Darlin - ha ha what a cute bunny hat! What a sweet little guy you have there. I'm glad it looks like you get to go home soon.
Sunny - you sound way too productive for me! LOL I really don't know how some girls do it. I struggle so much just to keep up with the basics and even then DH has been helping out a lot. Even getting dressed hurts. I really hope you enjoy that massage and get to put your feet up on Friday. Sounds like you deserve it!
afm - had persistent cramps all weekend and some snotty discharge. Yesterday I was convinced my belly had dropped and maybe it had a little but I think DD has wiggled her way back up as I don't feel quite as heavy today. After being kept up all night by cramps I've had hardly any today. The cramps didn't really feel like the real thing but they definitely scared the procrastination out of me. Baby things have been washed and the hospital bag is nearly all sorted. Though I forgot to pick up pads today. And our Walmart didn't have any newborn bottle nipples. I still want to wash the covers for the baby gear as well (bouncer seat, play mat, high chair, etc). And I want DS' suitcase packed so we can troop him off to the sitter at a moment's notice. I'm also going to get DH to install the infant car seat this week. Things to do, things to do.