2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

I also don't know what to do when Harry sleeps during the day!! Every time we try and put him down he wakes so we are currently taking it in turns to hold him. We must get a play mat or something as he's now getting more alert so will need more entertaining. Any good suggestions?

A massive congratulations to Lydia!!! I'm so happy that she finally has her little one to cuddle.

Lia, I'm also worried about Harry's constant feeds. I actually worry that I'm over feeding him as sometimes it seems he's got an icky stomach.


Ann - feeling a bit less frantic than I was as it seems some ladies on the BF forum have 2 hourly feeds (or less :wacko:) etc at 3 or 4 months old so I guess all babies are just different?

BF counsellor / HV keep insisting we can't overfeed them BUT one thing I thought about, are you offering both sides at a feed? When I was doing that, he was bringing back most of what he took (so having to feed again :dohh:) but now I am just offering one side (unless he's been on for ages and I know he's had the good stuff, in which case he doesn't often take the other side) and it is a bit better. And he is still putting weight on.

My plan of action - open our flipping windows and cool the house / Dylan down and see if that cuts out the 'drink' feeds lol.
also try stripping his bottom half except nappy to keep him awake for feed so he sucks well rather than suckles, its all about patience in the early days and perseverance frustrating but you get there in time :hugs:
Lia, usually he polishes off at least one boob. Today I feel almost like I'm going to run out of milk! We went to get him registered and feed him there at 1pm. He was on one boob for about 10 mins before falling off. He was then ok for 5-10mins but then wanted more so I gave him the other for 10 mins or so. Then he was ok until we got home about 15 mins later. He then went straight back on the boob and feed for about 1 1/2 hours. In that time he filled his nappy and was sick a bit. He seemed very unsettled but I couldn't wind him. EVENTUALLY he feel asleep but woke up when I tried to put him down. We then spent about an hour trying to stop him crying and the only thing that ended up working was more boob. He drained one and then had a good go at the other. He's now sleeping but I'm not sure how long it will last and then he'll probably want more. Any suggestions? Is this normal?
F&C, I was also a bit worried about a week ago as he drank sooo much. But I think it was just a growth spurt and it appears that as long as you feed your LO when demanded, your boobies will produce more if more is needed.

How long does or did it take everyone's LO's to empty one breast?
I have started expressing S's night feeds and bottle feed him them as that way we know how much he drinks. On that note does anyone have any experiences with bottle warmers? We are currently warming them up in a pan, but especially at night I think a bottle warmer would be more convenient.

I have seen this one here, which I read somewhere would work with our bottles.
I have that one, but just sold it. Its good- warmed up a 6oz bottle in 5 mins but its a bit noisy (like a kettle boiling) and theres no timer or way of turning the heater off- so you never know when the bottle is done and have to keep checking. x
Brig - I feel your pain...i feel so helpless with Ana. She's not so bad in herself but the coughing sounds sooo harsh :cry::cry:

Lia - Cant help witht he BF advise sorry...im useless onthat front :blush:

Ann - I'm struggling with the play time...more so as i cant really trust Jac. I would love to put Ana on the play gym i had for Jac but he'd end up on top of her... :dohh: So for now i hold her or she's in moses basket or in the swing. The swing will get used more and more so i can use it most of the day when hubby goes back to work next week. Otherwise im lost as she needs to be secure when Jac is about :shrug:

Ana's cough is no worse or better. Temp is ok and she's feeding ok...so not really worried. But weve developed another problem me thinks....she's colicy :dohh:
I have infacol already but it doesnt seem to do much anymore and last few nights have been extra fussy/crying and gripey due to wind....reverted to Dr Browns bottles today..dont seem to be making a difference so far....if no change again tomorrow im tempted to try a different powder formula as a last resort. Wish me luck...


Good luck Claire! Dont know what to suggest re formula, Im useless on that front so swings and roundabouts with feeding methinks :hugs: Friends have said SMA can be tougher to digest but then girls on August babies thread seem to say same of Cow and Gate....sure the consensus is Aptamil...but then I guess you either love or hate it depending on success I guess?

Pip, you have to be careful expressing night feeds - it may impact on supply...my milk seems to do the most producing at night IYKWIM as boobs feel fuller at night than in the day, if you dont feed then how do your boobs know? Or do you express while he is feeding?

Everyone else :hi: gonna watch How I Met Your Mother then head for bed, get a couple hours before J wakes :hugs:
Pip, you have to be careful expressing night feeds - it may impact on supply...my milk seems to do the most producing at night IYKWIM as boobs feel fuller at night than in the day, if you dont feed then how do your boobs know? Or do you express while he is feeding?

Moggy, thanks. I should have said that I express when or after feeding him at night in order not to mess up my supply. It mentioned that in the book that you recommended, which I finished the last few pages in hospital the night I gave birth. :haha:

Good luck, Claire. Can I ask you do you use a bottle warmer for your Dr Brown bottles?
I use bottle warmer with Dr B's... just have to heat the bottle up without the lid and teat on, but you're meant to heat all bottles up without them on anway x
Hey Ladies!!

Just a quick update from me! P seems to be doing better today. and we finally got in to see my family Dr and got that referral for the tongue tie...hopefully we can see the specialist soon. More good news..........in the last week she has gone from 6lbs 11oz to 7lbs 2oz today!!! yay!!!

Claire....hope Ana feels better real soon. *hugs*

Well off to watch Vampire Diaries and then bed!
Piperette said:
Moggy, thanks. I should have said that I express when or after feeding him at night in order not to mess up my supply.


Have you thought of the travel warmers where you click the element to warm the bottle?
Hey Ladies!!

Just a quick update from me! P seems to be doing better today. and we finally got in to see my family Dr and got that referral for the tongue tie...hopefully we can see the specialist soon. More good news..........in the last week she has gone from 6lbs 11oz to 7lbs 2oz today!!! yay!!!

Claire....hope Ana feels better real soon. *hugs*

Well off to watch Vampire Diaries and then bed!

Go Peyton! 7oz in a week is PERFECT! :yipee:
Ann - does sound growth spurty?

Claire - sorry to hear Ana still poorly - we failed with infacol though a lot swear by it, I think it made Dylan worse.

Brig great news about P!!!

Strange question ladies - poo? How often????

:hi: morning all
Ann - does sound growth spurty?

Claire - sorry to hear Ana still poorly - we failed with infacol though a lot swear by it, I think it made Dylan worse.

Brig great news about P!!!

Strange question ladies - poo? How often????

:hi: morning all

Poos - for BF baby Dylans age can be up to 5 days between them, so long as lots of wet nappies its ok - if a little stressful awaiting the explosion you know will eventually come! When it does come expect 3x£2coins worth for each day so it could be a fair bit!

Mogster has come down with manflu :cry: and Jack has the sniffles, he was up 3 times last night as Mogster keep waking him up :dohh: Feeling tired this morning and have stonking backache from going from holding Jack to holding Mogster - slight weight differential! Weekend tomorrow though :happydance:

Glad to hear we are all settling to motherhood, great to still have you guys on here though :hug:
Ahh I vaguely remember an exploder poo - normally there was poo in pretty much every nappy thats why I have suddenly wondered why there hasn't been anything much (some slightly soggy trumps perhaps!) these past couple of days. Will watch out for return of the exploder poo :dohh:

Awww hope Mogster is feeling better soon hun :nope: I thought I had misread it at first as I was assuming it would be Moglet waking Mogster up :haha:

We have found Dylan likes having his lower lip tickled I must try and get a pic of him chuckling at it :cloud9:
Pah, £2 coins worth yeah RIGHT! The amount that comes out of this child (Especially when he was breastfed) is unbelievable :rofl: it's even worse now that he's on formula cos he saves it up for 3 days at a time and then BOOOOOOOOOOOM!
:rofl: are we seriously discussing poo? what has motherhood done to us :dohh:

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