I know...I can not WAIT to hear from Louise! So exciting!!
Sorry for this...long cross post from my journal...
So I need opinions girls. We've been talking about names again for this little boy. I still quite like Isaac, but it just doesn't feel "right" somehow. The other name we are considering is Elijah, "Eli" for short. Today he really feels like an Eli. The only problem is, I can't remember whether one of my really good friends has always liked that name. Do I ask?

I can't even remember who it is!! I'm just worried that if we choose that name, whoever it is might think I "stole" it. None of the friends who I think it could be are pregnant or even close to being pregnant, AND they all live across the Atlantic ocean. I'm leaning towards just not bringing it up, and pleading ignorance. Does that make me a bad friend? I guess I would ask whoever is is...if I could just remember who it is that once told me they liked that name!
Then again, I always loved Isaac, but I just haven't been able to settle on it since we found out we were having a little boy. I think it might not be his name!

So maybe there is someone out there thinking they couldn't use Isaac because of me, and we might not even use it!