KLMenke: Congrats! I was surprised in my situation how quickly I fully dilated once I got the epidural. I always thought it would potentially slow things down. Did you have any tearing during delivery? If so, how did they treat it?
Vietmamsie: I give you a lot of credit cosleeping with your LO. The last few mornings though I will admit I have woken up, fed her in my bed instead of taking her to her room and then just placed her on my chest and fell back to sleep for a short while. The problem with her being there is I just don't want to move. She's so nice and warm and comfy.
Lisa: It's all good about the terminology. I know the States here usually are a lot different words we use to describe something that the majority of the world might use. At least I had a slight inkling as to what you were talking about. But we did end up trying a pacifier yesterday during one of her crying sprees. It did help a bit, but she doesn't keep it in her mouth fairly long at all.
Kasey: Hope the infection goes away quickly. That doesn't sound fun at all.
AFM: After last week's appointment where Amber didn't gain as much weight as the physician wanted, we've been adding some rice cereal to her bottles (expressed breast milk mostly with maybe a bottle of formula a day). Since the change, I can see she is gaining some weight, but it has definitely increased her gas issues. This has been making for really hard nights. Last night was the first time DH got to experience her crying for 2 hours and he looked panicked. I told him it wasn't the first time she's been like that and I took over so he could get to bed. Poor LO. She looks like she's in such pain.
But I'm also finding she does not like it when we're not holding her for short periods of time. I can barely get myself something to eat because she wants to be held all the time (she's too small still for a front carrier at this point).
I've also been noticing my milk supply is decreasing slightly, and I'm not sure if that's because I'm mostly expressing my milk vs having her latch and eat. We are also having to give her a vitamin drop because she is mostly on the breast milk instead of formula, and I really don't think she's a fan of it.
The other thing I noticed this week was the lovely vaginal delivery hemorrhoids that come with it. I was wondering when going to the bathroom why I had a burning sensation after going with a little bit of blood, but then when in the shower I felt it. Luckily with my job I've done research about hemorrhoids so I knew what they looked like without having to find a mirror to look. So I got myself some Preparation H to try to treat it. Thankfully it's gotten better. The day I realized the issue I had a hard time sitting all day before I tried the cream.
And tonight I get to leave the house for a few hours. When we went to this baby resale event a week before Amber was born a marketing group asked if we'd be interested in signing up to be part of marketing research projects/trials/etc. I got a call yesterday that they're looking to do a focus group tonight about how new mom's did pediatrician research before their babies were born. It's paying $75 USD for two hours of time. Figured that money could definitely be used for diapers or whatever we need for her.