Ooo keep trying to post on here and it keeps deleting it!!
Hello ladies!!
Sorry it has taken me so long to get on here to post!
Sam Edward was born on Wednesday, I was induced on the Saturday due to protein in my urine and high blood pressure. My waters were broken on The Tuesday morning and he FINALLY arrived at 1.51 am on the Wednesday. Even though he was a tiny 5lbs 12oz I needed a forceps delivery as I was so exhausted by the time I got to 10 cm I just didn't have anything left in me to push with enough energy. Little tinker was also back to back which didn't help!! Still he is here now and I'm smitten!!
Having to give him formula as breastfeeding hasn't exactly gone according to plan, my milk still hasn't come in and he was jaundiced and the hospital were worried he wasn't getting anything from me - little monkey would fall asleep as soon as we managed to latch him on!
Hope you are all well, I've been reading previous posts and some exciting stuff going on!
I'm going to post this and THEN try and post some pictures as it keeps shutting down lol!
Kristin not long til you c-section hun, so excited for you!!