oh congratulations Amina!!!! I cant wait to read the story and see pictures!!
oh my goodness the 5th?! thats soooo soon Kristin!! I cant wait to see all these watermelons!!!
Im pretty sure my nesting will kick in in about 2 weeks because our baby shower is the 3rd so after that Ill be making lists of what we still need or want and what needs to be done before she gets here! Theres this AWESOME consignment thing in mid-july (right around my due date ) where we can get things REALLY REALLY cheap.. Im talking a bassinet for $20 cheap.. its awesome.. HOPEFULLY we dont need to buy that much on our own but we will see. DH's parents actually bought us the crib we wanted too!!! We didnt NEED a crib since we still have our DD's but hers is very old and we wanted one that converts into the toddler bed then the day bed and will grow with her Good luck in the heat ladies!! I know Im BAKING
Congrats amina! That is so awesome! Wish this little one would decide she wants to be here but I think she is much too comfy in here...lol! Can't wait to see pics and hear about your birth story!
being induced at 5pm ladies!!!!!!!!!
Blood and urine results all came back borderline again so we just decided to get on with it. Totally scared out my mind but excited too!
cant wait to hear an update naomi!!
I cant stand it, I have to rant.. so I put on facebook that friends of mine had their baby early and that thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated for their family. Well my friend I posted that about simply corrected me on how many weeks early and another friend jumped to my defense.. well my friends that had the baby were kindof offended by it and said something else in response on my page.. I hate confrontation so I simply commented with "haha youre too funny" kindof thing and now my friend that came to my defense is upset at me!!! I seriously almost cried today because she said her feelings were hurt by how I handled the situation... when I honestly think she has no right to be upset at me since I did tell her that I appreciated her defending me but that I understood my friend that had the baby didnt mean anything by her short post... I have no idea what to do now because my friend that stood up for me is seriously one of my only friends out here where we have moved and now she wont talk to me...
ok.. rant over..
you dont know that, your lo could get down in there and ready to go by tomorrow! just keep thinking positive, start taking walks and maybe even BD if its not too uncomfortable as it just might start labor
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