Yay for baby purchase MrsMils! I think it is like pringles....once you pop you can't stop, but I too found it daunting buying something

Am definitely more energetic - think the weather is certainly having something to do with it feel perky!
Moggy - too cute @ little moglet kicking the doppler

can't wait to hear about your scan!!!!
Jetters - lovely name - agree with Penguin about thinking how people will get it wrong (my name is Lia - normally spelt Leah or Lea - and I get Lisa A LOT - people assume I have spelt my own name wrong!!!! But it is very nice - DH has a cousin called Kia too. If you like it and DH does then stick to your guns
Likewise moggy, like Ceara lovely name, but same health warning lol - I am one of the grumpy guts always spelling my name to people
Hope that has come out right ladies - I must admit, have had a lot of comments from people over the years about how lovely/different my name is and that it stands out on CVs and such - so there is of course as many reasons in favour!
Mamabird - glad you got someone to cover and hope you can get the relaxing and feel better that you need!
I am a bit miffed with my workplace - had an email from team leader today which basically I think is questioning whether I am taking the p*ss with my appointments as I have to see thyroid guy every 4 weeks. She wants a letter from the midwife and the hospital saying I have to have these specific times and am not choosing them. Rung the doctors and they said she would have to write to them and the company would be charged for a letter so sent her all the details - no way will they pay for a letter and I'll be damned if I'm paying the cheeky sods my maternity notes should be sufficient! Rant over LOL! I too am looking forward to mat leave asap now thanks to my evil work place
Hope you are all enjoying some good weather? A litlte bit random here but brightening up. Looking so forward to my scan on Thursday - will make work just pale into insignificance.
Hope you are all doing well and your beans - off to survey what the builders have done today extension-wise now......