Tomorrow is as far as I got before I started bleeding with myI finally lost them 3 days later.
I'm doing pretty okay since the HG is kicking my butt and providing reassurance vs the no symptoms of a MMC. Plus I can barely conceal my belly but...
Yeah, it's still going to be a scary/emotional few days
thanks ladies. It went ok. risk very low. baby fine. I will post a scan picture later. good luck to everyone waiting
Yay for a fab scan Hur
So...who is left for the dating scan now? Mine's not till the 15th by choice...wanted after my son's first birthday just in case anything bad happens so it's not going to ruin his day...the worry never ends huh?
How many of us are actively on the thread?
How many staying team?
Can the front page be updated?
Have a good weekend all