2012 TTC chat

The Sleepyhead sounds wonderful! Perhaps I should see if I can buy one around here :) It sounds like he is a great baby! I hope Austin is colic and reflux free lol. Lane had terrible reflux and Madison had colic. The ultrasound tech said Austin is big. He was already almost 2 pounds. Sounds like I'm going to have another big baby!

I would choose a vaginal birth over a csection. The recovery on a csection is not fun :( Hopefully you won't tear badly again and if it's a girl next time chances are she will weigh quite a bit less. That was the case with Madison :)
Ha I never heard that about girls weighing less :) My niece weighed a lot more than my nephew haha :) The MW told me that the 2nd one will fall out more easily because I've been stretched by the 1st lol ;)

Yeah he is a great baby so far, we are so lucky. Been scaring myself today though reading up on this 4 month sleep regression thing...could all go horribly wrong come December!

The Sleepyhead is great. I don't know if you can get it in the US but I know it's very new over here, and is a Scandinavian thing. It was £100 which is a lot of money to us but def worth every penny, he loves it. We also started swaddling recently and that calms him down a treat. I try not to swaddle for at least 1 sleep a day so he's not totally reliant on it, but it does help a lot.
Swaddling works great! I think it is a great comfort thing for them. Had my appointment today, and the Dr said the ultrasound looked fine so that is good news! Unless something changes my c-section is scheduled for Dec 27th, which is two days after Christmas! I am so ready to meet him lol and ready to not be pregnant anymore. As bad as that sounds with this being the third one I am ready for a break from being pregnant haha. I do admit though this has been my easiest pregnancy so far. I have had issues with all three but this one was very minor, just that little bit of bleeding in the beginning.

Mmleo hope you are doing well! And baby boy too!
Hello ladies!I really don't know what keeps me busy but I don't seem to hve sometime to chat anymore.Things are just a little harder with a toddle to care for.

Oh my God Smiler ur son is soooo cute!And he is big for sure!And the attention he is getting from the whole family?wow!!Congrats again!It is so funny u said u r thinking about baby no 2...I've bn thinking abt another one but I really think I sh'd just stop at 2.my son already driving us/me crazy..don't know when things get easier.I think if u hve a choice go for natural...faster recovery so u r able to look after Patrick as well.It kills me that after such a long time using the pregnancy as a reason not to do many activities with my son,I need to take time off after the baby as well.No wonder he is being a bit impossible for the past few days.I wish I could drive him o school at least.

Sunshine..I am so happy for u,so glad the cysts hv disappeared.,what a relief!let us know hat comes out of the dr'appt.And u r past 25wks already?wow!How r u feeling?I really don't know how u r copping with two other children.I think ur 3rd c/section will go as smoothly.
Tell me sunshine,do u remember how long u bleed for after csection?i had stopped for more than a week n suddenly I started this morning.Am waiting to speak to my dr n find out what's going on.I hope doing a bit of house work an carrying baby didn't cause that.
Mmleo I'm glad you are doing well. Is your son adjusting to the new baby ok? I bled for a good amount of time after my csections. This last time I want to say it was 4-5 weeks off and on. I'd stop and then it would come back. Also if you are breastfeeding that contracts the uterus which can push more blood out.

The dr said the ultrasound looked good :) so now we are able to feel better about things. I am managing with the kids pretty well. I just made Austin a baby blanket :) it was my first time making one. I had wanted to make one for each baby but I worked full time during my last two pregnancies and never was able to make time. I'll post a picture of it so you girls can see it.

Smiler hope all is well! :)
As thanks Mmleo we think he is very cute too :) Though he is suffering with a cold atm, is 2am and been up for hours! He has fallen asleep at last but I seem to have powered through the tiredness and am now quite awake!

Haha yes I wonder what on earth has been keeping you so busy Mmleo ;) I'm sure your eldest will settle in time, is a big change. I even feel like DH gets jealous of the baby at times!! So no wonder your son is a bit out of sorts. I bet they become brilliant play mates. My sis is having her third and she said she just loved seeing her son and daughter play together made them want one more. Just see how you feel in a year or so!! It'll be hard work but if you want it you'll get through! I'm one of three and from a kids point of view I think it's great. But now I am a parent I think two will be fine for me haha ;)

Ah Sunshine that's so cool you made Austin a baby blanket :) What would his due dare be if you weren't having a c section? Are you ok with him coming so close to Christmas? Do you get a choice?
Hi ladies!

Smiler is Patrick feeling better? My original due date is Jan 3rd. I really would prefer him to come after the New Year holiday but with my uterus issue she wants to take him at 39 weeks. my insurance starts over Jan 1 so if they take him after that date we would be responsible for the whole bill. Right now we have met our deductible for the year so everything is covered. Our deductible is extremely high. Ugh I hate my husbands health insurance :(

Mmleo how are things going?
Ah yeah of course, makes total sense to take him at 39 weeks. Main thing is to get him out safe and well, more important than the date of his birthday!

Patrick is ok thanks but still full of cold and struggling a little with wind. He's been very clingy the last few days and both my hands been full all day as he just wants cuddles! . Don't want to get into bad habits but it is so lovely just snuggling up together. He has started smiling a bit too which is sooooooo cute :)
Aww I love when they start smiling. It's so sweet. I have to get a tooth looked at tomorrow that has been bothering me. I hope it's nothing that is going to require a lot of dental work.

I hope you ladies are doing well. I can't believe I'm already 27 weeks. I am anxious to meet him!
Oh no, hope your tooth isn't too painful and you don't need much work! I haven't been to the dentist for at least 6 years oops ;) I really should go because you get free dental treatment when you're pregnant and a year after your baby is born!

Yay 27 weeks!! Is really not that far away is it! So exciting! Are the kids excited?
I have a fracture in my tooth ugh! I told the dentist I really want to wait until after baby is born to deal with it. I will need a filling and possibly a crown yuck! :( My son seems excited especially since he knows it's a boy :) I hope they will all be close and get along well. So far Lane and Madison bicker a lot. I am constantly playing referee lol.

How are you feeling? Are you getting much sleep?
Hello! How are we all? Sorry about your tooth Sunshine :( is it very painful?

Can I ask you about sleep? We are quite lucky that Patrick is a good baby mostly. He gets cranky early evening so we cuddle etc, dim the lights do the evening feed and I put him down. He then wakes for another feed around midnight then again at about 3am. This is all fine, my question is about putting him upstairs...I'm just scared to do it! He doesn't disrupt us much by staying downstairs so I don't know if it's worth putting him upstairs on his own as I'll constantly be checking him due to my paranoia! What did you do with your first?
With Lane I didn't let him sleep away from us until around 3 months. That was mainly due to his reflux and I wanted to keep an eye on him. He slept in a bassinet next to us in our room. I did the same with Maddie just because I am very paranoid about SIDS. Some parents do it before then but I was always extra careful and pushed it to that 3 month mark. My sister told me I was crazy. She had them in their own beds in a different room by 6 weeks. I just couldn't do it :(

If he is doing really well on the sleeping and not having any tummy issues, you could try it for a few nights and see if you are comfortable with it. I still use a monitor in Madison's room and that helps to be able to hear everything. I guess I am overprotective :)

Just wanted to share a picture with you ladies. This was from today :)
Austin 28w3d.jpg
Sunshine you look great!! Such a lovely neat bump :) how are you feeling?

Thanks for the input :) I am so paranoid about SIDS too. I just want him by me all the time. We did put him upstairs last night and it was ok. I put him down around 7pm then had the monitor on, door open and I checked him every 20-30 minutes. He fussed at first but then fell asleep. But it doesn't solve our other problem of us getting sleep! When we all sleep together none of us sleep well. For some reason between 7pm - 12am he is zonked out and totally silent but after his midnight feed and 3am feed, he sleeps, but is noisy and so wriggly. We got into the habit of keeping Patrick downstairs all night, me going upstairs to sleep 10pm-1am then DH sleeping 1am - 7am, then me going back to sleep 7am-8am. I don't want to get used to this, but I also want DH to get good sleep because he drives loads and loads for work and don't want him on the road exhausted :S
I totally understand. When either one of the kids sleep with us, we never sleep well. I'm sure you will get into a routine pretty soon. It took us some time with Lane. It was very sporadic at first. Once Lane started sleeping on his own and sleeping more through the night, we were able to get into a daily/nightly routine and it made it so much easier :) You definitely need to get some rest though. I bet you are exhausted!

I can't believe it's already mid-October. It's getting closer! I'm nervous!
Thanks Sunshine :) Am starting to realize have got to stop reading so much and not worry about what we "should" be doing. I started stressing that he was feeding at different times each day and we should be on a firmer timetable like some books and sites say but being a bit flexible actually works better for us I think. But sticking to a night time routine is going to help I think so going to be stricter with that from now on. It helps me as much as him, got to build my confidence in leaving him alone!

This pregnancy has flown by Sunshine! Are you nervous about the c section? Or just life with 3 kids in general?? You're an old hand at it now I'm sure you'll be fab xx
How are you and baby Patrick making it? Are things becoming easier? I had a scare the other day. Tuesday afternoon I had to take off in a dead run because Maddie climbed to the top of Lane's clubhouse and I was so scared she was going to fall. After I got her down I was in so much pain. It was quite a run from our porch to the clubhouse. I had abdominal cramps and back pain until Wed morning. I finally called the dr and they had me go to the hospital. I was having contractions 3-4 minutes apart. Thank goodness they were not dilating my cervix any. They were able to get them stopped and I got to come home after about 5 hours. I'm on restrictions now. Just pelvic rest for now thank goodness. I don't know what I would do with the kids if they ordered bed rest. That would have been awful! So far I have been feeling much better. I'm anxious to meet the little guy in December but I am growing very nervous over the csection. I am not sure why it is bothering me so bad but I am very anxious over it.

Hope you girls are doing well!! :)
Hello ladies:hi:
It hs bn sooo long since we chatted,at least it feels that way.I read thru ur posts to c what's been happening to.Sunshine ur bump is so cute,I cant lie it makes me think over the decision of having just 2.How is it treating u?and ur other babies?Does Lane now understand what's going on?

Smiler,I'm glad Patrick is such a lovely baby.If I was to give u an advice though I'd say pliz keep him in ur bedroom for at least 6-9months.It isn't a professional advice believe me but I am such a coward.i did that with our first,just keep him in his cot but in the same room,have him sleep in his room during the day and with us at night.By one year he was in his room full time.an u r so right..u can't follow the books,I don't think the p'ple who write them even follow what those rules.

Me...been fine,boy is doing totally fine,he sleeps well,keeps changing his pattern,but am coping fine,I get to sleep during the day when both boys are napping.Went for 6wk immunisation on wedn,boy has put on 1.7kg which is good.
AF bn threatening to show up for so long but I don't know what's going on.,for almost two weeks now.One week was spotting pink every other day and it really looked like it coming,this wk bn bleeding bright red everynow n then,sometimes go a whole day without a drop!?
Anyhow,just waiting to c/go back to normal.

Smiler,have u started working out yet?

Now I know when to come on line,around these awkward hours when I wake up to feed n can't go back to sleep,otherwise I take the "sleep when they sleep" quite seriously!

Now will go thru ur posts:haha::lol:
Sorry abt ur scare Sunshine:hugs:it is definately tougher with two young ones too look after.And how did u even manage to climb?it doesn't matter,u made it and u r now ok ok..
It is understandable what u r feeling abt the csection,It isn't really fun to keep going into the theater,that was me second time around..
Hi Mmleo!! so great to hear from you! I am so glad you and baby boy are doing well. That's great! Lane rubs my tummy daily and asks when Baby Austin will be here. It is the cutest thing. I am so ready to meet him and be able to see my feet again haha!!

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