2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Lydia - well done J on the weight :thumbup: Hopefully you will be driving again soon!

Pip - glad S is good too. We didn't have our check in the end because of Dylans snuffles have to remake appointment when he is right. Dylan feeds anywhere from 5-10mins up to maybe 30mins. He pulls off when my milk lets down as it is a bit ferocious, so I have to let it spray off before he will go back on. He also pulls off when he needs a good burping which is more regularly than I'd realised :haha:

Brig - glad Peyton is doing better. Likewise we do similar things and I take him to baby groups where he falls asleep on the tummy time mats.....:haha: we sing a lot and play on the rug. Daddy basically throws him about and does silly things with him which just make him laugh his head off lol....

Moggy - glad you have had a good day and good luck for a good night with the big bed :thumbup:

AFM my house is plagued we are all a bit grotty, and I have been up since 3am with stomach pain. Gave in at 6am and got hubby to sort Dylan while I sat in the bath for a couple of hours. Doctor thinks it is gall stones which I would be inclined to agree with, have had the pains a lot before. So I am booked in for an ultrasound. Hubby had the day off to watch Dylan as I was a walking zombie and he has also cleaned the house and proven himself a better mummy than me, boo!!!

:hi: everyone else hope we are all doing good? Will breathe away from you all so you don't catch our lurgy :haha:
Look on the bright side, clean house and you didnt have to do it :happydance:

Hope you are all better soon :hugs:
Moggy: Thanks for answering Pips question. P does this to me as well...sometimes she'll pull off ans twist herself and stretch...other times she'll pull off ans scream. Makes me wonder sometimes if there's something wrong with my supply....but then she has plenty of wet diapers and has at least 1-2 good poos a day on most days...plus 4-5 hour stretches of sleep most nights so I guess all is well??
Same here with Harry. He nearly always needs to be burped when he does it. It kills when he twists and pulls whilst attached. Sometimes I think he just wants to go back on for comfort and that really he's had enough and more milk is making the matter worse.

Oh and I'm afraid that now dh is back at work I don'y have access to the laptop again :( xx
Hi everyone :hugs:

Funnily enough, Kia gets MUCH less wind now he's bottlefed :dohh: still pretty bad though with the occasional spectacular vomit if I don't get his wind up in time. Thank god for doctor browns bottles, I love them even if they did break my credit card buying them! Am finally getting into a flow now with the bottle feeding, am over the guilt and he's over the transition and no longer roots for boob. He's still thriving and is a thoroughly fat little chunk :rofl: 10 weeks old, has NO neck, all chins, fills his 3-6 clothes and 50% centile :). He's a great sleeper, going 8ish-3ish then 4ish- 7ish. I sleep when he does so getting lots of rest :)

Garry finally left me last week- so that's why i've been a bit quiet. Feel really sad that Kia will grow up with a broken family, so all I can do is make a huge effort to keep up the co-parenting as best we can.

Missing you all!!! I am reading though.

I also don't know what to do with Bubs sometimes.. guess its easier for me than you guys as i'm out at college 3 days a week so less time to fill. Still haven't worked up the courage to go to any baby groups.. am worried nobody will talk to me. He goes on his playmat and bats at the toys above, then moves to his vibrating bouncy chair, then his rocking swing, then lays on the changing table and chats to his mobile, then has a go on the lamaze tummy mat (which he LOVES), each of these can last up to 20 minutes and I sit with him and talk to him and sing and stuff and wiggle toys at him! Also try to go out for a walk every day, sometimes pram sometimes sling... when desperate I put him in the sling at home and dance! He usually falls asleep then and I get stuff done with him still on me! Think he's good for weight loss since I sweat like mad carrying him :rofl: he loves to be out of the house, but i'm so broke and don't really have anywhere to go anyway.

Love to everyone, xxx
Oh and it was confirmed Kia has a hernia in his testicle.. it's a bad one so they're operating in 6 weeks time :( my poor baby :( and poor me! I was a state at his jabs, god knows how i'll cope with this... *digs deep and finds Mummy Resolve* they are also worried that the hernia has trapped and strangulated one of his testicles... fingers crossed they can fix it, my future grandkids are in those little swimmers!
P&F, tell me about the burping.

MamaBird, as long as she is sleeping well and putting on weight, I cannot see a problem either.

Yas, sorry to hear about you and Garry. :hugs: But you are a strong woman and will be fine with just you and K. Hope K's operation goes well. Your future grandkids...you crack me up.
Oh and I know how you feel about baby groups, Yas. But I might find out a bit more about them tomorrow.

What do you do in the breastfeeding groups, ladies? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I have this vision of a group of women sitting together breastfeeding their babies. :blush:
Yeah he needs burping stupidly often and I have to change position a lot to get it out of him. He is now getting better at burping himself though - night feeds he often brings his own burp up.

At BF group we sit around and chat, drink brews, and the LOs play. And we play with the LOs. Dylan basicallly sleeps through ours most of the time. I have only ever had to feed at ours once, it is just like a mum and baby group but where people are there to chat to and know about BF and there are peer supporters to help with problems / questions. It's fab really, as a lot of the mummy groups I go to everyone bottle feeds and whilst I don't judge either way whatever people choose, they do look at me like I'm a freak for breastfeeding and can't understand why I would choose to do it. Nice to have an environment I feel less of a freak lol.

Yas get to some groups! Have you looked for a sling meet? Bet they would be your kind of yummy mummys! It's international babywearing week soon, and our local sling meet are going to carry en masse in Sheffield :thumbup:

My favourite source of mum fun has been through our local Netmums meets to be honest. Have met lots of different girlies, and we have organised baby stuff as well as mums nights out.

:hugs: off to get some vit C into hubby who is now also super plagued :dohh:
Garry finally left me last week- so that's why i've been a bit quiet. Feel really sad that Kia will grow up with a broken family, so all I can do is make a huge effort to keep up the co-parenting as best we can.

I think if you and Garry both want the co-parenting to work it will, whatever happens baby K is never gonna be short on love and sounded like your Dad is gonna be a big influence in K's life too so just enjoy them!

You fancying Bath more now?

Oh and it was confirmed Kia has a hernia in his testicle.. it's a bad one so they're operating in 6 weeks time :( my poor baby :( and poor me! I was a state at his jabs, god knows how i'll cope with this... *digs deep and finds Mummy Resolve* they are also worried that the hernia has trapped and strangulated one of his testicles... fingers crossed they can fix it, my future grandkids are in those little swimmers!

My younger brother had something like that, his was undiscovered until he was 17! He had a small op and all is good :thumbup: You will find mummy resolve you didnt thiink you had! K will love the balloons people buy him to decorate where he is lying. Jack recently discovered them and they are now his new favourite toy!

Oh and I know how you feel about baby groups, Yas. But I might find out a bit more about them tomorrow.

What do you do in the breastfeeding groups, ladies? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I have this vision of a group of women sitting together breastfeeding their babies. :blush:

Pip I love Mum and Baby groups, not all of them are good, some are really cliquey but if you persevere you will find some you like and make some lovely friends for you and bubs. Mogster starts school next week and I plan to take Jack along still even though he is so young, I would miss the folks there and it is a chance for the Mums to sit and have a cuppa and a chinwag! Also gets you out the house when perhaps you might otherwise find an excuse not to go!:shrug:

At BF group we sit around and chat, drink brews, and the LOs play. And we play with the LOs. Dylan basicallly sleeps through ours most of the time. I have only ever had to feed at ours once, it is just like a mum and baby group but where people are there to chat to and know about BF and there are peer supporters to help with problems / questions. It's fab really, as a lot of the mummy groups I go to everyone bottle feeds and whilst I don't judge either way whatever people choose, they do look at me like I'm a freak for breastfeeding and can't understand why I would choose to do it. Nice to have an environment I feel less of a freak lol.

BF groups are a chance to get to know some other folks who also BF and get some tips. You can feed or nor when you are there, ours sounds much like Lia's and it is somewhere we head to maybe once a month - maybe more. Trouble with ours is it clashes with my favourite mums n tots and also now with Mogsters school finishing time :dohh:

All good here, another rough night as Mogster woke Jack again so we were up at 11, 2 and 5 - the most in ages :dohh: Hoping tonight we get back to the 2.30 feed and the 5/6 splash n dash!:thumbup:

Missing you Claire - hope you Jac and baby A doing good?

Ann how are you and Harry? Can always text if you want to chat?

Lydia - is it as wet near you as it is here?

Last bit from me - have any of you tried giving bubs a helium balloon on a shortish line with a balloon star/weight on the bottom. Jack loves it as he can control the movement himself and watch it move and the light bounce of it. We have the hologram silver star from Clintons at the moment but previously had a gold star. Mogster used to love them and tried it with Jack ast week, he liked it but the new silver hologram style one is a definite winner - he loves it!:happydance:

Must dash as time to cook - Mogster wants chicken and baked beans:haha:
Hi lovelies:hugs:

Moggy- i miss you lot too... I do read and run:blush: a few times during the day but on the iphone... Like i am now as i cant be bothered to get the laptop out... Too tired. Ana is great some days other days not:shrug: tonight its been constant crying for 2-3 hrs... Trying aptamil comfort now... Failing that... Heres looking forward to 6-7 weeks time when most colicky symptoms disappear:thumbup: nights are hard going this week..she can go for 7 hrs but with hubby getting up for work at 5.15am and ana struggling with wind some mornings after a feed so getting maybe 4-5 hrs sleep tops:sleep: Hope u and boys are doing good hun:hugs:

Yas- :hugs: Im sure u and gary can make things work with the coparenting...just focus on your little man and all will be ok :hugs:

Will catchup with everything else tomorrow when on laptop. Oh... Just a small update...had a tattoo on my foot yesterday with my babies names. I love it and will post a pic... If u dont like tatoos u dont have to comment... I wobt be offended. Nighty night

Moggy- post a pic of the balloon... I dont get what u mean with the star at the bottom xxx
Moggy- post a pic of the balloon... I dont get what u mean with the star at the bottom xxx

Its a star shaped balloon weight! Yellow plastic star:thumbup: Jack loves it and is cooing and giggling to himself whilst he jerks the loonie around :loopy:
Pip - Hi hun...:hugs: I felt the same about baby groups...but once youve been you#ll be fine. I'm an independent one that didnt get clicky...i dint like to be stuck to the same people all the time iykwim. Wont get a chance to go this time though...not with Jac and the age he's at....too much hard work to control alone and with Ana.

Lia- Hope you feel better soon hun..when is your scan :hugs:

Ann - How are you hun :hugs:

Brig - How's our miss p...did you get the tounge tie sorted? you may ahve mentioned it but my brain has died sorry :blush:

Costgang- Hi :flower:

Dede - check in soon ...hope all is ok :hugs:

Lydia - Hi hunny...hope all is well with you :hugs:

Well .... Ana had the best nights sleep last night with nearly 8 hours bettween feeds :happydance: Had her last bottle just after 9pm and started grumbling at around 4.45am this morning....cross fingers it continues :thumbup:

Well here's my pic...aways known i have ugly feet but never realised how ugly till this week :blush:it doesnt help that the pics were taken just after it being done so foot is swollen. Im not keen on feet anyway...god knows why i had a tattoo there :haha:


Oh..and it looks like i've kept the cankles lol :haha:

****We need to move this thread too....i mentioned it the other day but nobody took any notice :haha: ....let me know where and i'll ask the moderators ****
oh...and heres a pic of my princess early on in the week at 4.5 weeks old... The avatar has both my special babies :cloud9:



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