Hope everyone is doing well - it is so quiet around here! I guess we are all busy now tat our little ones are getting active! Lucy is all over the place! She is a pro at tummy time, can roll over from belly to back, loves to be pulled up into a sitting position (her neck is so strong!) and likes to be sitting up so she can see what is going on. She seems to have discovered her feet in the last few days and has kicked everything off the changing table a number of times and has been using her legs in the activity gym to kick everything! Plus she has her little fists up in the air waving around like crazy all the time! She had been batting, grabbing and holding things for the last week or so.
We took her swimming for the first time and she seemed pretty into it. It was hard to tell because she is always so serious the first few times she does something! But no crying, so I guess that means it was good!
We are going to Gymboree classes once a week which is really fun. You guys should check them out if you have one in your area. Pricy, but worth it!
I have been doing pretty good - I feel like I am non stop these days. I find myself bouncing Lucy to sleep for hours each day - naps can be hard, but we usually get 3-4 of them out of her a day. At least one will take place in the sling while I bounce - the whole time. My legs are buring by the end of the day! I lost another 3.5kgs, so I feel like I am on the right track weight loss wise. I have just 6.5 left to go until I am at a comfortable weight, then 2-3kg more to feel really good!
I gave up on the whole babysitter thing. Somedays I feel like I need help, but most days I feel pretty good about everything!
How is everyones nights going? My 'goal' is to get her to sleep by 7:30, but usually it actually happens around 8:30. Lucy usually has a longer period of sleep at the start of the night (anywhere from 4-7 hours, but usually more like 4-5) then gets up every 3 hours after that. Usually I have 2 wake ups, and she gets up between 6:30 and 7:30 - sometimes she will go right down after her morning feed, but if she wants to play, it usually only lasts for about 30 minutes before she is ready for her first 'nap' of the day. That morning one is usually the longest nap of the day, although she has surprised me with some killer afternoon ones as well in the last few weeks.