2012 Bump Buddies - The Watermelon Smugglers

Oh Iamblessed, Im so sorry about your Gma! It sounds like you have a TON on your plate right now! be careful! take care of yourself! it sounds like your DH wont be much help for a bit whilst he recovers if something happens to you.. :hugs: hope things start getting easier for you!
Ok so i finally have 5 mins to wirte the story...... i'll do the short version lol.

Weds 28th, we get to the hospital 30 mins early. walking up the corridor to labour ward was the most petrifying thing ever, dan stopped walking at one point and the look on his face said exactly what i felt.... we wanted to turn and run lol.
anyway we got booked in and got a bed in the induction suite. i got very emotional at this point and sent my blood pressure up a bit..... but once i had calmed down it was fine again.
so i get hooked up to the monitor where pickle was kicking away the whole hour. got the pessary inserted, then went for a walk for a couple of hours. it was so hot outside i thought i might actually pass out.
so anyway, 6 hours pass and i get examined again and she says about 2 cms but not progressing too fast but thinks she can break my waters.
so i et hooked to the monitor again and once again my little man was wriggling for ages.
fast forward to 7pm. we get moved into a delivery room where a midwife tries to break my waters..... while trying she gets a cramp in her hand!!! fun times. so she tries again, then gets someone to come and help. they finally went.
contractions started almost straight away but were bearable so we went for a little stroll outside cos it was so hot in the hospital!
we went back and they checked me and still only 2-3cms.
at about 12am they called in my midwife and when she got there, they checked again but still 2-3cms.
contractions were really painful and i had started the gas and air.
so the decision was made to put me on a drip to speed things up.
i decided to have an epidural, which i wish i'd never had now as it only numbed the left side of my body, meaning all through labour i still felt everything!!

so at 9am they were saying it wasnt progressing too fast as i was 6-7cms and i may need the epidural re-sited to then go for a c-section.
i wasnt impressed by this at all.
the doctors came round and they were talking to me about the epidural ot being in the right place. then the epidural man said he would re-site it. i looked him in the face and said actually i want to get checked first cos the baby is coming.
they said no its not. i was adament that his head was pushing down. so my midwife told him if we needed him we'd come get him and checked me......10cms!!! bingo.

so we waited 30mins for the head to come down by itself some more, then was time to push. after about 10 pushes and about 30mins, Alfie Jack was born, placed on my chest and he just looked at me with these big blue eyes :cloud9:

Only had one small tear, the main issue was when his head was being born, he pushed out the inflated catheter balloon which meant i have to keep one in for a week til it heals a bit... having a 10ml inflated balloon come out is not pleasant lol.

Anyway the little man would not feed at all. He was so lazy that when he got there, he'd just fall asleep.
So on Friday we went to a birthing centre which specializes in breast feeding. we stayed over night and had 24 hour suport from the midwives but still he wasnt fussed. i'd express some and he'd spit out most of it, they'd give him formula top up so he was getting something and he guzzled the lot.
i was highly emotional and drained and just wanted to go home and for him to eat, so i made the decision to just go to bottle feeding, and he's been guzzling away ever since!!

so anyways, that wasnt such a short story, but here is my little man....
Alfie Jack Scrase, all 7lb 12oz of him and im so in love with him its unbelievable:cloud9:

2 mins old

first cuddles with daddy
Louise what an amazing story! Im so sorry your epidural didnt go well! Im surprised they didnt turn you on your side since only one side was numb! Just goes to show that sometimes Drs dont know everything. :hugs: Alfie looks absolutely ADORABLE!! Congratulations!!!
Kim I'm so sorry about your grandma! Losing loved ones is always so tough but she's still with you every day in your heart!

Kate hope your enjoying your time away and that 4d scan is SOOO precious!

Louise omg he's adorable! Sounds like you took the long route to getting alfie here lol. He was just too comfy in momma! I had almost the same thing happen with the epidural. Although it kinda worked on both sides my left side was so numb that DH had to move my leg for me as I had NO control! Don't beat yourself up over the brestfeeding either. If you still want to , try and offer up the boobie before feedings still. He may very well catch on and you'll only have to supplement with formula. That is where I am now. Enjoy every second of it and send our congrats to new poppa Dan!
I love how they said the baby wasn't coming, and you said yes it is, and you were 10 cm!! Congrats Louise, your little man is precious!!

Fabulous news! I got the okay from the nurse to drop down to testing twice a day because my numbers are so good :yipee: :dance: :happydance: She said my numbers are great, and with these numbers I don't need to be concerned about birthing a quarterback football player or even worse, worry about placental aging which can increase the chance of stillbirth, or the other risk which is a delay in pulmonary development. It was definitely good to hear that, and there is a chance that at some point I might go down to testing once a day.

In other news, someone bought the glider rocker from our baby registry! So for the next 10 weeks I'm going to cradle the dog and glide.
YAY Kristen!! I would LOVE to own a glider, but unfortunately we just dont have the space :shrug: we were given a BEAUTIFUL rocking chair from family friends but it just isnt right for my size whilst nursing haha Im kinda short! Im only about 5 ft 3 :haha:
Louise he is just wonderful! And both you and daddy look so happy. Once again congrats on your beautiful little baby boy I am so happy for you :D!
Louise he is absolutely beautful, Congratulations!!
Kristin, YAY for the fab levels hun, that is great!!
Kristin- how's the doggy rocking going :D (i did the same thing with my pup in the rocking chair when he hurt his back:blush:) Glad to hear that your levels are doing so well! Your being such a great momma already looking out for your princess!

I cannot believe tomorrow is my lil dude's 1 month birthday!!! It's gone sooo fast! Monday we have an appt with the pediatrician to check out his growth & weight gain to assess how he's doing and if he's big enough for us to come off house arrest (at least partially!) Cannot wait for this weekend to be over. Unfortunately we will miss out on the family festivities for Easter but hey there's always next year! Here is a recent pic of my lil man finally starting to fit in some of his clothes:haha:

How is everyone else feeling? I've lost track who's next on the watermelon list???? lol


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No way!!!! It definitely does NOT seem like he should be a month already!! Hes so adorable!
Amber - yeah for a wriggly baby congrats :happydance:

Kate - lovely pics

Kim - sorry about your grandma hope your dh feels better soon xx

Louise - aww your lil man's such a cutie congrats xx

Kristen - yeah for your numbers dropping

Christina - I can't believe the lil man's 1 month already love the pic hun looks like he's doing well

Nothing much happening here finally starting to get the spare room decorated and starting to buy some baby things now. Only 3 weeks till I finish work so can't wait :yipee:
just had to share with you ladies!:cloud9:


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So how is everyone? I totally feel like a cow at almost 32 weeks. My nights are awful, I can hardly get any sleep and don't get me started on the heartburn!

June is close ladies!
Amii June will be here before you know it! It may seem like forever but ur honna look back and wonder where it went! I do hope you get some sleep soon though (and me too lol) the insomnia just doesn't seem right! You should be able to sleep like the dead when preggo considering the long nights ahead of you lol

AFM I had Nathan's 1mth check up today and my lil chunky monkey is now up almost 2lbs to 7lbs 4oz!! Doc was very happy with his development and he is now in the bottom end of the normal range even though he still hasn't hit my"due date" yet! We are also working out his gas issues now that he's big enough to take some of the drops (now maybe I can get some sleep too!)
Im so exhausted... I was going to go to bed super early last night since our DD finally went to sleep early, BUT then my preggo self when into overdrive and decided to clean and organize and do 3 loads of laundry... :wacko: sooooo bed was about 1am and our DD was up by 7..
Amber those energy spurts are brutal lol. You feel better getting stuff done but u always pay for it later! Hope u got some rest hon.

Been really quiet in here lately. Hope everyone is doing well. How's all the nursery decorating going? Any scans coming up or is everyone just running the 3rd tri wait?
I actually took about a 3 hour nap today hahaha it felt AWESOME. I cant really set up a nursery yet because we are going to be moving to get a bigger apartment :wacko:

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