Ladies: I had a short LP. I fell pregnant 4 times in 5 months. One month the lines gradually got darker until 5+4. Another cycle the lines didn't get dark, and another 2 cycles BFPs but AF would show even when I had lines. It was frustrating. I went to the Dr. and he said it had to happen again before he'd send me to a fertility specialist. So...
I cried some more, and ran into a lady that has been TTC for over 4 years with many procedures and lots of money spent... One loss and still trying. "She said: 1 loss is way to many." And it is... So, with her help and experience. I decided to go with B6 and progesterone cream. I found out I was pregnant that same month. And here I am.
I did B6 right away. It's really just leafy green vegetables. I bought progesterone cream over the counter. (You have to watch what you buy. Some jars have low progesterone cream amounts in them.)
I used OPKs and started the progesterone cream at 3dpo. I used the single dose as instructed right on the back. I got my BFP at 9dpo (faint line.) And I doubled the dose. At 12 weeks, I lowered the dose back to the single. And I stopped at 13+5. I would've continued but I forgot 2 doses and was confident the placenta had taken over.
The dose is a lot smaller than the 400mg progesterone cream that the specialist prescribes. But the lower dose is enough to help many women.