2012 Bump Buddies - The Watermelon Smugglers

hello girls.
im feeling very grumpy today and not quite sure why.
think it could be due to lack of sleep and also last night i started to feel really guilty and like i was betraying our little girl we lost in january.
i cant seem to shake the feeling and just thought i'd say cos im not sure what the issue is lol.

sorry to be grumpy. im just pissed at the world i think x
O hun, I can't imagine what you went through and it must be hard but you shouldn't feel guilty. It's probably hormones (I know that doesn't help right now) but I'm grumpy as sin and very snappy. Having had a miscarriage before I can see how you could feel guilty for being happy and mine was nothing compared to your experience. But life must go on and I'm sure your little angel has sent you this little precious gift and is looking down to protect you. Just my thoughts on it, I'm not very good at advice lol
Thank you.
I went round to my sisters to see her and my little month old nephew just now and had cuddles and felt a bit better, then when i got home was talking to dh and burst into tears.
when he said whats wrong i suddenly blurted out that i felt fat and ugly, my belly has popped right out already and when i was pregnant with angel, this didnt happen until about 25 weeks. he took my face in his hands and said u are the most beautiful person in the whole world and u arent fat, its our baby and i love that you have pickle in there, which then made me cry more cos he was being so nice!

anyway long story short, im ok now and over the grump and now feel in quite a contented place and happy that i will get to tell pickle about their big sister and how she basically saved mummy's life :D

Thanks again :hugs:
Ah thats so lovely! Arent dh's so wonderful at times!!
Glad your feeling a bit happier now hunx
Thank you for welcoming me girls! I got all excited when I saw familiar faces on the thread! Then said when I saw it was closed. Then happy when you said I could come in anyway!

Thank you! :friends:

What's your EDD & your real name so I can add you to the front page?

Also - Jes - what's your new EDD so I can fix your ticker?

I'm stuck in hell (work) til 6:30, then driving out to eastern MA, but I will be back on later tonight.

Also ttcbaby - feel free to do the survey at the beginning of the thread!
About You
Name? Beth
Age? 23
Height? 5'6"

About The Father
Name? James
Age? 25
Height? 5'11"
Are you still together? Yeah. <3

About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy? yes
When did you find out you were pregnant? 11dpo (1day before our 3rd anniversary)
Was it planned? Very much so :haha:
What was your first reaction? Evap? That's no evap. Ohmygoodness. Then I peed on a digital.
Who was with you when you found out? No one..DH was downstairs. I was going to tell him on our anniversary, but I couldn't wait! I lasted 12 hours though!
Who was the first person you told? DH
How did your parents react? Haven't told them yet! We wil skype them when they are together next weekend.
How far along are you? 4 weeks 2 days
What was your first symptom? Probably sore boobs? Nothing major though!
What is your due date? July 4th (ish)
Do you know the sex of the baby? Not yet!
If so, what is it? Well... According to my ticker it's a poppyseed...
Have you picked out names? I like some names but we haven't really discussed!
If so, what are they? Emma Kate or Isaac James
How much weight have you gained? none
Do you have stretch marks? yes... But not from my current condition!
Have you felt the baby move? too early!
Have you heard the heartbeat? Early.

About the birth
Home or hospital birth? Hoping for a midwife led birthing centre near a hospital just in case
Natural or medicated birth?hopefully natural... But ask me again when I get there!
Who will be in the delivery room with you? DH
Will you breastfeed? Hopefully
Do you think you'll need a c-section? hopefully not
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time? Probably
What's the first thing you might say to him/her? Hi! I love you so much!
Would you let someone videotape the birth? Ummmmm.... No.
Are you excited about the birth, or scared? Scared... But excited to meet the little one.

well... There you go!!
Louise-- I'm sure a good amount is the hormones but i think it's understandable after all you've been thru! Your DH sounds awesome and a definite keeper ;) Glad you're feelin better hun.

Kristen-- I thought you may have killed someone at work by now,lol. Day's almost over honey!

Beth-- welcome back!
i agree. i thought kristin may have actually killed someone by now lol :D
I know all about wanting to kill people...I know it's (mostly) just hormones but I've turned so anti social. I don't reply to texts, I don't answer phone calls and I ignore facebook messages...People just do my head in right now!
Plus I don't have any energy to deal with anything, I can't sleep at night (4:30am when I went to bed last night/morning) but I'm exhausted all through the day.

I can't wait until I get some energy back and am more sociable again :blush:

Hello Beth :D (Is your ticker right? Only on the survey you said July 4th for EDD but if you're just over 4 wks then shouldn't that be August 4th? Sorry, I've just been sat here trying to work it out lol)
hi girls. i'm sorry i haven't been around much. i just feel horrible. i'm always nauseous lately and i've been trying to get to bed early, but then it takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to fall asleep, and just before i do, i'm running to the bathroom to have my head in the toilet. it seems to be taking a lot out of me.

i took tyler to work today to take a tour because i'm training to be a tour guide and thought it would help. so we took the hour tour and then went shopping. by the second store, i was so exhausted, i needed to hold onto a shopping cart just to make it though the store.. then came home to take a nap. it's only 845pm here and i'm thinking about heading to bed.

this is most definitely a different pregnancy from when i was pg with the boys. i don't remember being so sick or so tired and there was two of them in there!!

i promise i will try to catch up this weekend. we are going to a birthday party tomorrow morning. then it's supposed to snow, so i'll be hunkered down for the rest of the weekend.

take care everyone. sorry to be such a party pooper...
sorry... i'm such a jerk! welcome beth! congrats on your :bfp: h&h 9 months to you!

and my new due date is june 16th... for now! lol
Hello Beth :D (Is your ticker right? Only on the survey you said July 4th for EDD but if you're just over 4 wks then shouldn't that be August 4th? Sorry, I've just been sat here trying to work it out lol)

:wave: yeah it's right! My last period was 28th september and EDD is around July 4th! :thumbup:
To the ladies who keep apologising for being absent...dont be daft ladies I totally feel your pain, hormones and sickness suck big time!!! I've just had a half term holiday and it has taken me all week to do just one weeks worth of planning I just have no motivation!! I'm so worried about how I will cope with 30 Reception children next week, plus all the other stuff that goes with teaching!! Help :dohh:
Ah Jess, your due date is 2 days before my brothers birthday!! He has told me off for being due too early, for a teenage boy he is such a sweetie and wants to share his birthday!
Hey Beth :hi: July 4th will whizz round! Although by then I'll have experienced labour and be a mum eek, maybe it can take its time!! :rofl:
Well I'm feeling a bit chirpier this morning because I don't feel the need to empty out my insides, well not as bad as normal, do feel quite light headed though...I'm a little concerned that its liquids I can't keep down rather than solids, like water just comes straight back up...only fizzy drinks do any good!
Hi beth & congrats on your pregnancy xx

Naomi & Jes your scans are looking great :D

My morning sickness is calming down now only really feel sick when im hungry which is pretty much all the time now. Cravings so far are crisps, chocolate cake and chinese food. Here's a photo of my bump taken at 7+0 how in the hell am I supposed to hide this for another 5 weeks ?? :wacko:

Hello Beth :D (Is your ticker right? Only on the survey you said July 4th for EDD but if you're just over 4 wks then shouldn't that be August 4th? Sorry, I've just been sat here trying to work it out lol)

:wave: yeah it's right! My last period was 28th september and EDD is around July 4th! :thumbup:

You know what? You'll just have to ignore me, baby brain is kicking in well and truly now, I thought my EDD was 14th July and was trying to figure out how you were 4 weeks pregnant and due before me.....It wasn't until just now that my single working brain cell clicked in and reminded me that my EDD is 14th JUNE :dohh:
No worries, Kate. Good ol' baby brain! :haha:

Thanks, Claire! Look at your cute bump!! I do agree though that you might struggle to hide it much longer! :haha:
hi beth!
so sorry i thought i posted to say hi yesterday but apparently not.
congrats on being a poppyseed :D
I feel like crap today :( I thought I was getting off a bit lightly when the ms disappeared a couple of weeks ago....It's back big time now though...I've never had projectile vomiting from my nose before :cry:

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