2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Well, long story - I finally went into the hospital on Tuesday morning, they gave me a pessary at 12pm exactly, within half an hour I started contracting, we went for a walk around the hospital grounds and came back at 2.30pm, contracting every 10 minutes, this very quickly went to every 7 minutes and then suddenly down to every 3 minutes (this literally all happened within a couple of hours at the most). I was dealing well with them, lots of back rubbing from DH and breathing! Suddenly they got very intense and all in my back, I couldn't get into any position to deal with them and breathing/bath etc wasn't even touching them. I refused pethadine several times, the tens machine really helped though. By about 8pm the contractions were coming every two minutes, lasting well over a minute, and some completely on top of each other with no let up at all. Unfortunately my body didn't really deal with it all very well and I kept fainting between each contraction. Helpful!

Anyway, by about 10pm the re-examined and I was only 1cm, despite all of the very strong and close-together contractions (I went on the monitor a couple of times), so gave in and accepted pethadine (the anaesthetist agreed to give me an epidural if I wanted one, but the midwife said that 'she didn't know what she was talking about'). I hated the pethadine, it made me completely out of it, but didn't touch the pain of the contractions. They made DH leave at about 10.30pm, when they pretty much left me to it. A midwife came in a couple of hours later when I was in a complete state, my uterus had decided to 'push' a couple of times every contraction, which was pretty terrifying as it certainly wasn't time to push! She sat with me and finally realised what I was talking about with the back-to-back contractions and the pushing, at which point she actually ran out of the room to get a second opinion. I was bleeding a LOT and my waters were going with each contraction. I was absolutely terrified as I really didn't know how I could cope with the pain.

They called DH and got him to come back as they decided I could go over to delivery and have an epidural. Finally. Went over there where they gave me gas and air - best stuff EVER, why on earth they didn't give me this to start with I don't know?! Had the epidural and within half an hour could actually talk again.

Contractions carried on throughout the day, strong and averaging 2 mins apart, the epidural was great, it was light enough so that I could still feel contractions, move my legs etc. They examined me every 4 hours, I got to 5cms and then remained there for several hours, her head had moved down lots but I just wouldn't dilate any further. They warned me that I would need a c-section if I didn't progress by 4pm. DH and I really wanted to avoid this particularly as J's heart rate was really healthy and the contractions were strong, so when I was still 5 at 4pm, we asked for another couple of hours, which they allowed us. The midwife/doctor team in CDS were brilliant and explained everything to us. So 6pm came and I was examined by the doctor, still no further, so c-section it was.

The surgeon and the anaesthetist came and explained everything to me, answered all of my questions etc. I had a spinal block rather than the epidural being topped up because it was such a light epidural and I still had several patches of complete feeling. The whole team in the theatre were brilliant, really relaxed and chatty. It took them a little longer than expected to get her out, but discovered why she had got stuck, she had tried to descend face-first and back-to-back, they told me that she wouldn't have been able to come out on her own, so the c-section was the right decision. They held her up so DH could tell me whether she was a boy or girl - I was so shocked that she was a girl! At this point I couldn't stop shaking and crying.

They checked her and then placed her on the table next to me with DH holding her there, they said we could keep her there as long as we wanted before they weighed her etc. The whole theatre team were shocked when she weighed in so heavy, in their guesses nobody had guessed above 8lbs5!

DH and J went into recovery while I was stitched up and I shortly followed, the midwife helped me get the gown off so I could have some skin to skin, J instantly started feeding - she knew exactly what to do!

Managed to get out of hospital pretty promptly (I had to smother on rather a lot of blusher to stop myself looking so pale and shaky!) as I hated being on there without DH and had already caught a cold.

Home now and in heaven, I'm sure reality will hit before too long though! Hormones have kicked in and I'm bursting into tears for no reason and my milk has come in so I'm pretty uncomfortable from c-section and now that, but generally we're getting on well, she's a really good baby and making it pretty easy for us at the moment. She is a touch jaundiced, so keeping an eye on that, but generally feeding well and seems content!

That turned out to be pretty long indeed.... Sorry!
Costgang - well done to Josh!!!!!!

Claire - glad Ana sounds like she is on the up. We are still on poo watch....:wacko:

Lydia - well done you - it sounds like you did an amazing job hun you went through so much!!! Hope you are enjoying lots of cuddles now :hugs:

Dylan was up a lot of last night could not stop him crying for ages, DH thinks he is bunged up :shrug:
Go Josh on the walking :thumbup:

Well done Lydia, thanks for sharing your story, you really went through it but you did it and she is here and those cuddles and all the moments already are worth it and she has a lifetime of them for you :flower:

Claire/Lia - poo watch here goes on, just stinky farts :wacko: and Mogster has a horrid cold, school tomrrow so think he might sleep after lunch tomorrow...

Bought two christmas pressies fro Mogster today :dohh: its not even past Halloween!

:hi: Ann/Pip/Yas/Brig - any gossip to share, poo stories :rofl:
We have the mega stinky farts too :dohh:

Christmas shopping????????????? Nooooooooooooo!!!

MIL has offered to get us some outdoorsy gear for Dylan - so I guess much more walking in store for us :haha:
Day 4 of poowatch and BAM! Out it came! And poor old me, it was my turn lol, downsides of using cloth nappies... :rofl: formula poo is so minging :sick: and all I ever seem to do is hang washing...:hangwashing:

Glad Ana is doing a bit better Claire!! Am slightly hysterical at the thought of Jac having a secret hidey place!!!!

Well done Lydia, very proud of you for coping so well! Can't believe they made your hubby go home that first night though... face first and back to back- ouchie!! xxxxxx
Wow Lydia, your labor doesn't sound too far off from mine. I was really hoping I would have a break in between contractions but they just kept coming and were so strong. Thankfully it didn't take me too long to get to 4cms when they gave me gas and air which did take the edge off. Like you I also then asked for an epidural. Unfortunately it wore off during the pushing stage as it lasted almost 2 hrs before I was taken to theatre where they discovered after failed Vontouse that Harry was transvese so wasn't coming naturally.

Thank God for epidurals and Spinal Taps!! xx
Thank God for epidurals and Spinal Taps!! xx

...and so say all of us! :haha::haha::haha:

I thought your labours sounded similar, with the whole pushing too early and babies being the wrong way/places and stuff.

Just read yours Ann - that is odd about the pushing early and wrong positions - coincidence? It was the most horrible feeling, my whole stomach was suddenly pushing - the whole shape of it changed and it was incredibly painful, I had absolutely no control over it.

Yup - the relief I felt with that epidural was amazing! DH is still teasing me about the gas and air though - I did ramble on terribly to whoever would listen. The poor anaesthetist, I gushed at her for several minutes about how fantastic she was because I'm terrified of needles! :blush:

Trying to get rid of this horrible cold, I'm terrified every time I cough or sneeze that my stomach is going to explode! Stitches out tomorrow which is only going to make me more paranoid!
DH is still teasing me about the gas and air though - I did ramble on terribly to whoever would listen. The poor anaesthetist, I gushed at her for several minutes about how fantastic she was because I'm terrified of needles! :blush:

Me too- still get teased mercilessly by my dad and Garry for the rubbish I said during G&A- including repeated "i hate this gas and air... its crap... doesn't work..." over and over for SIX hours :rofl: and I wouldn't let them prise it out of my hands :rofl: I also stroked the doctors face :dohh:

Stitches sound ouchie- hope it goes ok tomorrow x
i was on my own when soph popped out,does anyone wanna hear my story,or did i do it already?
Of course we want to hear your story, costgang. All I know is that it all went really fast. So let's hear the rest. :coffee:

Everyone else :hi:

What a story Lydia!! J is beautiful btw!!! :-) and it's so weird how you and Ann have similar stories!!

Costgang: I want to hear!!! and see pictures!! :-)

Costgang - would love to hear please!! :flower:

Yas - :rofl: @ stroking his face :haha:

I was loving the gas and air - and once I'd had the epidural I introduced myself as 'nice Lia' and thanked the anaesthetist a LOT. And DH bloody asked him where did the needle go as it looked huge??? :rofl:
ok, so we got to hospital at 9.30am to be induced, after being monitored and checked over i was given the gel/pill stuff at 10.30, went up to antenatal ward at 11.30ish. ordered my lunch,but forgot my insulin so the nurse ordered me some and i kept telling het it was a waste as id only be missing 1 dose,but she got it anyway, and a box of 100 needles,that have to be chucked after as once they are open no-one else can use the box,even thou i only used 1 out of the box. Had dinner, and was getting niggly pains which by 2ish were quite strong and we told mw we would need to go down to labour ward else we wouldnt make it, she examined me and i was 2cm, all she could give me was pethadine, i said ok, but by thw time she got with it i was screaming in agony,i told her i didnt want it i want g and a, she reluctantly examined me again and i was 6cm, the time was now 2.50pm,so she went off to call labour ward to tell them we were on our way down,leving me and rob on our own, i said i think i need to push, he went to get mw and out came soph with 1 little push,rob came back followed by mw how pushed emergency button, i couldnt move incase i squashed soph who was still in the sac, mw quickly did what she had to do and handed soph to her daddy.they noted the time as 2.55pm,so went for 6cm to fully dialated and delivered in 5 mins, i like them quick but was gutted that i didnt get any g and a, its great stuff.and thankfully soph is all well and good now
Wow, costgang, that is quite a story. Well done on delivering your little one pretty much on your own. :thumbup:
Wow well done Sarah :thumbup: Glad Sophie all ok, its lucky to be born in the sac :yipee:

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