2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Costgang, I think I've going to get some over the bump jeans also!

Moggy, I'm so desperate to hear little Fishy's heartbeat. My sister has a doppler which she lent out to a friend last year. She said some time ago that she would give it to me in 5 weeks but that seems like ages ago now. I might have to chase her up when she's back from her holiday. I'm so jealous that you fin out Moglet's sex tomorrow! Good luck! I can't wait. I wonder if it'll be our first girl on bumps and flushes. How do you pronounce Ceara? We quite like the name Sienna which is fairly similar!

Congrats Jetters!! Half way!! This is going so quickly! Kiarod is a beautiful name. How does it sound with your surname?

Brigitte, that is an incredible amount of money to have to pay back. Is it interest free? You poor thing. Am I right in thinking that you have to sort out your own cover if you're ill???!! That's crazy! Surely it's your bosses responsibility. If it carries on I would just so 'over to you - I'm too ill to deal with this'. If it's any consolation I can't wait to leave my job either.

P&F, that's really out of order of your work. I'm getting annoyed with mine as it seems all the rights are sided with the men. Woman only get statutory maternity whereas men get 2 weeks full pay. Also we have a male member of staff who talks about and to his son CONSTANTLY, I'm not joking, about 10 times a day. The woman on the other hand are made to feel guilty whenever they have a childcare problem etc. grrr...

Anyhoo... I've felt a different feeling in my tummy today! I've felt the traditional butterfly feeling!!! How exciting. My dh is in Germany which I'm gutted about so we can't celebrate until he gets back. At the same time I've also been getting pains in my bum cheek! Almost like a dead arm feeling... so I guess a dead bum!! lol

Costgang - Hi :flower:

Moggy - Good luck with the scan tomorrow...cant wait to hear what you'r having...and a picture of course. I also love Ceara :hugs:

Brigitte - Sorry you're having a hard time with work hun. Is there some kind of agreement you can come to about the student loan..or an organisation you can got hold that could help maybe..huge :hugs: hun

Lia - I think most work places are the same when it comes to pregnancy....mine isnt too bad as they've never questioned any time ive had off...last pregnancy or this one. But i think its natural for us to feel like we're taking the p*ss as we do have so many regular aptmts... i know i do sometimes and then i say....bugger them i work hard enough...most of the time :haha:

F&C - Yay for the butterfly feeling.....:happydance::happydance:

Have had a call from the Citizens Advice today so have my proper appointemnt next Tuesday (to go through the finer details)...so hopefully I can start to get things sorted soon.
On another note Jac is like kamakaze around the house now...in just over 2 weeks he's gone from not interested in standing .....to cruising around the furniture...he's a bloody liabilaty and i need an extra pair of eyes....but it is fun and exciting to watch him go...but my little boy is growing up way too fast :cry:

Go Jac! :dance:

Gone off Ceara, agree with the spelling prnunciation thing and a friend of ours just had their scan and are calling their little girl due mid August Keira Jayne! Humph!

Leaning towards Emily now AGAIN - that was Mogsters girl name! If Moglet flashes us bits then we may be seeking boys names!

:yipee: for all the scans upcoming!

Great news bout sticking two fingers up at work F&C - serve them right to have to pay for the letter if they wont believe you

Hey to MrsMills - have picked out an outfit in Next for either boy/girl as first outfit to buy, will then be hitting shops as August is meant to be mini heatwave. fortunately we fitted a ceiling fan in our bedroom alst summer! :phew: My blanket is on order just have to confirm colour then friends who are doing easter in Portugal are gonna hunt down the same one we bought Mogster when we were there in our last solo trip. Cant wait for them to get it, was soooo soft, bet you keep getting lil uns blanket out?

Anyone heard from Pip lately?

Scan is 10.45 so will update once home and Mogster entertained - think what mischief Jac gets into and billiontiply it - thats a Mogster! He is fab though and the dream child - he was dream pregnancy too bar the premness...

So excited:loopy:
Ahh Claire, Jac sounds so cute!!! I loved watching my niece grow up and especially loved the stage that Jac's at. x
Moggy - Emily is a beautiful name hun. I'll be lurking on BnB at work but have a feeling i wont see the scan pic tell i get home as it depends how you like the pic if its barred or not.
Jac has been so good for us too....and lately i though that he was being a naughty little boy...but i think you've got it to a tee.....just like mogster i think he's mischevious and he's at the stage where he's testing the limits lol. He is my precious lttle boy and i wonder sometimes if i'm taking somethign away from him from having #2 so soon....and that i'll feel guilty about splitting my time between 2 children... i know now it'll be tough :cry:

F&C - This stage is great but also soooo demanding......i think it's been the hardest for us so far as he's so prone to hurting himself now as he can still fall over or get to dangerous places without even trying.

It works with my surname (which we're using cos OH hates his!) as mine is persian anyway. So i've grown up with it being spelt wrong and pronounced wrong, etc!! Thanks for all the opinions. Kirarod is officially on The List... along with Jake and Jasper (anyone guess where I got the inspiration from? ;) )
Here are our top names at the moment:



Slightly worried that Jude and Sienna are on there! I'm not a fan of the actors and it's just coincidence!! lol
It works with my surname (which we're using cos OH hates his!) as mine is persian anyway. So i've grown up with it being spelt wrong and pronounced wrong, etc!! Thanks for all the opinions. Kirarod is officially on The List... along with Jake and Jasper (anyone guess where I got the inspiration from? ;) )

YAS!!! Are you a Twilight fan as well!!??? I am so excited! There is no mistaking that your inspiration for Jake and Jasper came from Twilight!!! :happydance:

We are really liking Emmett for a boy! lol Even before the books...but now it seems even better!

OMG!!! We have Emily Alice as our fave combo too, love Samantha as Sam is my fave name boy/girl :thumbup:
F&C - those mat leave / pat leave rules suck that is ridiculous!! But hooray for butterflies!! :hugs: Also like your names - we are currently still on Finley (or Finlay, I don't know how it should be) and Isabel.

I think I'm just miffed with work as the days I leave early for appointments (and all the other days for that matter to make up some time) I go in for 8am. And when I go to have my bloods done for the endocrinologist, I take that out of my own time as well. I just feel like I'm doing more than I have to for them and they are not bothered - my mat notes should be enough. But if they want the letters it's no skin off my nose, as they can pay the cost as I'm not :haha:

Hope your appointment goes well Claire - lol @ kamikaze Jac - we re-named our godson 'haiti' I think after the hurricane when he raged around our house :haha:

Moggy - Emily is lovely - I hate the feeling of not being able to have names as people have pinched them :haha: So excited for your scan!!!!!!

Jetters - love Jake and Jasper - nearly got away with Jacob til DH realised where it was from :rofl: plus if you are using your surname Kiarod will work lovely :thumbup:

And Mamabird - love Emmett too why haven't I been looking for inspiration there (other than Isabel being as close as I could get for Bella :haha:)

Better get some work done.....:cry:
Isabel is a beautiful name :thumbup:

Love Jasper too, all so hard as we dont want to name Moglet until he/she is actually HERE!!!!!

Strangely Mogster got his name when he was born and it wasnt even on the shortlist, dont think it was even on the list!

In 2 hours we will know I hope, Moglet is currently doing a dance in my belly, OH and Mogster are saying girl, I am wavering towards boy this morning....
Huge congrats hun :cloud9::cloud9:

I was wrong LOL....and so was poor mogster....hows he taken the news of a little brother?

Mogster changed his mind!

When the sonographer asked himif it was a boy or a girl he said baby boy!

He is thrilled and there was no doubting Moglet is a boy!!!!! Looks like Emily Alice is a no go for the name, dont have a list of boys names though - hmmm!

We are all :cloud9: also means all the cute clothes we kept we will get to use :wohoo:

When is the next scan?
Woooohooooo for team blue - and for saving the pennies on clothes etc :thumbup:

My scan is Thurs :happydance:
Exciting times Lia!!!! And moggy... are you pleased? I had no boys names either when I found out!!

My next scan is on april 6th... hurry up!

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