2012 Bump Buddies - The Watermelon Smugglers

hello ladies.
just thought i'd tell u quickly about my amazing sunday....
had my hair highlighted and cut today... looks gorgeous and i feel so much better, then my awesome husband took me out for some dinner to show off my new hair which was a lovely dinner.
blokes kept staring and one was looking at my bump... i got so paraniod i almost smacked him!! dh said they're looking cos u look so beautiful :D so yeah thats my day.
hope u've all had a good weekend :hugs:
Hi ladies! Congrats to the fellow olives! We officially have fetuses now! Exciting!

We also got out power back on Friday night, so DH and "moved out" of MIL's place and are back home.

Louise - your hair sounds so pretty! I need to do something with mine, it's been far too long.

Hugs to all!
awww, louise, that's awesome! can we see!?!?!

i went out and bought some mat clothes for our disney trip and work today. got some cute things!

i can't wait to be an olive! congrats to you all!
Hi ladies! I'm back for the week! Glad everyone seems to be doing well. Just a couple sickies who hopefully will feel better real soon! I had a loooonng weekend myself. DH has decided to work on the kitchen before the holidays. Even though my BIL came over to help hang sheet rock i played "go-fer" It was the first time i really felt like my body was not gonna keep up. I know it sounds crazy but I'm so used to doing very physical activities that i forget (I know DUUHHHHH) that i'm preggo, but Cad surely let me know this weekend! I had pains on the sides of my belly from holding my arms up so long and my belly button was KILLING me all day yesterday! I think it was all stretching/growing pains but told hubby i needed to sit down for a while by the afternoon.
i will get dh to take a picture when he gets in cos i just tried and failed! then i will put it on here for u all to see..... possibly a bump one too.... although im not sure how the bump will look lol :D
just a quick update....
finally got a pic of my hair and bump that i liked and went to upload from camera to computer and the computer has wiped the entire memory card :cry:
i'm so glad 2 weeks ago that i uploaded the pictures of Angel otherwise i'd have lost them!!
i'm so angry now cos its somehow ruined the memory card. it had pictures of our holiday in tobago and also our honeymoon :(
im really sad now!
so once its fixed i'll try to do a pic of hair and bump again
:cry::cry:Sorry for the lost pics hon! I hate it when that s*** happens to me! Damn technology!
oh louise! i'm so sorry. it's my fault for making you take the picture. :( :(
i had my appointment today. it was my "first" appointment, since if i hadn't had those bleeding episodes, i wouldn't have had an appointment until now. i got to see beep again! and guess what??? my due date changed... again! lol... i'm now due june 14. which is okay with me, that means beep is growing at a good rate and my due date isn't being pushed back.

i also got the clearance to go on vacation next week! yay!!!

i have to go in for all my bloodwork (the lab was closed when i had my appt), so i have to do that this week, then will have another ultrasound in 4 weeks. i guess that one is to rule out down symdrome and trisomy 18. i came home with lots of fun presents - a pregnancy planner, vitamins, pamphlets and a pee cup! lol. i have to give them my fmu next time i go.

all in all, i'm pleased with the appointment, as quick as it was. i guess my uterus is tilted, so it was a little difficult to get a good view of beep with a regular ultrasound. he just wanted to make sure there was a heartbeep and take a measurement, so he didn't do an internal.

here's beep today!

the first one was to show the heartbeep. the second was to measure.

yayayayay Jess. You sooooo deserve a "normal" appointment!! Glad all is well for vaca & you get to stay a rasberry! (i LOVE rasberries!lol) Congrats on your lil gummy bear Beep!
thank you sweetie!!! :hugs: that was the most wonderful thing to wake up to this morning! expecially after the night i had!

the pap smear i had yesterday caused me to bleed like crazy and have cramps something awful! went to bed feeling a little sick and woke up with a full blown cold and (i think) sinus infection. luck would have it that my drs office called about those masses under my arm this morning and asked about the cold since i sound so terrible. she's going to talk to my dr and call me back.

the good news is that the bleeding has stopped significantly. i filled a liner last night. it was brown and red. this morning was just a brown/red streak on the liner and just brown on wiping. (sorry about the tmi).
lumps under your arms are probably swollen lymph-nodes.. especially if youre sick that could be the explaination :) Im so sorry you dont feel well though! I have a swollen lymph-node on the left side of my throat which makes it hurt to swallow.. otherwise Im getting much better, not congested anymore and my sinuses dont hurt anymore either. YAY!
oh sorry... this was actually a problem i was having a while ago. i woke up the day after the boys' birthday party in september with pain under my arm. the next day, i couldnt move it and freaked out. long story short, i had an ultrasound, where they found 4 masses, 2 were vascular, then a biopsy, which came back normal. a few weeks later, the masses had stopped hurting and pretty much weren't there anymore. so we are guessing some sort of infection.

wow hun, your body is definitely testing you huh?!? I'm feeling you hit 2nd tri and everything goes smoothly (and you're almost there!!) No one should have to go thru this all at once! I'm sorry you don't feel good but glad you're back home to get thru it without all that other stress. Wouldn't be suprised if that's what brought on the cold! Make sure hubby brings home soup!!!:hugs:
yes, i've been tested repeatedly this year. i'm not one to go the 'woe is me route' but it seemed to all have started when one of the boys ended up in the hospital for the entire month of january. it's been a steady piling on of crap since then! all i can say is thank god it's almost next year! lol
yes, i've been tested repeatedly this year. i'm not one to go the 'woe is me route' but it seemed to all have started when one of the boys ended up in the hospital for the entire month of january. it's been a steady piling on of crap since then! all i can say is thank god it's almost next year! lol

:yipee::yipee:Happy New Year!:yipee::yipee:
:bunny:bring on the our spring bunnies!:bunny:

Ah, gotcha, then no I dont think it could be lymph-nodes :haha: Hope things get better for you dear!
jess its not ur fault for making me take the picture. it would have happened anyway!
and im so happy u got to have a normal appointment!! beep is looking good!!

cant believe im 18 weeks today! its crazy!!
yay for no longer being an onion and now being a sweet potato :D only 2 weeks 2 days til next scan :happydance:

hope ur all well :D

ps weighed myslef today seeings as pickle has got huge! and i expected the scales so simply say 'whale' but i was pleasantly surprised to see it said i have put on a total on 0.5kg! yay :happydance:
hey girls! hows everybody doing? im so sorry ive been off but ms has been kicking my butt! it has been a couple of pretty bad weeks. but i thiiink i am starting to feel better.

i had my first us today due to some bleeding. was super scared! but all went well thank God! baby had a strong heartbeat and i got a new due date which is june 7th :D! so instead of being 9+2 im 9+5 so that was great news!

hope that ms will slowly start to disappear and im looking forward to caching up with you guys!

wow, amina, that's great news! so sorry to hear about your ms. i can feel you there! and about the bleeding. i can't stand to see blood. if my dr didn't tell me i would bleed after the pap smear yesterday, i would have high-tailed it to the er so fast, i would have gotten there before i left! lol...

anyway, welcome back! i hope the ms eases up for you soon!

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