Thanks Sunshine. I am pretty bummed

I'm just a little confused because last night, I was SO hot. I woke up this morning literally dripping with sweat so I thought my temp surely would be really high, but it wasn't. Also with my spotting, that was last night (12dpo) when I decided to check my cervix...sorry for the TMI here!! Usually when AF is close, I spot and notice my cervix is low and hard. Last night it was high and soft so I was all excited, but realised there was blood
I am hoping against hope that my temp is going to jump right up tomorrow and AF will stay away...but my chart does look pretty rubbish

If it was me looking at someone else I'd be telling them not to get their hopes up!!
Yeah, will be back on the clomid again now. I know it's only a lucky few who fall pg right away with drugs so shouldn't have gotten my hopes up quite so much. My boobs are tricking me AGAIN, lol

DH said they are the biggest he's ever seen them, including when I was pregnant. I don't know what's up with that. I'm never trusting my breasts again