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2014 January Rainbows

What's the GBS test? :wacko: I'm clueless

I don't know what effaced means either? And is it normal for you ladies to have that checked? I havnt been checked and they havnt mentioned its going to happen at my next midwife appt??

Rachel your bump is lovely, no stretch marks (I'm jealous)

Well I haven't actually packed the bag yet but I have laid out everything that needs to go in the bag in the nursery so it s ready to go. I have his feeling that I'm going to go overdue! I don't feel like he wants to come out anytime soon.

Lucy sorry you had complications, but now you have your beautiful boy in our arms it probably seems like nothing. Women become warriors once they have given birth, nothing is a big deal as long as they have their baby!
I always think this, millions of women have traumatic things happen to them during childbirth but no one mentions it cus there is a cute baby! If you weren't pregnant and had to have major surgery or 20 stitches in your fanny everyone would be really worried! Lol just one of my crazy thoughts

Young sorry about your BH, sounds like hard work! But maybe your uterus will be so ready your little one will just shoot out easily! I havnt had any BH so I think my uterus is lazy and won't evict him, slightly worried...
Emmy- I wouldn't be worried. I never truly felt them until last night. I thought I had before a couple times, but it was obvious last night. I am sure you will feel them. On the upside, if you dont, maybe the ACTUAL contractions won't be so bad for you....you never know :D

I know all the terminology because I research WAY too much.

I got checked because at 32 weeks I went into Labor and Delivery with back pain. and the only reason she checked me this week was because I asked her too. They will start checking you probably about 37+ weeks. That seems to be the norm.

GBS is the Group B Strep test. They swab slightly in your vagina and down to your rectum. up to 30% test positive for it and live their entire lives without symptoms. The reason they check, though, is because since the baby will be sliding out of that area, it can cause certain sickness and problems if you are positive. The only thing they would be different if you were positive is give you an antibiotic IV during labor. This is normally tested between 35 and 37 weeks.

I'll send you a link to "what to expect" where they talk about effacement and the like..But i warn you..it may lead to excessive research. lol

Emmy that cracked me up!! But you're right we're happy to take anything for out little ones.
After my mc I tested positive for GBS. They will give me antibiotics this time if my waters are broken for more than 12 hours or my temp goes up.
In the uk I don't think they check our cervix unless there's a problem or until we go into L&D.
I've got no belly stretch marks but have strangely got some on the underside of just my right boob!!!
I have BH when I'm too active- the nights are just uncomfortable now, it's amazing how much I took for granted- like just being able to get up off the bed!!
Don't think they'll be checking my cervix again until I go into labour. Seems like they only check at around 36 weeks here….and then maybe if I really pushed to have it checked again.

And I totally agree with your comments about women being warriors during child birth. Once the baby arrives and is ok, that's all that matters :)
I always forget that we have women from other countries on here...silly me...Agreed! Women are warriors!
Cute bumps ladies!!! I actually miss him kicking me.

Emmy don't worry I had no idea what certain things meant still don't. Your so right the section was traumatic but I'd do it all over again for him. I think I would of gone over too if my BP hadn't acted up I only got to 1cm after the 17 hours of total labor they let me do then they went to c section the last 4 hours I was loopy from pain meds and numb so didn't feel much

Can't wait to start seeing your babies :)
Thanks Young I shall read up now, don't worry I am a researcher too, but those things must have passed me by. Defo never heard of GBS. I am having bloods taken next week, they never mentioned a swab though, we shall see!

Speaking of researching and knowing stuff, I go to ante natal classes on a Friday night and the women/couples there know absolutely nothing, it is shocking! I know everything they cover in the classes pretty much just from reading and being on here and talking to new mothers and watching OBEM of course! But these women know nothing. They had never heard of forceps or ventouse last week. I thought bloody hell it's a good job your at this class otherwise you would have been in for one hell of a shock during child birth :dohh: imagine them whacking those big forceps out, they would be terrified! I spose some women think it's best not to know too much.
Young are you having any issues with cramping since you got checked? I've been having loads and lots of Braxton hicks since I left the clinic. Uncomfortable!!!
Emmy LOL I'm so glad I have you guys it's funny some of the nurses say things to me and when I explain how I understand it they are shocked LOL especially being a FTM

Megan might be the start of something?
Megan- oh yes!!! They haven't really stopped. Took my breath away while I was in the shower. She warned me if that though. Hopefully we can both barrel through this lol
Lucy, Ivan is too cute :) I feel the same about my C-section. I had always hoped I could have natural childbirth, but would do a C-section all over again for her and any future kids. I would have had to have one anyway with my placenta previa (it was still over my cervix at 27 weeks, it likely wasn't going to move enough for me to try natural if I'd made it to term).
Wow Emmy, it is crazy how little the other women in your class know! I couldn't imagine not researching everything, lol! I even surprise my OBGYN when I start talking about TTC/pregnancy/childbirth/birth control because I've done so much research on these things, haha :p
Markswife it's not easy the recovery but well worth it in the end :) I didn't progress at all so it was needed so from now it's a c section if I decide to have another

Happy new weeks ladies
You ladies look adorable with your bumps! Can't believe everyone in this group is getting so close! Eeek!!!

Side note: I feel like I am so ahead of all of you with my baby girl (she was 2 months old Monday, 9 weeks old today), even though she's only 36 weeks 4 days gestation today. Crazy!
Heidi congrats on new week for little Hayley she is so precious
Morning ladies! How's everyone doing? Can't believe I'm 37 weeks today- it's so crazy!!! I had a growth scan at the hospital this week and his head was so low they had to take approximate measurements, the girl really struggled! He's quite big (90th) centile and at the moment back to back!! Doc said he may turn before the end but I could be in for a difficult time :( ah well, as long as he gets here safe that's all that matters.
I'm having my flu and whooping cough vaccines today- I'm a bit late!
Took a breast feeding class yesterday- really good info but pretty funny all us ladies practicing putting dolls on our boobs!!!
Young- happy 37 weeks for yesterday :)
Emmy- some people are worrying at my classes too. I sit there and wonder how they are gonna cope when reality kicks in.
Lucy- hope you and Ivan are doing ok. Any word on when u can take him home?
Markswife- hope Hayley is doing good. Can you take her home soon? Would be a good Xmas present!
Megan and lyndzo- hi!!! Xxx

Any still prego ladies had any labour signs? We need to start labour watch! It's all quiet here for now!
yay for 37 weeks Rachel! Sounds like you are getting all ready!

Hayley is slowly meeting milestones but she still needs to get to where she is eating all of her feeds by bottle (she had 50% in the last 24 hours so she's getting there), she is slowly weaning her oxygen and she has to have no heart rate drops for a week before they will send her home. We will see if she makes Christmas or not.
Heidi glad Hayley is doing better and better :D

Rachel your close can't wait to see everyone's babies
No word on when Ivan will be coming home he needs to be able to feed on a bottle for 48 hrs then he can come home he eats some but not much we're still trying
Lucy, sounds like we are waiting on the same thing basically (except Hayley is on oxygen still, but they said she can come home on oxygen if she has to, but she DOES have to be eating from a bottle completely). Come on babies, let's get to the bottles little ones! ;)

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