this cycle. i'm due to ovulate in 9 days.... and this time im going to try to get my OPKs right. hahaha. but im broke sooo hoping i get my check so that i can buy more if need be. but with two 2 yr olds its hard to have a ton of extra money=)
my hubby is getting sad that we havent gotten our BFP now... he was fine about it and said itll happen when it happens, then last night he was almost in tears. saying he wants a baby.=)

how are you feeling???

I used OPK's last cycle, and if those are accurate, I ovulated around April 9th or 10th. So I'm about 12 DPO.

I haven't done any more tests yet, other than the blood test. If I don't hear from the doctor today, think I'm going to pick up a digital test and take that tomorrow morning.

I have a really sore back and cramps---but they're not normal cramps, they just feel like pressure on my stomach.

I really hope you get your BFP soon...sending loads of baby dust your way!
Just spoke to a nurse at my doctor's office who says that my HCG levels are very high. They are 155. She can't tell me i'm pregnant, I have to wait for the doctor to call, but I already know that is a positive!!!! I am so happy!!!!! Thank you ladies for all your continued support
Kimbre- wow that's an amazing story! Amazing that you both found each other again, and I really hope this is your month!!

And. DG omg that is definetly high!! You are most certinaly are pregnant u must feel ontop of the world!
DG thats awesome! i told you! yay!!!!

youngwife- thanks, yeah its been a rough cpl of years though. Its still hard on me. =) we love each other so i guess thats all that matters.
Hey everyone so I really started losing hope I would O cause I am on cycle day 18 so this morning I took an opk like I do everyday 3x a day yes I know obsessive anyways I walked away from it and forgot about it so just now I looked and it's POSITIVE hopefully It can hold off til wayy late tonight cause the DH Wony be home til late and thence are leavingto go camping with the entire family AHH! Hope this is my month :)
Kimbre- it certianly is all that matters u both definetly have a great family to bring another baby into it so stay positive!

Brooke! U got a positive on ur opk! There going camping!!? Well u need to make sure as soon aas ur oh is home u have a quicky!!! U don't want to miss it! Ooh I haven't started using my opk yet :) I will in a week or so :). Hey and don't worry about being obbsessive! Lol I'm as obbsessive as u about baby stuff doubled!! Have fun camping and relax!!! Try to enjoy urself
Kimbre- it certianly is all that matters u both definetly have a great family to bring another baby into it so stay positive!

Brooke! U got a positive on ur opk! There going camping!!? Well u need to make sure as soon aas ur oh is home u have a quicky!!! U don't want to miss it! Ooh I haven't started using my opk yet :) I will in a week or so :). Hey and don't worry about being obbsessive! Lol I'm as obbsessive as u about baby stuff doubled!! Have fun camping and relax!!! Try to enjoy urself

LOL yeah I got a positive finally! haha yes my mom is here though helping me get the kids ready to go so i am thinking i am gonna send her to get milk with the kids and get to it real fast cause after that we will be with his whole family... no time to BD HAHA yes start as soon as you
yes, i am beyond obsessive its getting crazy you should see the drawer i keep all my used OPK's haha its full
Brooke- I actualy kept my used pregnancy tests even tho they were negitive.. Why?? I have no clue!! Keep me posted! Hope u were able to fit in a quick bding!! And that's a good idea send them out for the milk hopefuly they don't take the shortest route! :p
DG - I hope u and ur little bean arr doing okay :)

Hey :)

We are doing okay. The doctor didn't get a chance to call me yet, but don't think I really need his confirmation. My back is killing me and I've been having cramps still (but they are not like menstrual cramps, just like pressure).

We are just very excited about the future.

How are you doing?
Yes, I will probably keeo my negative preg tests as well if they dont come up positive this month :) we were able to fit in a quick BD yes thank god
I'm doin ok not much news here .. Still with af lol so no bding for me.. Do u think it was bding everyday or everyd other day that cought dg?

And wooh brooke glad u cud fit it in that cud have been the baby making momment!! Hope it is for u!! :)
What's funny is the cycle we conceived we weren't bd'ing every day during my fertile time (which we had done our first two months of trying). Not sure if that did anything...And funny thing was I was so sure we had missed my fertile time (I had been feeling sick and not really feeling up to bd'ing). Funny how things work out!

I go to the doctor on May 2nd for my first ultrasound. I think it's finally sinking in to my husband! (took him a while for him to believe it!)

Happy Easter everyone!! How are you guys doing today?
A little late, but I wanted to join in and say hi to everyone! I am new here, I am 23 and trying for our 2nd. We already have one son who will soon be 3 years old. He ask us everyday for a "baby to come live at his house". Can't wait to make his wish come true, unfortunately its taking longer than expected. Any other young mama's not conceiving as quickly as expected? I went off Nuvaring in Aug 2010 and have didn't ovulate until October. Finally having regular cycles (long though) but have yet to conceive our 2nd. DS was not planned in fact we were actively avoiding ( was a one time slip up) And here he is, Love him to death. If only it could always be that easy!!
welcome mamaofone! yes i thought itd be quicker than this as well. i was on depo=(
DG-thats awsum! :) this month we will try bding everyday seen as I don't know for sure when I'm ovulating then next month every other day

MamaOfOne- welcome! And its not late! I'm not a mama.. But this taking longer than I thought it would all my reletives got pregnant as soon as they got married like it was so easy and same with my mum she concieved my brother and then me straight after my brother! So I thought I would have been pregnant 3 months ago!!! So fustrating , hope you get ur positive this month.. I hope we all do so we can all be bump budies!

Are you using any tools to assist conception? I bought an opk but haven't used it yet :)
Kimbre- I was on depo for about maybe a year or 7 months or something.. I had little periods when I was on the injection as soon as I stopped it I didn't get a period for a whole year!!! Was soo anjoying!!!

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