2012 Bump Buddies - The Watermelon Smugglers

hi girls! wow! what a day! i work at the mark twain house a few days a week and today was just madness!! i came home exhausted and tense.

i haven't seen my dr yet, but i have an appointment on november 1. i won't be able to wait that long!

the nausea is killing me! i was walking back home from putting the boys on the bus this morning and i almost hurled in my driveway! what would the neighbors think!? lol and i'm running out of excuses for why i feel so retched at work. i have to say , though, i don't mind the m/s all that much, it does help to remind me that there's a bun in there.

so i've decided i've been craving salt! anything salty! i don't even want to look at sweet anymore (who am i?!?!) for lunch i had noodle soup, for dinner i made fried rice and i went to the store after work today to get the fixings for a corned beef dinner for this weekend! ha ha ha... and now, i'm craving olives!

amina, i'm actually not sure what the policy on ultrasounds is around here. i had a lot of them when i was pg last time becuase of being high-risk with twins. that's too bad they will only let you have two :(
I had fried rice tonight too! We got Chinese takeout.
So my first appointment is in less than a week. It's just to confirm pregnancy. I wish they would be doing more at my first appt but apparently not. Shouldn't they be doing more at the first appt??

I think this is normal - my first appt isn't until I'm 7 weeks (they said they wouldn't see me before that) and I believe it's going to be more comprehensive. Hopefully after they confirm your pregnancy with a blood test, they'll schedule your next appt right away for like 2-3 weeks after that. Ha, "right away"... 2-3 weeks feels like an eternity these days!
Good morning girls!

I hope we're all feeling good :D

I couldn't sleep last night (again!) and so was looking for boys names, we've got a girls name all sorted - Nathifa Noor, Nathifa is the Islamic version of my Mom's name and Noor was OH's Mom's name, they also mean "pure light" - what do you ladies think to Zain Najid for a boys name? It means beloved and brave....
Morning all! :hi:
Kate I love the names, they sound very meaningful. DH and I can't agree on anything other than Jack so we aren't getting very far lol! Will you find out what your having?

MMM Kristin, what I wouldn't give for a Chinese and its 9.50 am :dohh: we are going out for a pizza hut lunch and off to see Lion King 3D this afternoon, can't help but think of you now when I think of that film!!

Jessica, poor you with the nausea, I'm having very mild nausea but only when I'm very tired or smell something strong. Kind of wish the nausea was stronger as like you I find it reassuring having symptoms so actually hoping it gets worse for me soon!
How do I add the blinky to my sig??

So work has been manic this week, hence why I've been away from here all week. Went to a conference for Monday and Tuesday, would much rather have been teaching lol! Had to ring NHS Direct on the Tuesday due to horrible cramps that I had comvinced myself was ectopic, but thankfully they have gone now and I'm just getting dull aches occasionally. Why is it sooo long before anyone wants to scan you or do a blood test in the UK?? Its such a long and paranoid wait!
Morning Naomi!

I always said that I didn't want to find out the sex but now I'm not too sure :haha: I'd like to be able to call our baby by it's name rather than just munchkin (although munchkin is a cute nickname and will probably stick after baby is born!) and also be able to pick gender specific clothes, nappies etc.
So I'm stuck, I might get the sonographer to write down what we're having and put it in an envelope so then when I decide either way, I can either read it or throw it (I probably won't throw it, I'm way too indecisive to make a firm decision like that! :rofl:)

Oooo chinese sounds so good right now! In fact, I might be in luck, OH made special fried rice last night and I'm sure there's some left!

I agree about scans and blood tests though, I know a heartbeat isn't detectable until after 5 weeks but it would be nice to be able to see some sign on a scan that I have a little bean in there! I'll be exactly 8 weeks at my first midwife appt, have you got yours booked yet?
No not yet, I had an mmc at 5 weeks and started spotting at 6+2 so we are going to go to the doctors after that point, I know that just because I get past that point wont mean I'm guaranteed a perfect pregnancy but it gives me something to aim for lol!
Funny that, I was just having the conversation with DH about finding out. I've always said I wanted it to be a suprise too, but now I'm pregnant I think I want to know, like you we have a nickname (noodle) but it would be nice to buy colour specific things rather than rush out after the birth to get it. Think we would keep it a secret though from the world - seeing as I have been useless at keeping the actual pregnancy secret lol!!
I know exactly what you mean about having something to aim for, I had a m/c at 15 weeks five years ago, I'm not worrying with this pregnancy but I won't be fully relaxed until I get past 15 weeks :hugs:

I'm struggling to keep my mouth shut about being pregnant! My Mum and a good friend are the ones other than me and OH who know but I just want to shout it out to everyone!
I like the idea of finding out but not letting others know, aww crap, who am I kidding? I'll be begging to know whether we're having a girl or a boy and I'll be blurting it out on facebook knowing me :rofl:

I feel quite guilty because even though I'd love the baby just as much whether it was a girl or a boy, I can't help hoping it's a girl :blush: Yet at the same time, I'd like a boy so he can be the big brother...No, I'm not stopping at one, I don't care what m/s I get or how bad labour is, I've always said that I want at least two children so they be there for each other like me and my little sister.
OH would love it to be a girl as well, he keeps saying that we would be so blessed to have a little girl, I'm not sure the possibility of us having a boy has even crossed his mind.....Oooops!
Hehe!! I've been calling mine "Bean".

My mom ordered the Lion King blu ray for me, isn't she sweet??

I've also been looking at a Lion King nursery theme (I know you're all shocked) :haha:
btw I'm SO itching for my ticker to say appleseed!!!
good morning ladies! how is everyone!?

kate, i agree, those names sound like they are very special! we are really hoping for a girl. i could use another female body around this house (other than the cat!) her name will be tessa (missle name has not been established yet). if he does happen to be a boy, we haven't decided on anything yet, but i like the name peyton. tyler doesn't think it "goes", but i don't think it necessarily doesn't. it's not like i'm suggesting guiseppe or anything. ("i'd like you to meet my kids, alexander, jonathan and guiseppe" :rofl: )

we origainally said we didn't want to know what gender(s) the boys were, but when we found out we were having two, we kind of did want to know. then we asked my ob to write it down and seal it in an envelope and we would open it on our anniversary. for a while, we actually thought alex was a girl! (he wasn't!!!) he was just "shy".

i also agree about when you've had a previous m/c, it's really hard to have to wait for any confirmation from the doctor's office. i had two before having the boys, so the beginning is nerve-wracking to say the least! but i like the idea of shooting for when the m/c happened as a "safe" place. it's easier to relax when you know you've passed the point of heartbreak last time, you know?

my first appt will be at 8+1, in 3 weeks... where's that fast forward button?

the only people i've told are the ladies in my mothers of multiples group. (every time we have a meeting, they ask!) lol... we will tell my parents and the boys after the first appointment, then the rest of the world at the end of the first tri. i think since thanksgiving (in the us) falls right around that time, we'll be telling the extended families then.

so it looks as if my face is starting to clear up! (YAY!) i am having cramps now, so i looked it up and i guess it's uterus stretching and the rest of implantation. that made me feel a little better.

i do have this pretty bad cough though. i don't know if it's a cold, or allergies, but it's making my tummy ache when i cough! :(

i FINALLY found a comfortable position while sleeping! i'm on my right side, cuddled with my bear (which ironically enough is named jonathan bear - named waaaaay before we even had kids!)

does anyone have any medical conditions they are dealing with while pg? i have fibromyalgia, plantar faciitis in my left foot and this lymph node problem under my right arm. also, when the boys were about 16 months old or so, i was disgnosed with ppd and put on lexapro. i have tried unsuccessfully to get off it a few times, but am desparate to not be on while pregnant. i weaned myself from 20 mg per day to 10 to 5 to 5 every other day to 2.5 every third day (that's where i am now). i hope to be off it soon!

well, since i've now written a novel and you all know everything but my shoe size (8), i think i'll go find something salty to start my day! :rofl:

have a great day everyone!
Amiii-- If insurance wouldn't pay for the NT Screening Scan then I wouldn't have had an u/s till 18-20wks!!!! That's the only scan my doc group will send for unless there is a problem/concern. Any other ones I'd have to pay for myself! DH actually mentioned getting a 3D/4D towards the end but i doubt we'll want to pay for it. I'd rather save the $ for baby stuff! I didn't get sent out for blood work untill 10wks either but my old doc was a twit and forgot to send me for it.

As you can tell by my avi our lil one has been deamed Our Cadbury Egg. After my first appt DH asked me what our EDD was and i told him April, which he immediately responded Easter (like it's the whole month:haha:) I have always been addicted to chocolate milk so it all morphed into Cadbury Egg:haha: (Cad for short,lol) Dh always said he wouldn't want to know the sex but that has DEF changed! I think we've decided to find out the sex, probably tell everyone, but hold back the name. I think knowing makes it easier to bond with baby before he/she gets here. (I think thats uber important for the men since they don't get all the feelings/kicks that we do)
naomi, use this code in your sig, take out the space before the last ]

https://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd453/duckytwins/watermelon.gif[/IMG ]
kristin, naomi and amina, will we be appleseeds tomorrow??? :happydance:
Jes - I take Prozac, and my doctor knew that I was TTC. It's not 100% risk free, but it's one of the safest anti-depressants to take while pg. It's definitely a personal decision whatever one decides to do. Personally, it's a chronic condition that I need to take care of, and everything I've read and researched has led me to the conclusion that the benefits far outweigh the risks.

We are here for you whatever you decide! :hugs:
Jessica-- i had pretzels for breakfast and it was yummmmy! lol (i thought you were going to say your bear is named guiseppe,lol) Oh and i wear a 9 shoe:haha:

Kate -- i love all the meanings behind the names. Just a wonderful touch! We have such a long last name that we're just trying to find good "short" names so our child won't be 10ys old before he/she can spell it,lol
Yay for appleseeds! I lost that ticker for my & DH anniversary date! Now just a sarcastic weekly update (love it!)

I'm not on any meds anymore. Was briefly on an anti-anxiety in january (had a panic attack--- thought it was a heart attack---- VERY SCARY) but came off them in feb when we truely started TTC. No other major medical problems just a bum knee from high school that now has arthritis (yes at 32!) and an uncanny ability to stress myself out!:haha:

I've got a weird one for you ladies....
Yesterday MIL was telling DH that she is really excited about the baby, almost too much as she has to calm herself so her heart doesn't race too much. He was picking on her the other day that he's not sure if she's excited or not (you would think she would know him better but she tends to be SUPER sensitive most the time) Anyway she said she was thinking about it the other night and said ....."that's a part of me in there!" Now i found this EXTREMELY odd. I know the family blood line and all that but i'm quite sure it was just me and DH in that bed:haha: I am aware that she is gonna be quite a handfull when the baby gets here cuz she's gonna want to take over, but am i looking into this too much or is that a Strange thing for a MIL to say?

Thanks for reading my rambling by the way:haha:
Hmmm... I can't decide if it's weird or sweet.

I think she meant to be sweet but it came off weird. :haha:

It almost seems a little invasive?? :shrug:
Yeah I used to take anti-anxiety meds as well but have cut those out completely as there are known birth defects with the one I was taking.
So I was working on my Amazon baby registry. I've added SO much stuff!! This is actually going to be my own Christmas wish list too because we are going to need lots of stuff being that it's the first baby, so I want to get a head start before the shower.

I was an 80's baby so I'm totally getting dvd's of Fraggle Rock, Looney Tunes, Muppets, and Sesame Street!!

And Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas :happydance:

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