Hey girls, sorry I've been a bit quiet, those who have seen my facebook will know what a crap week it's been!
Long post warning - Sorry!
Started out not too bad on Monday, had my midwife appt, mentioned to her that I was having trouble breathing again but we both agreed it would be my asthma getting worse as baby gets bigger so I agreed to see the doctor to see about getting a stronger inhaler.
Then we got to measuring bump, that's where it started to go wrong, bump is measuring big - 28 cms is the maximum according to my growth chart and she's at 29cms....But we also noticed that I'm really tender across the lower part of bump so midwife said that it really needed checking out by the doctor especially as I had protein in my pee sample as well.
So, book in to see a doctor (not my usual one) the next morning.
He concentrates on my breathing, doesn't listen to me when I tell him I know it's my asthma as using my inhaler helps me etc.
He does a very quick two minute check of bump and then writes a letter out and tells me to go to ADAU at my local hospital. I thought it was to get bump checked.
I get to ADAU and they read my doctors letter and put me straight on a bed and whip an oxygen mask on me......Errr ok......Whatever!
I get to see the ADAU doctor about two hours later who ignores the tenderness in my bump and starts telling me all about blood clots....I know about them already seeing as my Mum nearly died from one.
Now I'm starting to realise that they're going to totally ignore tenderness in bump and go straight for blood clot scenario....I'm not happy! Just give me a better inhaler ffs!
So, I have obs every 15 mins, BP is steady at 117/68, heart rate is good at 86bpm, sats are at 98% on oxygen.
I have bloods taken, I have a chest x-ray and I'm sat around waiting like a lemon for EIGHT hours! Jesus, I hate to think if I had an actual clot, not sure that dropping dead on the bed would have looked good for the hospital!
I was sat in a wheelchair on mobile oxygen in the waiting since having my x-ray done which was about three hours in total, I have to say, no one was really that worried as no one noticed when my oxygen ran out after about two hours....I tell them that I really do have to be getting home and ask what the hold up is...They tell me that they're waiting on the doctor to review my x-ray before they can do anything.
They take my obs, everything still the same apart from my sats which have dropped to 96%...Gee, guess that'll be my asthma playing up as I'm no longer on oxygen then!
I sat there and waited until 6pm (I'd seen my doctor at 9am) and eventually I had enough of just being ignored and no one telling me what was wrong so I got up and just walked out. Boy was I pissed!
Funnily enough, although I've still got problems breathing (Still haven't got a stronger inhaler!) I haven't dropped dead or had any problems since then....Guess that means I don't have a blood clot then!
So, that was Tuesday!
Wednesday, day of rest, I did nothing!
Thursday, go pram shopping, buy my iCandy (I freaking love my pram!) and drop into my midwife on the way back to get my anti D shot......Complete baby brain that day...It wasn't until I was in her room that I realised I'd forgotten my pregnancy notes

Arrange for her to come to hospital today to give me it as I'm there for my OGTT.
Friday (today)
What a crap day

Fasting blood sugar level? 6.9....FAIL!
Have my lucozade (downed it as I was so thirsty!) and then waited two hours for my next set of bloods....
10:30am and I'm getting blood drawn again, nurse tells me that I'd normally have to wait until Monday for my results but as my first levels were so high, I have to ring back at 6pm tonight - three and a half hours to wait - so, now I'm done with my OGTT but to add insult to injury, the nurse tells me to lower my trousers, hang over the bed and then she stabs me in my butt for my anti D.... *sigh*
But, I went to the bakery on my way home, Tuna baguette, caramel doughnut and a belgian bun have been consumed in preparation for me being told to cut out sugary foods!
Oh, and my pram arrived....How freaking lovely is this?