omg! i've missed so much

amii, glad little one is hanging on in there a bit longer!!
amber, good luck for the test and hope it all gets sorted!
kate!! how exciting not leaving without your little girl!! hope it all goes well!!
hope everyone else is ok. cant believe how close everyone is getting to the end now!!
little update,Alfie is now 10lb 2oz. which is just under to 50th centile line

so he's doing well. he's just got issue with reflux at the minute so were trying out different things to help him. we've tried stay down milk and also tried gaviscon but neither worked. at the 6 week check yesterday, she gave us carobel. we'll see if it has any effect although im not holding out much hope
anyway apart from that he's a happy little bubba still. he smiles a lot and has found his frown. its so cute!! also we gave him tummy time the other day and he got himself on his knees and elbows and lifted his head and did this commando crawled up the bed. to say i was shocked was an understatement!!! i sat there like you are 6 weeks old dude, im sure you're not supposed to be able to do that yet!!
then he layed back down and then rolled himself over onto his back!!!! so proud

looks like im gunna have an early crawler
sorry for the essay, just had a spare 5 mins and realised i'd been mia for ages!!
here's alfie at 6 weeks. he's growing so fast!! now in 0-3 months clothes and size 2 nappies!!