hey Pheonix!!.
Good to know you are in Europe. Would love to visit someday!! Wow you commute a lot too!!
I have heard some people take a break & get preggo. Some cannot afford monitoring so they stop & resume...it takes several cycles for some to adjust to clomid while others other one cycle to be preggo...
How old are u? do you have regular cycles?
I did zumba yday for 30min as there was health festival at work....but realized later I shouldn't have...plus I have to stop carrying suitcases etc as well which I was doing first three months....
What are your symptoms so far? Baby dust to you!!!!!
Hey Pheonix82!
Hope you are having lovely day in Arizona....It was below 0 earlier in the week but temperature is picking up...cannot wait for winter to be over in IL...
From home to work..it is 2 1/2hr commute for me...so round trip is approx 5hr...Once I conceive, I plan to not continue this commute!!! Let's hope it happens soon lol
I am at 6dpo today and really have no symptoms....and if I do get symptoms, I tell myself it's because I am thinking about it....hehe!
Other than that, this is my 4th month on clomid....1st month was awful and now I think my body is used to it....lol I will not be continuing it from next month until I am ready to do some monitoring....this month I tried pre-seed & robitisson as clomid dries up cm....I also have been eating pineapple core every other day to help with implantation....(not sure how true these things ....!!!) I am a scientist so I like to experiment everything until I don't see the results I want...hehe! I do use OPKs each month since last 6months...but I don't use it like crazy...usually from 12dpo until I see flashy smiley followed by still smiley....I never check for pregnancy either until day of my period....
......... i do know alot of real life friends with fertility issues so it makes me really really anxious...
Since marriage, I have gained like 20-25pounds in 2years ...and it has to do alot with commute & sitting...In fact after 1year, I started walking from train to work (45min) each way but I think body has reached plateau and I am just gaining..plus I think clomid has made me gain some pounds in last 4months as well.....BMI: last I checked was, I am in normal range...With that said, next time I go to dr..I am going to ask her what is consider normal exercise when trying to conceive...I did work out first three months as well thinking that it will actually help me...this month I have only done walking....I don't drink much coffee either..maybe half cup a day...
Pheonix82: what dpo are you on? Happy Happy Weekend!!!!
Taylorboo: Welcome & good luck!!!!
Nanninoo: What is going on with you?!?!
Hey Jannah K
It's been a long day but I guess you know that better then most with your crazy commute. I thought 1.5 hours was bad enough.
I wish I was in Arizona, England isn't quite as glam lol.
Not many people get symptoms this early - I'm convinced there is a lot of people's minds playing tricks on them, plus AF symptoms can resemble pregnancy especially as most people are adjusting to coming off BC and their normal hormones.
Is it ok to stop and start using clomid or will it mess with you every time?
The tests, monitoring etc can become obsessive so like you I just use OPK to gauge things.
Sadly the way we all live now can cause fertility to be reduced but I think fertility problems are just more talked about ie more public.
The weight doesn't sound like it will be an issue, as long as you have a healthy BMI it should not impact fertility.
Mmm exercise is a toughie as I love running and Zumba but as high impact they are probably slightly too much (I don't do them gently either), I believe the rule is don't do anything you don't normally do like excessive training but regular walks and light exercise is good for you. I'm not exercising when trying as that could be yucky and I'm not around implantation but other then that I am. If it's around those times I'm just doing short walks slowly. Coffee in the quantities you are drinking is nothing, don't worry, too many people give up everything and wonder why they are extra stressed and not falling.
I'm 11dpo I feel preggo but I think it's in my head

Happy weekend xx