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2014 January Rainbows

Hi Ladies! Sorry I've been MIA but my little man is here!! I haven't had a chance to read any posts but I'll try and catch up.

My water broke at 4:30 am on December 10th. I wasn't having any contractions so they started me on oxytocin. I stalled at 4cm for the longest time and then all of a sudden went from 5-10 in about 20 minutes, pushed for 30 minutes and out he came!!! I did get an epidural about half way through the day though. So Emmett Ryan was born at 7:49pm :)

He's currently in NICU because of some breathing problems so I've been spending most of my time there (I was discharged yesterday). I'm happy to say that he's improved a lot and now breathing on his own and his feeding tube is out.

For some reason I can't post pictures, I'll try again later! I'll try to catch up with everyones posts soon!
Oh wow congratulations Megan!!! Lovely name and happy your little man is doing well. Ahhhh, all these babies arriving it's so exciting :)
Can't wait for pics Megan xxx
Here he is!! We got to breast feed tonight and he did a really good job after a LOT of unsuccessful tries. Thank goodness for the NICU nurses.


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Oh my gosh Megan! How precious! Congratulations! He is SO handsome!!!!

heidi- Glad to hear that Hayley is doing well! She just continues to improve!! :D

Lucy- Glad to hear Ivan is also doing well! Great job ladies!!

AFM- I have had the flu for 4 straight days. It was the pits. there was NOTHING I could take but Tylenol and my doc advised me against taking it. She said at 32 weeks, baby is making some changes and my immune system works on its lowest level to ensure that my body doesn't try to kick her out. Taking Tylenol will relieve pain for a bit, but it makes my immune system even worse. Today, I am back at work, but just barely...Pregnancy+the flu=the pits!!

On an upside- I am so excited for all of us. Those who have had babies, and those of us still patiently waiting! We ARE SO CLOSE! can't wait for updates.

Sorry I didn't get to everyone! But I'm glad to see all the posts!! :D :hi:
Aaaw Megan congrats !!!!!

I'm just now working on my milk supply after talking to Ivan's NICU drs they all looked in bf with my meds and I'll be able to :)
Congrats on your little man Megan he's adorable!!! How much did he weigh? Enjoy him :)
Wow Megan congrats!!! He is so lovely I want to give him a cuddle!! How much did he weigh? Any idea when you will be able to take him home?

Lucy and markswife I hope your little ones start drinking all their milk from their bottles so you can take them home, I want to cuddle them too xx

I can't believe babies are being born :wacko: I am so happy for all of you but it's terrifying me! We are in a pregnancy group and now it's all going to end :cry: I know I am a weirdo but I hate things ending lol even though I will get the best present ever at the end so I am sure I will forget all about being pregnant but right now I'm like nooooo stay inside I don't want to stop being pregnant. Plus I'm scared of going into labour and having a baby to look after. Maybe this is just a phase I'm going through? Maybe next week I will be desperate to get him out :haha:

Young I had that terrible cold thing last week too, I had 3 days off work, couldn't take anything, I felt awful!! I am still snotty now but feel more human. I didn't know that about the immune system though so maybe that's why I got ill. OH has it now and keeps moaning and I keep looking at him silently thinking I might kill him if he carries on haha, try being pregnant, getting no sleep, not being able to take anything at the same time as being ill!
Thanks Ladies. I'm so in love with him. He weighed 6 lbs 11 oz, which is a great weight for 36 weeks.

WE ARE HOME!! I'm so excited. He took a big turn for the better yesterday and I got to spend the night with him in the NICU overnight suite. He is taking food really well and we're slowly getting the hang of breast feeding. Right now I'm bf'ing, pumping, and supplementing so it's a lot of work at feeding time, but hopefully we'll make it to just bf'ing.

Lucy so glad to hear your medication doesn't interfere! I had a horrible time with my first so I'm hopeful this time will go much better.

Young I'm sorry to hear you're sick :( I hope you're starting to feel better.

I'm so excited to see more little ones!! No matter how your labour works out you ladies are all gonna kick ass so don't be worried.
Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I missed all the excitement. Been so busy with little things lately, I need to slow down a bit. Especially since I'm ginormous LOL

Lucy, Megan - congrats on your beautiful babies! SO happy for you!

Everyone is looking fantastic!!
That's great news Megan. Hope your first night at home went ok :thumbup:

No real news here. I've had a few uncomfortable tightenings but nothing that's turned into anything! I'm still trying to decide if we go to our folks for Xmas. It's a 3 hour drive away. Think I'm just gonna see how I feel. I've got a hospital check on 23rd so if there's no sign of any action we'll probably take the trip. I'm really hoping baby stays in till January!
Young I feel like a whinger! You have done 2 whole more weeks than me at work! But I am so so so so so ready to stop, I am exhausted. I cry most days ( in private) cus I just feel so tired. Hormones :wacko:

This time of year is busy and stressful as it is, especially cus I'm a teacher too so we had our Christmas carol concert today, tomorrow Christmas parties etc etc all added stress! I can't wait to put my feet up and enjoy these last couple of weeks relaxing until the baby is here!

Hope everyone is ok xx
Emmy- you are not a whiner. lol my job is easy-cheesy. I sit at a desk and type all day. It isn't great sometimes. Like right now when I am exhausted and have no stimulation to keep me up besides Violet jabbing me every now and again. Your job seems much more demanding!! Can't wait though. I can't stop myself from researching..CONSTANTLY.. (impending signs of labor, chances of going into labor at xx weeks) anything with the word labor in it..I'm looking up! lol COME ON VIOLET!! DADDY AND I ARE GETTING ANXIOUS AND IMPATIENT!! lol

Hope everyone is doing well! :D Responses are getting slower and slower as more women have their babies and the rest of us are just waiting! busy busy time!
Haha I know I bet it's just me left here on my own overdue talking to myself! :haha:
Haha I know I bet it's just me left here on my own overdue talking to myself! :haha:

HAHAHAHA! That actually made me laugh so hard!! lol And I'm in such a quiet office! lol :blush: If I come back on here and I see several posts in a row from you talking to yourself..I will worry about you! lol :haha:
I worry about me too!! I hope everyone still comes on here to chat, I get so sad at the end of things, it will be like the end of an era! No more pregnancy chat...until next time I spose!

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